Rider: Weight,Level (beginner,intermediate,advanced)
Style: Freeriding, Surf, Wake, Freestyle
Weather: ?-? knots
Build Quality: ?/10
Satisfaction: ?/10
Disclosure: (e.g. work at a shop/team rider etc)
My Comments: If any one has any feedback on the Prima Donna 3 can they please fill out the above details, im really keen to buy one just on the look of them, and i have heard great things but just want to get a general consensis on it.
I rode one last week, an 11m in about 15-18 knots. I usually ride a North Vegas 09 (waiting on my 2010 to arrive in the shop) and the Prima donna felt soooo similar to the Vegas, just not quite as refined in my opinion. The shape and concept of the two kites are very simliar, and they are both excellent kites.
I'd recommend a Vegas, but a Prima Donna is great too.
Hi Jason
I used to ride the vegas but when i was in the USA last year i tried a mates Prima Donna 2 and it was one of the nicest kites i ever tried, i have since converted to a Prima Donna 3 and its awsome especially for un hooked capabilites. They are also built really tough. I tried the new vegas 12m last week and found the bar a little spongy but i also noticed that the vegas doesnt have as much de power as the prima. How ever they are still both nice kites but my opinion would be go and buy a prima donna 3.
wooow red thumbs for saying something u dont agree with again... gota love tthis game..
especially when im right
JN: has wider looking tips, different TE shape, a smooth curving LE,
Vegas: has straight LE panel segments, narrower and more pointy wing tips. has a bit more sweep in the tips too by looks of images and what i can remember of the PD3 i saw at nats and the vegas i saw recently.
never did i say one is better or worse than the other.
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Hey guys
well ive been trying my hardest to find a Prima Donna 3 but i cant find anybody who sells them, does anyone know where i can find one new.