Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2010 jimmy lewis super model

Created by kitegirl60 > 9 months ago, 18 May 2010
3 posts
18 May 2010 9:14PM
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I have been riding the Jimmy Lewis Model III. Has anyone done a comparison of super model to model III? I wanted to buy the new super model but I did a quick demo and it felt much bigger (even though it was similar in size to my model III), heavier, bulkier and harder to turn. Did anyone else have this experience? Maybe I have to go to a smaller size versus the model III because the tails are wider and give the board a bigger feel?
I appreciate any help because this is a big decision for me.

WA, 152 posts
19 May 2010 10:08AM
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The tips on a JL Model 3 are quite narrow, so any board will take more effort to get the rail in at the tips. You should be able to go a size smaller on the super model but maybe first try wider stance and/or moving pads closer to the heal side rail. JL boards are pretty solidly built so maybe you could consider demoing others - there's plenty out there.

1 posts
19 May 2010 10:25PM
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Hey Kitegirl,

I'm Jimmy's distributor for the US so I've ridden all of the sizes in both models. Which two sizes are you comparing? If it's the 136 Supermodel vs the 139 Model 3, there are some factors to consider. Even though the length of the Supermodel is shorter, it does have a lot more surface area than the 139 in the tips and the hips. I'm going to guess that you should go down one size on the Super Model. That being said, it's meant to have a different feel from the Model 3. It's a lot looser and skatier. Where the Model 3 is meant to slice through chop and carve hard, the Super Model is more of a free style shape with corners that are meant to bite a little more when setting a jump.

3 posts
23 May 2010 7:10AM
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JL USA I sent an email to you directly with a bunch of background so you can better help - really need your help on this. I think you are right about the size though. Way too big. The super model feels much bigger than the model III. If you don't get an email let me know.
Thanks again,


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2010 jimmy lewis super model" started by kitegirl60