Not at the moment that i know of. I'm sure Marvin can work somehting out though. If you're keen to wait till Jan, i think Marvin is coming out for a month or so to shoot a movie.
Spent all of yesterday on a 136 instead of my 140. I loved being on a smaller board. Can't wait for a chance to try a 135 Laluz.
Below are a couple of undercover shots of the new Xenon 2011 La Luz and Rayo boards.
I have just unpacked my boards and thought I would share a couple of shots.
A full review and shoot will follow shortly but suffice to say the La Luz & Rayo are utterly stunning in the flesh.
Both boards have completely blown me away in design and craftsmanship It is fantastic to have a serious player in the board industry and these boards really are standing on their own.
This is the luxury end of the board market.