Rider: Weight 68kg,Level (advanced)
Style: Surf,
Weather: ?-? knots
Build Quality: 10/10
Satisfaction: 10/10
Disclosure: Long time exclusive user of Airush gear who doesn't pay retail.
My Comments:
I have bought the Flytech construction which is heavier than the carbon, still isn't heavy and I prefer the slight extra weight.
I have had a few of these constructed boards and find them very strong, I find they dont get heel dents and Im not scared to boost on one.
They have changed the shape this year, it looks more like a performance surfboard with sharp rails made for handling high speed.
I bought this board before I went on a trip where I was expecting fast down the line surf. I got those conditions and loved how it went. It had no trouble holding a bottom turn at speed and felt great off the top, basically exactly what I expected it to do.
I cant comment on how it goes on the lower end of the wind spectrum for any kite as I was always powered. Some days quite overpowered and in those conditions it went well. I could control the board at speed and it still went where I wanted it to go.
I rode it both strapped and strapless. I found it worked either way, it just depended on what I wanted to do.
Im a fan of these boards, obviously from my review. All I can say is to demo one, and make up your own mind.