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Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2017 Ozone Zephyr V5 detail pics

Created by Ozone Kites Aus > 9 months ago, 12 Sep 2016
Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
12 Sep 2016 11:39AM
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Rider: 77kg, balding and grey
Style: Zephyring
Weather: 5-7 knots
Build Quality: 10/10
Satisfaction: thats a 10 too
Disclosure: (ozone rep Australia)

My Comments:
Got to the beach just as my mate on a 2016 Zephyr rode off, in a dying southerly seabreeze. He never went upwind, he weighs about 90kg and was using a mid size board for his weight, not a dedicated LW board.
Anyway just as I was about to launch he comes running up the beach, he stashed his kite in the bushes about 1klm downwind and was going to drive down to the "horsetrack" to get it. I decided not go and just flew the crispy new V5 on the beach. All I can say was that it self launched and would park in amazing light wind, turns real nice (was on the mid setting), super stable as you would expect. Could have gone out for a downwind loop do loop session but could not be bothered.
Here are some pics and comments about obvious improvements.

Dacron removed from the tips, except where CAD program says it should be.

Front view showing how much flatter it is, definitely a bit more Edge DNA (term stolen from Eppo).

Attention to detail, and new LE reinforcements

Inside view, probably shows the flatness even better.

LE reinforcement from centre to tip strut, both sides of closing seam.

Turn speed tabs, 3 positions, I've changed my one to the lighter pressure and fast turning setting.

WA, 1363 posts
12 Sep 2016 12:26PM
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Not being a dick here but I am sick off guys/ (reps) giving 10/10 ratings to every kite review. You didn't even get in the water and somehow justify giving it a 10/10,.. on what basis???

Seriously there should be a retailers section and a dedicated "non affiliated review" or something along those lines.

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
12 Sep 2016 3:45PM
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Lighten up mate, I declared my affiliation, and I made it very clear I did not fly the kite in the water and made no comment based on that. 10/10 build quality because its true, and the satisfaction was meant to be a joke, which you did not get.
Just because I represent a brand does not make anything I say a lie or untrue, nor does it give you the right to "be a dick" as you perhaps think your'e not? There are lots of people out there who genuinely want to know about new gear at this time of the year, if you don't, then don't read it and move on to something that does interest you, hows that for a good idea?

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
12 Sep 2016 3:28PM
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Most people are getting bored being told how good ozone are... yes great paragliders. But the kites well.. make your own judgement.

Question.. Teza, do the leading edges still stretch on the new one's as previously described in previous posts from consumers? Cheers

WA, 9584 posts
12 Sep 2016 4:08PM
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Steve let us know how she flies and the differences between the last model, when you get it on the water.

come on man you flew it on the beach - take the slap - have a laugh and report back once you've flown it In decent winds on the water.

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
12 Sep 2016 6:08PM
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Fly on da wall said..
Most people are getting bored being told how good ozone are... yes great paragliders. But the kites well.. make your own judgement.

Question.. Teza, do the leading edges still stretch on the new one's as previously described in previous posts from consumers? Cheers

There are no reports of any issues, anywhere in the world as far as I am aware of the leading edge on a Zephyr, ever. If you are referring to 2 x 13M edges in another thread, they are being replaced.

@Eppo, yep flew it on the beach, and went down there again today, but still not enough and I did not fly it again, as I could not stand the heat from you know who!!

QLD, 199 posts
12 Sep 2016 8:43PM
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Now that is one ugly kite

WA, 8407 posts
12 Sep 2016 7:19PM
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Ercorn said...
Now that is one ugly kite

If you prefer how a kite looks to how a kite flys then there's heaps of options for you

WA, 8407 posts
12 Sep 2016 7:40PM
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TerryMcTool said...
Fly on da wall said..
Most people are getting bored being told how good ozone are... yes great paragliders. But the kites well.. make your own judgement.

Question.. Teza, do the leading edges still stretch on the new one's as previously described in previous posts from consumers? Cheers

There are no reports of any issues, anywhere in the world as far as I am aware of the leading edge on a Zephyr, ever. If you are referring to 2 x 13M edges in another thread, they are being replaced.

@Eppo, yep flew it on the beach, and went down there again today, but still not enough and I did not fly it again, as I could not stand the heat from you know who!!

I've had issues with my edges over the years, but apart from the reliability they'd have to be up there in the most refined and performance kites I've rode, I've had a fair few discussions with Steve on the Le of the edges, great to see he's relayed that through to getting the Le reinforced,
As for the zephyr I've had 3 versions all have been fine and trouble free, imho the zephyr is the premier inflatable big kite/ Lw kite, the 2014 model I had was my fave of the models, you'll struggle to find s kite with the wind range of the zephyr, imho it's the only size kite you need after your 10 Mtr, if they've refined it from the 2014 it'd be a cracker

WA, 9584 posts
12 Sep 2016 7:56PM
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TerryMcTool said..

Fly on da wall said..
Most people are getting bored being told how good ozone are... yes great paragliders. But the kites well.. make your own judgement.

Question.. Teza, do the leading edges still stretch on the new one's as previously described in previous posts from consumers? Cheers

There are no reports of any issues, anywhere in the world as far as I am aware of the leading edge on a Zephyr, ever. If you are referring to 2 x 13M edges in another thread, they are being replaced.

@Eppo, yep flew it on the beach, and went down there again today, but still not enough and I did not fly it again, as I could not stand the heat from you know who!!

Cool, let us all know once you have Been on the water then.

Zephyrs a great kite imo.

QLD, 142 posts
13 Sep 2016 12:06AM
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Ive just ordered a new zephyr it will be my third zephyr never had any issues with mine and were i live we have alot of light wind great all round kite and easy relaunch in light wind cant wait for the new one

VIC, 361 posts
13 Sep 2016 2:31AM
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Orded new Zepher can not wait to try My last one was 2014 model if they like the new V4 Reos it should be sick

QLD, 199 posts
13 Sep 2016 1:26PM
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It is still Dingo ugly

QLD, 116 posts
13 Sep 2016 2:39PM
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I agree the 2014 was my favorite im going 7m 10 m and 17 zephyr this year

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
13 Sep 2016 5:28PM
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Got to test the Zephyr V5 today, perfect conditions for it actually. I tried it back to back with my 14M Enduro. I used a 5'2" Firewire Vader which are about 22ltrs, so not a particularly big board for me at 77kg. The kite from underneath when flying looks quite a bit flatter or higher AR than last years version.

There were nice small waves on an incoming tide, sets had about 1M faces. I was able to head out turn late and cut across the wave faces and then ride upwind into a channel, tried a few hacks downwind when possible, but the Zephyr just does not move quick enough for side onshore down the line riding.
I had the kite set on the lightest bar pressure and fastest turning setting, it is noticeably faster turning than last years with easy one handed turning and control when riding a surfboard. Upwind ability is improved too, I was easily able to stay upwind except right towards the end about 4.30 where I had to walk back to my launch spot about 100m. Another local was out on my 14 Enduro and a Cab double agent easily staying upwind at that time.
I let another local use my Zephyr while I used the 14 Enduro. My mate is a big guy approx 100kg, and riding a TT 1.48 x 48 Axis Patrol, he could not stay upwind on the Zephyr, but I was able to just hold ground on the Enduro. Then we swapped back again and I was still able to ride upwind and have fun in the waves on the Zephyr, this was around 3.00-4.00pm
Last year I felt that I did not need a Zephyr at my weight, but I had one and did ride it quite a bit. I reckoned I could almost get the same bottom end with the Enduro 14M, but this year the Zephyr seems to have some really decent bottom end, with good upwind, and a big range. I did not feel overpowered at all the whole afternoon. The kite jumped well off waves, easy to time because it turned quite quick, but not like the Enduro, which is amazing for a 14M kite.

What the ocean looked like this afternoon at Lennox near the surf club

Wind readings when I pumped up

Wind readings during and at the end when I'd had enough fun for the day

WA, 9584 posts
13 Sep 2016 6:50PM
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Now to test the high end Steve

WA, 8407 posts
13 Sep 2016 8:50PM
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apepene43 said...
I agree the 2014 was my favorite im going 7m 10 m and 17 zephyr this year

Was my choice for 3 years, 7 edge 10 edge 17 zephyr, 13 to 38 knts

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
14 Sep 2016 10:31AM
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eppo said..
Now to test the high end Steve

Problem is I have this dream quiver, and always have the right kite on hand. Somedays I struggle with dilemmas like will I take my 9M Enduro, or my 8,9 or 10 Reo, crazy stuff like that, its a real pain. (don't get me started on the board problem)

WA, 9584 posts
14 Sep 2016 9:20AM
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Oh you poor bastard lol

NSW, 238 posts
14 Sep 2016 1:25PM
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Zephyr is my most used kite, I take it out when wind reads anything from 8-20knots and can stay out even if it goes up to 25knots no problem, I am 100kg though.

WA, 9584 posts
14 Sep 2016 11:30AM
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Yeh no kidding, you think we haven't flown one. Want to know about the 2017.

QLD, 6493 posts
14 Sep 2016 3:10PM
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TerryMcTool said...
Lighten up mate, I declared my affiliation, and I made it very clear I did not fly the kite in the water and made no comment based on that. 10/10 build quality because its true, and the satisfaction was meant to be a joke, which you did not get.
Just because I represent a brand does not make anything I say a lie or untrue, nor does it give you the right to "be a dick" as you perhaps think your'e not? There are lots of people out there who genuinely want to know about new gear at this time of the year, if you don't, then don't read it and move on to something that does interest you, hows that for a good idea?

Get back to us on the build quality after you pump it to 6.1psi then hit the water with it...

WA, 8407 posts
14 Sep 2016 9:01PM
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Adoy said...
Zephyr is my most used kite, I take it out when wind reads anything from 8-20knots and can stay out even if it goes up to 25knots no problem, I am 100kg though.

Comfortably flown one at 83kg when a mate was hooking on a switchblade 8 at same weight
He couldn't believe a 17 could have a range like that, the 1st edition was a handful but later models somehow retained their control

NSW, 409 posts
Site Sponsor
15 Sep 2016 10:02AM
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Kamikuza said..

TerryMcTool said...
Lighten up mate, I declared my affiliation, and I made it very clear I did not fly the kite in the water and made no comment based on that. 10/10 build quality because its true, and the satisfaction was meant to be a joke, which you did not get.
Just because I represent a brand does not make anything I say a lie or untrue, nor does it give you the right to "be a dick" as you perhaps think your'e not? There are lots of people out there who genuinely want to know about new gear at this time of the year, if you don't, then don't read it and move on to something that does interest you, hows that for a good idea?

Get back to us on the build quality after you pump it to 6.1psi then hit the water with it...

Just checked our repairs going back to 2012, a total of 2 Zephyrs with LE damage (one blow out, one smaller tear) both from 2013.. Considering this V5 has an even stronger LE closing seam, no one should be concerned about your snide comment.

WA, 321 posts
17 Sep 2016 8:32AM
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Never had an issue with the 2013/14 zephyr. Will be interesting to see how this one compares. Kite looks great imo. But you should of held off to fly it in all Conditions before posting a review. You flew it on the beach and then felt it for a 10/10 build quality?

183 posts
19 Sep 2016 4:47AM
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Hi, still looking for a 14m kite that is quick, light bar pressure, good low-end.
I can get a 2016 V1 Enduro for decent price. I'm 78-80 kg.
What's realistic low end " having fun", going upwind for me on surfboard?

Have a 17 m that I'm very happy with, it's fun in solid 12 knots, doable to 10 knots.
Have a foil I'm learning on and 17 is huge to travel with. Looking for smaller kite option. used to have a 14 back in 2011 that was really good and it died of overuse and somewhat poor quality.

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
20 Sep 2016 5:05PM
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TomW059 said..
Hi, still looking for a 14m kite that is quick, light bar pressure, good low-end.
I can get a 2016 V1 Enduro for decent price. I'm 78-80 kg.
What's realistic low end " having fun", going upwind for me on surfboard?

Have a 17 m that I'm very happy with, it's fun in solid 12 knots, doable to 10 knots.
Have a foil I'm learning on and 17 is huge to travel with. Looking for smaller kite option. used to have a 14 back in 2011 that was really good and it died of overuse and somewhat poor quality.

If you look closely at the graphs above you can see that towards the end the wind lulls were around 12 knots, that was still enough for me to stay upwind on the 5'2" Vanguard. I tried the 14 Enduro in this wind and 12 knots in the lulls was not quite enough to stay upwind. I would say the fun range is 13/14 knots to around 18-20 knots on a surfboard, but if it was blowing consistently above 15/16 I'd be fine on a 12M Reo too. Hope that helps? The Enduro 14M is the quickest most fun 14M kite I've used, and although I don't really need it this year with the way the Zephyr handles, I'll be keeping it as my go to low wind wave kite, in decent waves.

QLD, 6493 posts
20 Sep 2016 8:37PM
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KPSS Used said...
Kamikuza said..

TerryMcTool said...
Lighten up mate, I declared my affiliation, and I made it very clear I did not fly the kite in the water and made no comment based on that. 10/10 build quality because its true, and the satisfaction was meant to be a joke, which you did not get.
Just because I represent a brand does not make anything I say a lie or untrue, nor does it give you the right to "be a dick" as you perhaps think your'e not? There are lots of people out there who genuinely want to know about new gear at this time of the year, if you don't, then don't read it and move on to something that does interest you, hows that for a good idea?

Get back to us on the build quality after you pump it to 6.1psi then hit the water with it...

Just checked our repairs going back to 2012, a total of 2 Zephyrs with LE damage (one blow out, one smaller tear) both from 2013.. Considering this V5 has an even stronger LE closing seam, no one should be concerned about your snide comment.

Let the anecdotes roll...

5 of them here; of the three new models (bought this year and late last year so 2016 I guess) two have had LE fail.

I bet they over-inflated them, naughty boys.

QLD, 6493 posts
20 Sep 2016 8:38PM
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I'm impressed with the performance and would like to try one, but until they stop falling to bits, I won't own Ozone...

51 posts
20 Sep 2016 8:27PM
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Owned a zephyr since 2013 and never had an issue. Fairly bulletproof given the use and abuse. Maybe time to lighten up and stop the brand bashing given you are not finding much support.
Note - I pay for my own gear and smaller kites are another brand so i have no vested interest in promoting Ozone.

QLD, 6493 posts
20 Sep 2016 11:31PM
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thefacts said..
Owned a zephyr since 2013 and never had an issue. Fairly bulletproof given the use and abuse. Maybe time to lighten up and stop the brand bashing given you are not finding much support.
Note - I pay for my own gear and smaller kites are another brand so i have no vested interest in promoting Ozone.

So it's just the new ones then?


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2017 Ozone Zephyr V5 detail pics" started by Ozone Kites Aus