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2017 Ozone Zephyr V5 detail pics

Created by Ozone Kites Aus > 9 months ago, 12 Sep 2016
VIC, 361 posts
21 Sep 2016 1:07PM
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Kamikuza said...
thefacts said..
Owned a zephyr since 2013 and never had an issue. Fairly bulletproof given the use and abuse. Maybe time to lighten up and stop the brand bashing given you are not finding much support.
Note - I pay for my own gear and smaller kites are another brand so i have no vested interest in promoting Ozone.

So it's just the new ones then?

What the F the kite 3+ old if you kite on Sunday only after church yes it may be new ??? But they did up the Dacron too D2 in 2015 kites which was an improvement

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
21 Sep 2016 2:37PM
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vendeavours said..

Kamikuza said...

thefacts said..
Owned a zephyr since 2013 and never had an issue. Fairly bulletproof given the use and abuse. Maybe time to lighten up and stop the brand bashing given you are not finding much support.
Note - I pay for my own gear and smaller kites are another brand so i have no vested interest in promoting Ozone.

So it's just the new ones then?

What the F the kite 3+ old if you kite on Sunday only after church yes it may be new ??? But they did up the Dacron too D2 in 2015 kites which was an improvement

Vendeavours, user "the facts" is having a dig at serial troll "kamikuza" who has a hate campaign against Ozone and Terry McTool (me), he is not complaining about his 3 yrs old Zephyr.
I've no doubt user Kamikuza is a smart guy in his chosen field, however he really lacks intelligence and maturity when it comes to understanding the way of the world we are currently all stuck in. I know someone that has met him, so have some background info too, I thought my friend told me he was flying Ozone kites at the time they met, but my memory could be incorrect on that point.

There is nothing wrong with Ozone kites, we all know that. There have been a couple of Edge kites with issues, which in hindsight we probably could have dealt with better, however we have dealt with it and the 2 customers concerned are happy with the outcome. Ozone is constantly reviewing and changing their kites, both in materials, designs, and construction. Small changes happen regularly, and bigger ones happen when new model Versions are released, like recently with the Zephyr V5 (new LE construction method, new wing tip design and construction, strut design and construction, trailing edge design and construction, etc). Clearly there are no major issues. Where are all the complaints from recent years? Where are all the failed kites? Why do many brands imitate Ozone ideas and innovations? Why are there so many loyal Ozone customers here in Oz and worldwide? Thank you to all you loyal and happy Ozone kite owners.

QLD, 6493 posts
21 Sep 2016 4:30PM
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"Serial troll" suggets I'm at it all the time like waveslave or the other HeWhoMustNotBeNamed...when it's just your endless line of BS I'm picking on. No hate for you Steve, I've no doubt you're a swell guy but you need to get your facts straight, that's all.

Like, the only Ozone I've owned was a Cult 3.5.

If there's nothing wrong, why do they keep falling apart?

Where are all the failed kites?
We've 4 out of 5 Reo's unusable at the club house, the guy who bought a new Zephyr had the LE explode on a minor drop, and the Catalyst we just had for demo had stitching unravelling on the LE seam. I've seen more busted Ozone kites than working ones!

Where are the complaints?
In the deleted thread section and over at KF.

How was it resolved? I'm guessing the dealer had to front up cos Ozone was haven't none of it. Crikey, maybe supporting your local store is a good idea after all, if the manufacturers are dropping the ball...!

Why the loyal customers?
No idea--wait, maybe it's the service dealers give No more Ozone riders here, they've all switched to more reliable brands

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
21 Sep 2016 4:02PM
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Kami has good valid point's that are not influenced by tezza da tool

Obviously only by his conflicting opinion too all who get deals and pimp on here...

Hello, it's not New Zealand.. it's Australia

p.s. anyone rode the latest switch kite? Bar looks siiiick

VIC, 1607 posts
21 Sep 2016 5:22PM
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I have used Ozone kites exclusively as a team rider (2011-14) and since then as a loyal and happy customer. I have had one failure in that time (2011 C4 LE seam) which was replaced immediately and courteously.

Currently running a quiver of two Enduros (awesome kites btw) and two 2014 Catalysts that have had a LOT of use and simply refuse to die.

In my own experience and my observations of other Ozone kites and riders in the area I have to say that the quality and consistency is very very high and that Kami must have another agenda which I wish he would deal with elsewhere.

I'm not going to get dragged into a slinging match or post further on this thread (I hardly post at all these days), I just want to put my hand up as a very satisfied Ozone user who is sick of the BS from Kami.

WA, 9505 posts
21 Sep 2016 3:56PM
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Well from what I've read, especially on KF you can't help wonder at least. KF has a big world wide cross section of people who comment.

An edge thread was particularly worrying. But these things do get their own momentum and fact and fiction can start to blur.

but do ozone have a build problem? Who knows. If they do, I'm sure they will rectify it. The edge is still one of my all time fav kites.

Perception Is everything and I not so sure positive reports from team riders is all that helpful. Maybe it is....again who knows.

QLD, 70 posts
21 Sep 2016 6:45PM
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Stay tuned guys just got one up this way. Once give it a good run will post a couple reviews in a few weeks from different level riders.

Till then, stay cool and go riding. Less seabreeze lol

QLD, 6493 posts
22 Sep 2016 12:10AM
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djdojo said..
I have used Ozone kites exclusively as a team rider

I stopped reading right there

NT, 2177 posts
22 Sep 2016 7:56AM
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... Hey Steve (TerryMcTool),

can you take a few pics comparing the V4 and V5,,,, like you did with the Reo?



QLD, 103 posts
22 Sep 2016 12:12PM
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I did have a zephyr 2013 2014 model bought new great kite but i did have a bladder problem was loosing air turned out just under inflation vave the bladder had a 1cm light cut just leaking so kite must not of been tested to good before sending after being made then was told ozone not good for warranty repair approvals was offered free repair from seller but fixed myself great ever since

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
22 Sep 2016 12:14PM
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Your opening sentence in response to being called a serial troll says it all. You blatantly exaggerate, and you are "at it" hating on me/Ozone at every opportunity (You said "when it's just your endless line of BS I'm picking on"). You have clearly elected yourself as supreme judge and executioner of myself and Ozone on forums. This thread started with my post on the Zephyr V5, openly declared my connection to Ozone and although it went over some people's heads, some humour about not being able to fly the kite at the time of posting. Then 48 hrs later I did fly the kite and posted again.
There is no endless BS from me, but there is, so far as I can see, an endless stream of BS from you. I don't even post that much these days, and even then when I do, its mostly to help and inform, definitely not as you ridiculously claim "endless BS".
Your accusation that you have a clubhouse full of failed Ozone kites, I'm calling BS too, because all kites fail eventually as do all manmade products. If they failed due to faulty workmanship or materials within 12 months Ozone would fix or replace them, no questions asked. If they were abused and failed within 12 months probably not, but there is a grey area, and Ozone is very generous when it comes to warranty, although a lot depends on the local distributor and how they present the problem to Ozone, their relationship with Ozone and if they have been honest and straight in the past with regard to warranty claims. If they failed after 12 months yeah well they were probably well used, and beyond warranty anyway The kites status as "club" kites makes it sound like they might get well above average use?
But without a specific record of the purchase date and then usage and problem experienced for the kites you have listed, it just sounds like more Ozone hate from a now well-established hater.

As a matter of fact, I've handled every single Ozone warranty claim in Australia for the last 13 years, from even before they made inflatable kites and I can assure you the rate of failure and claims, compared to any other brand within my retail shop and dealer network, was extremely low and definitely the lowest that I know of. Ozone has screwed up, but when they did they owned up proactively and let everyone know, like when they had the bladder issue. I keep stocks of bladders here and we will honour a bladder valve claim by express post everytime, no ifs or buts.

The 2 Edges that had cosmetic issues (they did not fail and are still in use) are being replaced, we do not have records of any others. We handled that claim poorly in retrospect, but if you looked into the facts, which you clearly are not interested in, you would most likely have made the same decisions we did. The 2 customers in question are getting brand new Edge V8 kites in exchange for their current kites within days, I'm pretty sure they are happy with the outcome.

If you don't have a positive contribution to a review thread, why comment at all? Especially if you have no experience with the reviewed kite and as you also declare no interest in the brand?

The fuss made over 2 kites was blown out of proportion. Did we handle it well in hindsight, no. Kamikuza went to town on that KF thread too, as did a few other serial Ozone haters and brand pimps. Damage to another brand is all fair in the world of commerce in my observations, and any mistake will be milked to death by opposition brands under the cover of anonymous logins and team pimps. The VW dieselgate fiasco is a great example.
Team riders opinions do and should matter, especially those that actually still pay for their kites, which is most. Sure they get a deal, but if they hated their kites most I know would move on to another brand.

QLD, 6493 posts
22 Sep 2016 1:24PM
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Oh Steve, you keep shooting yourself in the foot with the "endless BS"

You only happen to notice when I post at you. Was it me who jumped on you for giving the kite high marks despite not flying it? No

What have I ever exaggerated? I'll wait.

Didn't say "full of Ozone kites", I said Reo's. Yes, 3 out of our 4 Reo's are broken. (I call it a "club" because it's primary function is a car park and hot shower. The Reos were personal kites, not demos or school kites. BTW the 2010 and older Slingshot and Naish kites are still going strong, despite the abuse of beginners.)

Ozone warranty is SIX months, not 12 as you state.

Cosmetic?! LOL
Very interested in the facts, followed threads closely, as you say. Why the change of heart in replacing the kites?
Went to town, huh.
Blown out of proportion? I guess that depends which side of the fence you're on

You hadn't the experience of flying the kite but felt compelled to write a review

So what you're saying is, there should be no negative comments ever? we could all hold hands and sing "Kumbaya" and marvel at how great every piece of gear is

It's called "vested interests". I can't imagine a "team rider" threatening their access to cheap gear with honest, unspun reviews. Much like everyone thinks of Switch reviews

WA, 9505 posts
22 Sep 2016 12:45PM
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Steve you sure it is just two kites?...might be, those threads can be hard to follow because people do like to whinge where an opportunity arises.

The KF thread seems to start with two major issues, but then a lot of others chime in with negative experiences. I've read some stuff on here as well.

Are you certain all is well?

But bad news travels for sure, and yet the hundreds to thousands of good experiences don't often get heard.

So...I take it ozone are not changing any manufacturing process details, just business as usual?

NSW, 1261 posts
22 Sep 2016 3:29PM
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Oh! what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive!

QLD, 6493 posts
22 Sep 2016 3:36PM
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"New LE construction method"

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
22 Sep 2016 4:50PM
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Puetz said..
... Hey Steve (TerryMcTool),

can you take a few pics comparing the V4 and V5,,,, like you did with the Reo?



Yep, I'll just have to borrow one from one of the many Zephyr owners up here, should not be long, and good idea I'd like to see the changes too.

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
22 Sep 2016 6:26PM
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lucy5 said..
I did have a zephyr 2013 2014 model bought new great kite but i did have a bladder problem was loosing air turned out just under inflation vave the bladder had a 1cm light cut just leaking so kite must not of been tested to good before sending after being made then was told ozone not good for warranty repair approvals was offered free repair from seller but fixed myself great ever since

Hi Lucy5

Thats the year model we had the valve issue, I can supply you with a new bladder if you want it. The issue did not surface immediately usually took a week to a few months to surface, but the issue was leaking around the base of the valve base, like you describe.

QLD, 103 posts
22 Sep 2016 6:44PM
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The kite was fine continued to use it for 6months then sold her but happy to buy ozone kites again

QLD, 6493 posts
23 Sep 2016 3:24PM
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cauncy said..
I'm all for honesty but I think some have gone a tad far in their comments, you can have a chat privately via emails, or you can be spiteful and do it public,

If teabaggin and comapny had been "polite" and kept it private, they wouldn't be getting new kites or any other satisfying outcome--they'd already been told "your fault tough luck" despite the obviously and seriously wrong construction. Sorry, cosmetics. Easier to take advantage of the nice guys behind closed doors. . .

And if you talk **** in public, expect a public rebuttal. If you can't take it, don't give it. Man up and stop hiding behind private messages and multiple log ins.

1357 posts
23 Sep 2016 7:35PM
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Had 2 zephyrs 2010 and 2014, never had a build/quality issue with either and on sold to two happy buyers, had some minor issues with an 11m 2013 edge but I gave it a fair flogging over 3 seasons and donated it to a bali local this year.

Current quiver ozone edge and reo, wainman and naish, no brand whore here.

Ozones are a sh1t load of fun and I'll keep buying them

My favorite new toy below

WA, 8407 posts
23 Sep 2016 8:10PM
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Kamikuza said...
cauncy said..
I'm all for honesty but I think some have gone a tad far in their comments, you can have a chat privately via emails, or you can be spiteful and do it public,

If teabaggin and comapny had been "polite" and kept it private, they wouldn't be getting new kites or any other satisfying outcome--they'd already been told "your fault tough luck" despite the obviously and seriously wrong construction. Sorry, cosmetics. Easier to take advantage of the nice guys behind closed doors. . .

And if you talk **** in public, expect a public rebuttal. If you can't take it, don't give it. Man up and stop hiding behind private messages and multiple log ins.

How many ozone kites do you own?
Which ones have you had issues with
When if relevant did you make a claim?
IMHO it seems like you've a gripe for some reason, the reason I say this is that you've gone to a reasonable effort in your internet searching to try to ridicule someone and a brand, wank posts like this put people's livelihoods at risk,
Just think about it for a moment,
As for secret logins etc your not that transparent yourself

QLD, 6493 posts
23 Sep 2016 10:38PM
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cauncy said..

Kamikuza said...

cauncy said..
I'm all for honesty but I think some have gone a tad far in their comments, you can have a chat privately via emails, or you can be spiteful and do it public,

If teabaggin and comapny had been "polite" and kept it private, they wouldn't be getting new kites or any other satisfying outcome--they'd already been told "your fault tough luck" despite the obviously and seriously wrong construction. Sorry, cosmetics. Easier to take advantage of the nice guys behind closed doors. . .

And if you talk **** in public, expect a public rebuttal. If you can't take it, don't give it. Man up and stop hiding behind private messages and multiple log ins.

How many ozone kites do you own?
Which ones have you had issues with
When if relevant did you make a claim?
IMHO it seems like you've a gripe for some reason, the reason I say this is that you've gone to a reasonable effort in your internet searching to try to ridicule someone and a brand, wank posts like this put people's livelihoods at risk,
Just think about it for a moment,
As for secret logins etc your not that transparent yourself

Me? None. I'm not blind though, and notice what goes on around me . . . for future reference, like.

People worried about their livelihoods shouldn't be a jerk in public Spin bull****, get called on it.

LOL I got one log in, that's all I've ever used. Ain't got time for chicken-**** games or threatening people in private messages or Facebook.

Don't believe me? I think that's a statement on your own character, unless you've got something specific in mind that convinces you I've been playing silly bugger log in games I'll wait for that too.

WA, 8407 posts
23 Sep 2016 9:50PM
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What are you on, your sounding pathetic,
I could be wrong but your sounding a proper dickhead, I carnt understand how you'd get so bitter toward someone,
Please fill me in with why you'd go to such trouble

QLD, 6493 posts
24 Sep 2016 12:05AM
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cauncy said..
What are you on, your sounding pathetic,
I could be wrong but your sounding a proper dickhead, I carnt understand how you'd get so bitter toward someone,
Please fill me in with why you'd go to such trouble

Hey you asked. Did you not actually want an answer?

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Kamikuza said..

Kamikuza said...

And if you talk **** in public, expect a public rebuttal.

Spin bull****, get called on it.

I think that's pretty clear.

No need to be bitter, just get your facts straight. Simple, innit.

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
24 Sep 2016 9:23AM
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Puetz said..
... Hey Steve (TerryMcTool),

can you take a few pics comparing the V4 and V5,,,, like you did with the Reo?



Here you go mate. I rounded up a 2015 and a 2016, but I only used the 2016, because there were not significant changes between those 2 models and in fact the bladder sets to service Zephyrs from 2013 to 2016 are the same. The main changes in that time frame have been to the canopy shape and bridle.

Zephyr V5 is a completely new model, and is significantly different to the previous versions as these pics will clearly show. Even though it took a bit of effort I really enjoyed doing it as I learned a lot about all of the changes, not only in the overall design, but in all the small construction changes too.

Kites inflated to the same pressure with an electric pump and the old on top of the new.

Steering pressure and speed of turn adjustment on the new kite, none on the old.

Centre strut to centre strut. Struts have a completely different construction, tapering is achieved by longitudinally cut panels which gives stiffer and stronger struts, this is not a viagra commercial.

Old strut conical segmented design. Also shows the old LE seam reinforcement.

Middle strut is approx 100mm further to the tip on new kite

Really different tip shapes, other pics below show it even better.

New LE closing seam construction, neat and very tough. Scuff pads on every segment seam now too like the Reo V4

Old LE, scuff pads only on seams that were likely to have contact when self launching and landing. This is a well used 2016 kite, it was the very first one off the production line, it was used in the photo shoot then passed on to Andy Yates who sold it to a local who uses it frequently. It was no signs of LE seam issue and has the same seam as the Edge V8 This kite and the new one were pumped to 8PSI.

New kite at the back

Big difference when stood up like this

Side view

Seam scuff pads extend into the inside of the LE, on every seam between the struts, including the back of the strut segment too.

Old kite sits up a bit

New one sits up much less

Significant difference from this view and angle

The classic flat kite one over the other, very different shape and slightly bigger as well. I felt this when riding it, the kite had more power/grunt.

Hope that helps!

NT, 2177 posts
24 Sep 2016 10:30AM
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TerryMcTool said..

Puetz said..
... Hey Steve (TerryMcTool),

can you take a few pics comparing the V4 and V5,,,, like you did with the Reo?



Here you go mate. I rounded up a 2015 and a 2016, but I only used the 2016, because there were not significant changes between those 2 models and in fact the bladder sets to service Zephyrs from 2013 to 2016 are the same. The main changes in that time frame have been to the canopy shape and bridle.

Zephyr V5 is a completely new model, and is significantly different to the previous versions as these pics will clearly show. Even though it took a bit of effort I really enjoyed doing it as I learned a lot about all of the changes, not only in the overall design, but it small construction changes too.

Kites inflated to the same pressure with an electric pump and the old on top of the new.

Steering pressure and speed of turn adjustment on the new kite, none on the old.

Centre strut to centre strut. Struts have a completely different construction, tapering is achieved by longitudinally cut panels which gives stiffer and stronger struts, this is not a viagra commercial.

Old strut conical segmented design. Also shows the old LE seam reinforcement.

Middle strut is approx 100mm further to the tip on new kite

Really different tip shapes, other pics below show it even better.

New LE closing seam construction, neat and very tough. Scuff pads on every segment seam now too like the Reo V4

Old LE, scuff pads only on seams that were likely to have contact when self launching and landing. This is a well used 2016 kite, it was the very first one off the production line, it was used in the photo shoot then passed on to Andy Yates who sold it to a local who uses it frequently. It was no signs of LE seam issue and has the same seam as the Edge V8 This kite and the new one were pumped to 8PSI.

New kite at the back

Big difference when stood up like this

Side view

Seam scuff pads extend into the inside of the LE, on every seam between the struts, including the back of the strut segment too.

Old kite sits up a bit

New one sits up much less

Significant difference from this view and angle

The classic flat kite one over the other, very different shape and slightly bigger as well. I felt this when riding it, the kite had more power/grunt.

Hope that helps!

... cool, thanks for that, nice pics too. New one looks quite different indeed.


Robbie :)

VIC, 361 posts
24 Sep 2016 2:59PM
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Thanks Steve for pics & info Can not wait to get and try the new model Nice to here about the kite not the other B/S Note i have had Reo's since 2014 and had no issues I am shop team rider But I choose to pay and use the Reos due to there build and suites my riding and the conditions were I ride From the shop I have 3 X different Brands to choose from Good job Steve ????

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
24 Sep 2016 6:31PM
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vendeavours said..

Thanks Steve for pics & info Can not wait to get and try the new model Nice to here about the kite not the other B/S Note i have had Reo's since 2014 and had no issues I am shop team rider But I choose to pay and use the Reos due to there build and suites my riding and the conditions were I ride From the shop I have 3 X different Brands to choose from Good job Steve ????

Thanks mate! Appreciate the support. Six locals did a dodgy downwinder today, in seriously light winds, 5 were on Zephyrs (inc me) and one on a North Dyno, seriously light wind, but we all got out for 90 mins and milked it to the max. Nice little metre to 1.5 faces on the way down to play with.
There were 3 x 2013, 1 x 2015 and my V5, none of the other kites have any issues, (I did a warranty LE Bladder swap on one 12 months ago), and they all get used heaps.

I have to say though that the V5 was the star of the show, I could easily hold ground, while none of the others reported that they could. The Dyno rider and one of the Zephyrs walked the last 700M, they were not as experienced and the wind had turned more onshore making it difficult to get off the beach.

We were out between 3.30 and 5.30

NSW, 111 posts
26 Sep 2016 10:05AM
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It looks like the wing tips have been slightly squared off more. Have you ridden the new one yet?

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
27 Sep 2016 8:05AM
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daveisthekotz said..
It looks like the wing tips have been slightly squared off more. Have you ridden the new one yet?

Yes I have ridden it, see my post above yours, and my second post in this thread. Its more than just squared off tips, but you are right they are squared off, but so is the whole kite. By that I mean the kite is constructed or designed more "upright". You can see this in the way the struts stand up straighter in relation to the LE.
In use the kite turns tighter and the turn point is closer to the tip, develops a lot of power when "worked" in lighter winds, excellent for downlooping. Goes upwind better, and also better downwind, it was more stable and easy to work off the wind. Definitely the best Zephyr yet, same big wind range.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2017 Ozone Zephyr V5 detail pics" started by Ozone Kites Aus