Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Beginner and interested in Griffin Argo

Created by RosaAnna > 9 months ago, 18 Apr 2013
2 posts
18 Apr 2013 4:12AM
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Rider: female
Weight: 55, Level: beginner
Style: Freeriding,Freestyle
Weather: 8-16knots

My Comments:

Hi there,
I'm looking for a good beginner level kite. I've seen some good reviews about Argo. Griffin isn't known where I live and I haven't seen any rider with Griffin around. Maybe you can help me:

Do you recommend Argo for my profile (weight, wind condition and flat or choppy water)?
Which size of kite should I buy? I'm learning with a 13m2 Crazy fly now.
How can I try/buy it outside of OZ or US?

Thank you

NSW, 1637 posts
18 Apr 2013 8:47AM
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Hi RosaAnna,
The Argo is one of the easiest kites to learn on, very stable, easy relaunch, and will carry you well into your advancement. The wind sounds a little on the light side where you are, but with your weight you could use a 9 mt. That would give you an excellent wind range.
PM me for more details on where to get a kite.

QLD, 89 posts
20 Apr 2013 1:12PM
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RosaAnna said...

Rider: female
Weight: 55, Level: beginner
Style: Freeriding,Freestyle
Weather: 8-16knots

My Comments:

Hi there,
I'm looking for a good beginner level kite. I've seen some good reviews about Argo. Griffin isn't known where I live and I haven't seen any rider with Griffin around. Maybe you can help me:

Do you recommend Argo for my profile (weight, wind condition and flat or choppy water)?
Which size of kite should I buy? I'm learning with a 13m2 Crazy fly now.
How can I try/buy it outside of OZ or US?

Thank you

hey mate, search here on seabreeze for argo reviews etc. I remember some ppl mentioning them in a cpl threads. hope that helps

QLD, 409 posts
20 Apr 2013 11:59PM
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Any of the new "plug and play" kites would be a good start, since Griffin is not heard of where you are, I recommend you look at other brands where you can get local service if possible.

Begin with what is locally available then search this (and other) sites for which of those kites would suit a beginner.

Nothing worse than blowing a LE bladder and you have to wait 3 weeks for a replacement!

Chat to the other kite boarders in your area about which size they would recommend, they will have a far better local knowledge of prevailing conditions. Average kite size difference is about 1m per 10 kg body weight. Let us know how you go.

Hope this helps

NSW, 201 posts
21 Apr 2013 2:44AM
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Just a quick reply :

1) Bladders
Bladders you can get from anywhere around the planet online and from most shops regardless what brands are sold there or what brand you own.

Airtimebladders and are 2 companies that make generic bladders, just order the size, stick on the valves and your off.

2) Your questions:

For 55kg I would suggest the 7m Argo, if you were 70 or 75kg the 9m argo

America Russia Europe and other countries should be getting there batch of kites on the next 2 weeks if you want to order online from them.

Below is the 7m Argo videoed today just a few hours ago, testing out a new back pack gopro cam.

Best of luck with your choice and hope there is good wind over there. :)

QLD, 409 posts
21 Apr 2013 1:59PM
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Thanks for the bladder info GK, good to know.

Highest wind recorded in Dubai though for the last week is 13kts with the average around 7 - 10kts in the middle of the day. If this is normal weather pattern year round a 7m just won't cut it.

Still reckon you chat to the local Kite Boarders before settling on size for you RosaAnna


QLD, 739 posts
21 Apr 2013 8:50PM
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Nice vid grab GK - weird camera angle to catch the reflections stuff - nearly did my head in!!
Back to the original question about kite size - you said "I'm learning with a 13m2 Crazy fly now" - seems that for the wind speed you have, that a 12m kite would cover your 55 kg from around 10 to nearly 18 knots on a Kite like an Argo - maybe a little less with a big board but 10 knots is getting quite light unless ur on a flysurfer!!
Your learning kite size seems very big for your body weight - but I guess that reflects your conditions - but is a good guide for the kite size you would normaly go for - with technique I reckon you could get a 12m which will give you the range you need.
I have a 2012 13.5 and the next size down was an 11.5 in that year? In 2013 the Argo seems to have grown a bit to 12m.

I bet the water where you are is a bit warmer than southern vic ! - have fun!!

2 posts
23 Apr 2013 5:46AM
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Thanx a lot guys! Much appreciated.

@ Gateman: I've asked around! All girls recommend me to buy two kites 12 and 8 meters. Regarding the brand, I noticed that its very difficult in dubai to find a good kite surfer who is not biased by a distributor in the area so I prefer the forum.

@ Lambie: I think 13 meter is too big for my body weight even in Dubai. A 12 meter would be much better. I've briefly tried a 12 meter Cbrinha SB and it was much better.

@GK: thanx for the advice. It was very helpful. However with 8knt wind I think a 7 meter kite is probably too small. I probably need two kites. What would be the biggest kite for my weight and 7 knt?

NSW, 1637 posts
23 Apr 2013 8:33AM
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Once again, a 12 Argo I think would be too big for 55 kilos. A 9 mt Argo will get you going in 12 knots easy. I can get going on the 2013 12 mt Argo in 8 to ten knots on a raceboard, and I am 83 kilos. Unless you never get wind over 14 knots then maybe I would consider a kite that size for your skill and weight.
GK probably didn't see how little wind you get, and only saw your weight and therefore suggested the 7.
Good luck with whatever your purchase is and hope there are good winds where you live.

NSW, 201 posts
23 Apr 2013 3:37PM
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dafish said...
Once again, a 12 Argo I think would be too big for 55 kilos. A 9 mt Argo will get you going in 12 knots easy. I can get going on the 2013 12 mt Argo in 8 to ten knots on a raceboard, and I am 83 kilos. Unless you never get wind over 14 knots then maybe I would consider a kite that size for your skill and weight.
GK probably didn't see how little wind you get, and only saw your weight and therefore suggested the 7.
Good luck with whatever your purchase is and hope there are good winds where you live.

True, a 9m would be better for the lighter stuff :) and should handle the stronger winds well also. In 18+ knots 55kg rider a 7m would be better, but if its mostly light winds go the 9m. The Argo has allot of grunt and power with a lot of de-power also.

NSW, 171 posts
23 Apr 2013 6:31PM
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The Argo is such a good kite to learn on and also to use once you are at a higher level. I have been using the Argo's for 4 seasons, last year I tried the TRX but have decided I prefer the constant power that the Argo's deliver.
Currently I have a 7, 10 and 14m all on long lines and I weigh 70kgs, I mainly ride in the surf on a surfboard but have been getting back into twin tips the last year and the Argo's boost well. The 7 is fun for me around 18+knots on a surfboard.
The reason I say that these are great kites to learn on is that I taught my girlfriend last year on a 7 and she is of very similar weight. The relaunch is sensational and super easy for a beginner to use. This year I have been teaching my son who is 10 yr old and 42kg. He uses the 7m in about 12 - 18 kts on a 120 cm twin tip. His confidence when using this kite is great as even in light winds it will sit very stable and still turn well. A 9 or even a 10m Argo would be the shot for you. Hope this helps.

NSW, 201 posts
23 Apr 2013 10:46PM
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RosaAnna said...
Thanx a lot guys! Much appreciated.

@ Gateman: I've asked around! All girls recommend me to buy two kites 12 and 8 meters. Regarding the brand, I noticed that its very difficult in dubai to find a good kite surfer who is not biased by a distributor in the area so I prefer the forum.

@ Lambie: I think 13 meter is too big for my body weight even in Dubai. A 12 meter would be much better. I've briefly tried a 12 meter Cbrinha SB and it was much better.

@GK: thanx for the advice. It was very helpful. However with 8knt wind I think a 7 meter kite is probably too small. I probably need two kites. What would be the biggest kite for my weight and 7 knt?

Yes 8 knots a 7m would be too small. 7 knots is very light.
If you want to go a 2 kite option for 7-8 to 18 knots, I feel a 12m and a 9m would be good for a 55kg rider, or even a 12m and a 7m if you want to handle stronger winds. All the best with your choice.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Beginner and interested in Griffin Argo" started by RosaAnna