Is this a trick question? The bar was made in 2003?
I'd say pull because it would be velcro on the end of the harness line.
The other alternative is the Slingshot surefire spreader bar, which would be push.
Neither, that type of bar needs a turn release.
They are new and come in the form of a flat metal release lever and an impact resistant metal fastening.
This prevents accidental loss of the kite while underwater death looping.
I have seen them in the shops under the brand name 'padlock'.
I googled 'homemade deathtrap for kites' and managed to download the manual for this bar and the 'Padlock' brand comes highly reccommended by the manufacturer.
Anyway hope this helps, got to go and play with the powerlines.
Doesn't the chicken loop have to be a part of the QR mechanism?
It looks like your chicken loop will keep the bar attached to you even if you release the centre line?
Clearly the chicken loop hasn't been made yet. That is not a chicken loop on the bar.
The pulley system would make pulling the below the bar trim line a lot easier.
Do like the ultimate 'home made' look.
The mechanical advantage of having a pulley set up on a triangle shape is not very efficient, you could get 2/1 going strait up and down, but with a triangle the triangle gets smaller the affect reduces at best that set up would only give a ratio of around 1.6/1 and become less the more you depower it. You would gain a lot of rope flapping around under the bar.
The other downfall of a set up like that would be as you fully depower the kite and the triangle shape reduces down a lot flatter in a over powered situation that line would then flex like a bow which would have the affect of powering the kite up, the more you depower the worse the affect would get.
Yeah, for ultimate ease a double ended pulley at 1, therefore going from 2 back to 1 and then back down to the cleat would have more of a reduced effort effect.
Obviously you would have to pull twice as much line for the same amount of trim, though with half the effort.
I remember playing around with pulley bars years ago and as the triangle changes the turning of the kite changes hugely.Better off with a depower strap above the bar.
I think the inbuilt automatic quick release will work fine