someone could tell me the best setting for a Chimera 2011 6.5m?? There are no indications on the kite or in the website.
It seems to be actually overpowered and is stalling on the window when pushing the bar (in 18-22knots). It's better when depowered 20cm, but the bar can't still be pushed to the maximum without the kite falls down.
Do one of two things ,either shorten the removable bridal line by tying a figure 8 knot further up the line or make up two longer pigtails to replace the ones at the ends of your steering lines ,mine are 200mm long with three knots i run my other kites on the bottom knot,std length and the 6.5 on the top knot(lengthens the back lines by approx amount of depower.
For some reason they run at a different length than the bigger kites.
Youll love the 6.5 had mine out in 45 knot so far it rocks.
Can post a pic if you need one easy mod.
THANKS RADMAN!! always online!!
I have and love the Chimera's 8 and 10.5. The 6.5 is not mine, and only got out once so I was surprised when I tried...
We'll try that you told about making longer steering lines. It seems the best option.
As a reference, which lenght difference do you have in steering lines betwen 10.5m and 6.5m??
Thanks again!
Added 30 cm to the rear lines and just PERFECT!!!
I got out for a test with the race board in 13-15 knots (when all the guys where in 12) and I was even going upwind!!!
Hi alex ,sorry didn't see your last post,sounds like you have it sussed,the 6.5 blows me away with its useable windrange,i'm 95 kg and have no prob on my wave 148 in 18 knots on the low end and as previous i was out in a gale the other day in 45 knots,unreal kite.