Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Cabrinha FX 2018

Created by OZGrominet > 9 months ago, 13 Aug 2017
VIC, 10 posts
13 Aug 2017 11:03PM
Thumbs Up

Hi guys,

I had a try on the FX 2018 this week, a great kite to play with !
I'll try to do a little video review later but the main change are the 3 settings on the briddles and how fast the kite recovers back to 12 to soft your landing.

short clip in sandy point :

QLD, 1067 posts
14 Aug 2017 12:52PM
Thumbs Up

Good on you mate. I wish we had waves to boost off up here in the tropics. Keep em coming

WA, 1440 posts
23 Aug 2017 11:47AM
Thumbs Up

Looks smooth. Nice vid & Solid Kiteloop, props


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Cabrinha FX 2018" started by OZGrominet