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Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Dedicated kite surf board v HPSB

Created by EnglishCraig > 9 months ago, 13 Oct 2014
NSW, 406 posts
13 Oct 2014 7:48PM
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Hi all

Interested in getting on a kite surf board - used a mates Naish global 5'8" and got on with it well

I also have an old 6'6" traditional shaped short board which I am considering going on but slightly concerned I will completely destroy it in a couple of goes!

Any thoughts on the merits of going for a dedicated board over a standard SB other than durability?


NSW, 96 posts
14 Oct 2014 12:04PM
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EnglishCraig said..
Hi all

Interested in getting on a kite surf board - used a mates Naish global 5'8" and got on with it well

I also have an old 6'6" traditional shaped short board which I am considering going on but slightly concerned I will completely destroy it in a couple of goes!

Any thoughts on the merits of going for a dedicated board over a standard SB other than durability?


You will trash your surfboard in a couple of goes, especially when learning strapless.

going shorter than what you surf is good as you don't need to paddle the thing. A 6'6" will feel a bit cumbersome.

deck grip is nice and wax is a pain a gets slippy quick

having strap options for bigger days is a plus

reckon you could get a second hand dedicated board in good condition for $500 through the buy and sell on here

1197 posts
15 Oct 2014 1:13PM
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EnglishCraig said..
Hi all

Interested in getting on a kite surf board - used a mates Naish global 5'8" and got on with it well

I also have an old 6'6" traditional shaped short board which I am considering going on but slightly concerned I will completely destroy it in a couple of goes!

Any thoughts on the merits of going for a dedicated board over a standard SB other than durability?


hi craig

not many responses to your query because this topic comes up every year and has been done a bit to death for most long time breezers - try the search option and hopefully a few relevant threads will pop up for you.

NOx is pretty much on the money imo with regards to your actual question near the end.
but other than personal preference, there is always wind and wave conditions and riding style that informs the decision for guys on surfboards as well.

in short this is how i would consider your options:
- old banger surfboard 5'6 to 6'3 depending on your body dims and the plan shape of the board, great to get around on strapless and learn the ropes. go a bit bigger and flatter when learning gybes, mucking around on flat water with transitions etc. careful of blowing out fins in the shallows or even from real powered carves as they just won't be used to it. as soon as you start punting airs or riding more aggressively in the surf, you are going to start snapping and creasing but who cares if they are bangers
- PU custom surfboard with a bit of extra glass, prefer a blue blank too, or a kite brand PU board eg BWS if you love the PU surfboard feel and strapless, and are going for the wave purist approach with the occasional punt (who can help themselves really?). probably will be a bit smaller than the one you start on as you will like the control at speed. i like wax, but i'm used to it...and i accept rewaxing all the time and the heel dents.
- kite brand kite surfboard shape, usually alot heavier than a PU board and the option there for straps. this means strapless airs feel **e but can be done in the right hands, but obviously with straps on some of the brands out there are pretty much bullet proof for charging around, smashing waves and launching in the waves. there is always this struggle between weight v strength v stiffness that i can never accept and just go back to PU - but maybe one day that will change. the R&D effort of the big brands is getting pretty impressive with companies like north getting the weight down and down, but i am still not sold on feel and strength - time and trying some new boards will tell
- custom kitesurf board that lets you refine things a little once you know what you want (see delta, stone, smook etc etc), but keeps you with the option of straps, has strength for jumps, but will usually have the same struggles with weight v strength v stiffness trading off imo. as an aside, weight is a definite positive (as are straps) if you are kiting in solid waves over head, head and a half, long period and with any chop - just ask any of the guys on a solid day at margs (insert NSW equivalent).

in summary, if you have an old surfboard that you do paddle surf occasionally, take it out and lazy it around, learn the ropes as a comparative feel to the global.
maybe go the 2nd hand kite surf board with straps for $500 (think older north wam, or global, cabrinha skillet or something?) and you'll be covered on both bases then.
then repeat...refine...repeat...refine and build a quiver (or surfboard graveyard haha)

hope that helps... jeez i need a kite.

NSW, 2707 posts
15 Oct 2014 8:25PM
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what maz has said is spot on imo.

nothing i have ever tried has had better feel then a standard performance board.
i would go local custom if you want to shell out $$$.
traditional shape, with more glass. not built bombproof though.

or hunt gumtree/ebay etc for a bargain.

NSW, 406 posts
15 Oct 2014 10:19PM
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Cheers guys - appreciate you taking the time to respond - I know this is te sort of thing that gets brought up regularly but it was generally straps v un-strapped epic!

I take the point that it comes down to construction and usability so given I have a short board from a local shaper which only cost a ton I will give it a crack

Cheers- Craig

WA, 1347 posts
15 Oct 2014 8:37PM
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6'6 will be too big.

Try a second hand hpsb. Be prepared to break it.

NSW, 2707 posts
15 Oct 2014 11:39PM
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a 6'6" would be too much board for a sumo as well...
you will really want something a fair few inches shorter.

WA, 216 posts
15 Oct 2014 10:02PM
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surfingboye said..
a 6'6" would be too much board for a sumo as well...
you will really want something a fair few inches shorter.

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bene313 said..
6'6 will be too big.

Try a second hand hpsb. Be prepared to break it.

What are you boys riding these days?

NSW, 406 posts
16 Oct 2014 3:48PM
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Yeah I had a look through the buy and sell but couldn't see anything in NSW

There are a few offers on at one of the shops in Sydney and another shop has secod hand stock but they still want the best part of a grand for second hand 2013 boards!!

NSW, 2707 posts
16 Oct 2014 8:04PM
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5'10 to 6' here. Standard sort of dims.
2 1/4 or 2 3/16.
Up to about 18.5" wide.

All about volume too; previous boards have been too fine and dig rails.

WA, 1347 posts
16 Oct 2014 9:53PM
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Spark said...

What are you boys riding these days?

I got Katana to shape me a 5'7 x 18.5 x 2.25

Have not kited it yet. Its just enough for me to paddle as a back up board.

Last season I only kited HPSBs. Gets frustrating snapping noses and fins though!!

WA, 1347 posts
17 Oct 2014 9:58AM
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bene313 said..
I got Katana to shape me a 5'7 x 18.5 x 2.25

I'll get some better pics plus review soon.

1197 posts
17 Oct 2014 10:10AM
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paddle the one with the inserts too? or is that the kiteboard and the other is just your usual paddle?
the kiteboard looks pretty wide up the 1/3 of the nose, like the scud - maybe a bit wide for kiting on it?
great that you can push the limit to paddling it out when the wind isn't quite there yet...

have kited on my 5'10" scud in light winds... wouldn't bother in proper waves, too much volume and can't handle the speed (board or operator fault is debatable)
anything special going on under deck there? i'm always scared that the bamboo veneer will delam super quick from the extra heel loads kiting on it regularly. the AKS guys mentioned the new north boards have cork under the front foot because of its compress and rebound properties - pretty interested to see how they hold up in a year or so!

WA, 96 posts
17 Oct 2014 11:26AM
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I've gone for a local shaper which my board is, 6'2 18 1/4 & 2 1/4 thick, I find the epoxy boards are quite stiff underfoot so I went with the standard pu, it does have extra glass under foot and over the fin boxes. It does get heel dents but won't take on water which u find is a pain in the ass that some epoxy blanks do.
The other thing with a standard paddle surfboard is you won't need a wide nose due to not having to paddle it, plus a narrower nose won't catch as easily during a turn.
Cost wise you can get a custom for around $700 plus fins & grip, quite reasonable and you get what you want.

1197 posts
17 Oct 2014 12:05PM
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very nice luke, looks sick for some proper waves - what are the funny black things close to where your feet might go though?
love colin earles work, might have to call in for a freshie one of these days

i started riding the grubb on the right at new years, 5'10, and have posted the pick before - still going strong

the 5'6 not going so strong...wasn't built for kiting , but feels amazing

on the local shaper front, a friend of mine has been getting Von's and is stoked on the work going into them as well

go local!!! yeww

WA, 96 posts
17 Oct 2014 3:01PM
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Hey mazdon, they are carbon, I got Colin to shape it and wade from lano to glass it, customs the go IMO .

WA, 1347 posts
17 Oct 2014 9:19PM
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mazdon said..
paddle the one with the inserts too? or is that the kiteboard and the other is just your usual paddle?
the kiteboard looks pretty wide up the 1/3 of the nose, like the scud - maybe a bit wide for kiting on it?
great that you can push the limit to paddling it out when the wind isn't quite there yet...

have kited on my 5'10" scud in light winds... wouldn't bother in proper waves, too much volume and can't handle the speed (board or operator fault is debatable)
anything special going on under deck there? i'm always scared that the bamboo veneer will delam super quick from the extra heel loads kiting on it regularly. the AKS guys mentioned the new north boards have cork under the front foot because of its compress and rebound properties - pretty interested to see how they hold up in a year or so!

The board with wax is my surfboard - 5'8 skud

the kiteboarding I have been paddling but only because the skud was out of action. Goes very well but yet to try kiting it.

there is extra glass on the deck. The nose does have some width which really helped paddling into waves and offsets the lack in volume. This board is based on dave's "go2" model I believe, so thruster and more refined than the skud.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Dedicated kite surf board v HPSB" started by EnglishCraig