Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Delta c kites

Created by pearl > 9 months ago, 14 Feb 2009
NSW, 984 posts
14 Feb 2009 12:25PM
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After trying a few kites at Kitestock, I'm leaning towards getting a delta c kite. You could really feel the difference in handling compared to my current bows. With the wind 30+ knt it was hard to tell some things.Can anyone tell me with a dos, kima, or core etc;
- Is there any lag in turning, and how is handling when unhooked?
- Is the bar pressure slightly more than an equivalent size bow (e.g. SB or rev)
- Low end of 10m dos 9m kima 9m core compared to SB ids 10m
- What kite companies currently have delta c and who are bringing them out?

14 Feb 2009 2:42PM
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pearl said...

After trying a few kites at Kitestock, I'm leaning towards getting a delta c kite. You could really feel the difference in handling compared to my current bows. With the wind 30+ knt it was hard to tell some things.Can anyone tell me with a dos, kima, or core etc;
- Is there any lag in turning, and how is handling when unhooked?

Sure was windy there eh!! We were only able to demo the 1o.5 Core for a couple of hours on Saturday, before the wind built up to smoking strength again around 3pm (till dark)
There is one pulley per front line bridle, per side, so there is a small amount of lag, but it is a lot less than kites with 3 or 4 pulleys in their bridles.
The Cores unhook fine, just pull in a bit of trim. They are powerful for their size, especially unhooked, probably better in the bottom end of their wind range, but super stable, lots of power in turns.

pearl said...
- Is the bar pressure slightly more than an equivalent size bow (e.g. SB or rev)

Yes, I would say that is true of all Delta style kites, although the Dos probaly has the least of all the kites I've tried so far.
I don't put the Kima in the delta class, its a 3 strut hybrid, designed for waves, but with moderate bar pressure.

pearl said...
- Low end of 10m dos 9m kima 9m core compared to SB ids 10m

Dos 10M has more power, so does a 9M Core, Kima about the same.

pearl said...
- What kite companies currently have delta c and who are bringing them out?

F-one's famous Bandit series, now BanditDos. Core, see for dealer list. Best have the Kahoona, only just released not available here just yet, but soonish. North Evo. There must be a couple of others not available in Oz??

Cya and



SA, 42 posts
14 Feb 2009 3:10PM
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Hi All,

Here is a sneak preview at the New Nobile Delta Evolution Shape Kite...

Read more later!

WA, 724 posts
14 Feb 2009 5:07PM
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Hey Pearl,

I have the 08 Nano, which I suppose is the closest to the Eclipse Kima or atleast the 6m.

With the Nano which has the similar bridle to the Kima, there is no delay in turning. I hear the Kima is a bit smoother and more stable.

Bar pressure I would say is above average but if correctly tuned is actually not to bad, keeping in mind that the kites are wave orientated kites and are depowered more than a freeride kite.

If you are going to use it as an allrounder, I would consider the 09 Nano over the Kima.

I would also try before you buy.


WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
14 Feb 2009 9:57PM
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Hi Guys,

In short, my findings on the Core kites after having ridden 7, 9 and 10.5 for a fair amount of time is this.

Core 9m : Very powerful for it's size, probably slightly more grunt than other you mentioned, no discernable lag in steering response, good unhooked, just make sure you aren't overpowered to begin with, if in normal wind range, depower slightly and away you go.

They sure boost like hell as witnessed by many at Kitestock, scared myself several times with excessive altitude. Bar pressure is moderate, slightly heavier than dos and SB, but still OK. By using mini loop to relax and take the full power load from time to time, it's not an issue at all. Steering is very fast and takes some input to initiate unlike Dos which tends to wander all over the sky by so much as a steering thought.

I wouldn't recommend one to the ladies, this is a blokes kite, quite an aggressive kite in just about every respect, power, speed, g's in looping, vertical acceleration in boosts etc.

The Core Loop with big power in turns, a lot like a C kite, hence why I never pulled the trigger to loop in the big air comp, ..... too scared 40-40-40 was too much and self preservation kept kicking in. (40 feet up, 40 knots of wind and 40cm of water to land in )

Wish I'd had my cup of concrete that morning

Good winds,

443 posts
14 Feb 2009 11:36PM
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The Mr F from JN Kites turns quickley, has very little bar pressure, flies upwind and has plenty of low end grunt.

With regards to bar pressure the Mr F has a lot less than the DOS.

The 10m is the equivelant to a 12m C kite. I have used the 8.0m in 15knots and been planning upwind.

The JN Mr F is available in OZ at fantastic prices (much less than the others due to being a Euro company)

PM me for more info......

WA, 451 posts
15 Feb 2009 12:41PM
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Why restrict yourself to a marketing tag-line?

Try a number of this years kites and you will find they will have fairly direct steering/handling etc. , especially those with direct rear line attachment,


WA, 250 posts
15 Feb 2009 3:06PM
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rrd obsession has got some good reviews. Big thread on kiteforum about it.

VIC, 103 posts
17 Feb 2009 10:55AM
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Go Takoon Furia!
Faster turning, absorbing gusts better,more depower>better upper end,smoother,
better safety ( just let bar go).
Delta kites jump better though.

WA, 4485 posts
18 Feb 2009 4:49PM
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Had a quick squirt on a 7m Core GT.

Impressive grunt and speed but did have to be muscled to begin the turn, then it whipped around and rocketed accross the window.

Not for beginners (or gumbys like me) IMHO.

Q? Is the Turbo 3 really a 'Delta bow' or just SS marketing BoolSh!t??

NSW, 120 posts
18 Feb 2009 10:17PM
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T3 is a bow. I've never heard it called a delta. If you see one in the air it looks nothing like a delta kite.

WA, 4485 posts
19 Feb 2009 12:50PM
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Cheers Matt - so BoollyShizzle it is!

BTW, to T3 riders, don't get shirty I am not sayin the kites are rubbish - just the hyper-marketing (not exclusive to SS either).


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Delta c kites" started by pearl