Who's got one or who's getting one?! Ordering one as we speak. Sick and tired of sitting on the beach in sub 10 knots.
Anyone already have one can they comment on it?!
That's not a hard decision in my eyes! it's josh mate :) and as you know Henry got the screamer which I'm going to put up a write up for shortly!
Talk to me in person before you order mate if you decide on the infinity I'll see what the owner can do for you ( // I want one now!)
have you guys had a demo or just ordered or bought one on what the manufacturers say they can do, look at whos winning all the races which are generally done in low winds the proof is there,and has been over the last 3 or 4 years
I just ordered a kite based on all the reviews I have read from other kiters riding for fun, not pro race results.
I prefer to demo a kite before buying but this option was not possible as no distributor in my area.
Damitri generously offered me a two week trial period upon which I can return the kite for a full refund if i'm not 100% satisfied. Sounds fair to me.
The kite arrives next week so I will keep you posted on how this works out for me.
If it sucks I will say so. If not I'm keeping this baby and will gladly allow other interested kiters to try my kite and decide for themselves whether it is right for them or not.
Thats great Rob! Dimitri is definitely on the forefront in the kiteboarding world, in terms of providing the community with 'what they want', not just what the pro's enjoy. I am also a sucker and have the 2012 epic screamer 10 LTD... with which I can happily say I have an ear to ear grin waking up every morning thinking there may be wind today!! it has added a new level to my kiteboarding. 4-6m jumps before, 8-15 no sweat now these days (I had to study basic paragliding to work out how to be in the air this long!! hahaha). The description of the kite was spot on and it is one of the best built kites I have ever seen! Writing up a review for it as we speak! :) I wish to kite winter alongside you so I would love to have a quick demo. I'd love to exchange numbers, let you know when the boys are kiting as well, ill send you my number through PM's mate.
Epic Infinity arrived today.
Now I just need an 8 - 10 knot day to see if this kite lives up to the hype.
I'm sure I won't be waiting long.
Just a quick update.
Tested the Epic Infinity kite today with my Airush Sector 60 board and was very impressed with this kites performance in light winds.
The wind was ESE 6 - 8 knots, perfect conditions for testing this kite.
Easily self launched and headed up wind.
The kite was very stable and turned very fast, generating enough power to get planing following one power stroke.
I had a great session and for me this is a great light wind solution.