Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Epic Screamer 14m

Created by giBiLatoR > 9 months ago, 18 Feb 2012
QLD, 147 posts
18 Feb 2012 7:51PM
Thumbs Up

Rider: 65kg,Beginner/Intermediate
Style: Wake, Freestyle
Weather: 10-12 knots
Build Quality: 8/10
Satisfaction: 10/10
Disclosure: No affiliation.

My Comments: Take this review with a grain of salt, this is NOT my kite nor have only been riding for around the 4 month mark, and although have progressed relatively quickly, haven't had the overall experience from riding years and through all the different makes and models of kites. Having said that I have had the chance to ride quite a few kites ranging from full C's to bows. I also had a good hour long session on this kite this morning.

From taking it out of the bag it was extremely well built, much better then any of my kites (I have F-One, Naish, and Cabrinha's), plenty of EVA and overall well built. Onto the test!

This kite is known for being quite harsh on the user as it translates the wind directly into power, although I was quite surprised to feel that this quite over-exaggerated, quite a clean feel to the power take-up, but having said that not quite as user friendly as say a Park or SB. Taking it out didn't quite have the low end that I was expecting from a 14m although my god it turns quick! Much quicker then any other 14m kite or even any 12's out there today. Jumping took a bit to get dialled but after a few attempts it was quite easy to reach heights of around the 4m (water to bottom of board) mark and even gave me time to try my first front roll board off's which I have been dying to try. AMAZING HANG TIME! Absolutely unreal for the conditions. Impossible to come in without an ear to ear grin on your face after riding this kite.

We need more of these in Australia!! Someone start dealing!!




Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Epic Screamer 14m" started by giBiLatoR