Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Epic Screamer 5G

Created by EastCC > 9 months ago, 29 Jun 2015
QLD, 355 posts
29 Jun 2015 8:41PM
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The Epic 5G Screamer is due to be released shortly, thought I would throw up the new promo vid.
Another tweaked design, the 5G Screamer has seen small improvements that address stability, power delivery, relaunch and speed. A new large speed inflate valve and still the cone shaped struts for solid trailing edge performance, with a simple bridle with new 5G high performance pulleys.
Speedier turns through the wingtip for the megaloop lovers

Demo's coming soon.

WA, 9580 posts
29 Jun 2015 7:04PM
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Just a great promo vid hey. Some may get excited about doing multiple circles on a foil board, but myself, dimitri's style is second to none.

VIC, 228 posts
29 Jun 2015 9:21PM
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eppo said..
Just a great promo vid hey. Some may get excited about doing multiple circles on a foil board, but myself, dimitri's style is second to none.

To true.

QLD, 2055 posts
30 Jun 2015 1:29AM
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Loved it - Dimitri def has his own flavour, from the start right to the finish.

QLD, 355 posts
30 Jun 2015 6:53AM
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This one just released, more of an intro to the kite.

WA, 431 posts
5 Jul 2015 11:57AM
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I have to say I love epics vids they are pure kiting, big, extreme and truck loads of fun! Keep up the good work

4862 posts
5 Jul 2015 2:58PM
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Awesome video. Beats the bat**** boring wake/strapless air vids that all other manufacturers are spitting out.

WA, 9580 posts
5 Jul 2015 9:56PM
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Yeh but even those epic clips don't entertain as much as the crew frothing over those captivating wakeskate vids

...have to admit I'm a bit of a closet strapless SB trick fan..but shhhhhh

4862 posts
6 Jul 2015 4:47AM
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Oh there's nothing wrong with strapless airs. The dudes doing them are highly skilled individuals. But I don't need to see it on every single vid upload.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Epic Screamer 5G" started by EastCC