Is the average kiter going to notice the difference between a evo and the Evo sls is the price difference worth it? Looking at a new kite, cheers
I dont know about average kiters but all the GOOD kiters are on 5 line pure C kites like the vegas and ride with boots
I've got both the Evo and Evo SLS. Yes - you will notice the difference. The bar feedback on the SLS is way better than the standard model. For me - its worth it just for that (and I'm looking to upgrade my standard Evo to and SLS of the same size because of this). If you never intend to loop your kite then maybe its fine(?) - but it is soooo much more fun to loop the SLS.
The standard Evo is a good kite - but its a bit like wearing a prophylactic. All the fun is still there but you know its going to feel a little bit better if you weren't wearing it.
Only downside of the SLS is the bar pressure seems to weight up a bit earlier in the wind range. Otherwise - they are both hooked twin tip kites - they both boost nicely, they both slack a bit for billy-basic unhooked stuff and they both drift a bit if you want to ride a wave occasionally.
Also the SLS is a little bit lighter than the EVO of the same size so it has a slightly larger wind range (though in practice I find the low end is probably just a bit more tolerant of around a knot less wind than the EVO so it's not a huge difference)
I think EVO is great, SLS is better (for a bunch of reasons) and for sizes at and above 11m or so DLAB is best, but it all comes down to your ability, experience and style as to which you'd prefer or whether you'd really notice enough of a difference to justify the extra dollars.
The general consensus is the SLS is good value for money when comparing $$$ spent to improvement in performance.
Just a couple of years ago, the standard kites were all anyone was riding and they were brilliant, and weirdly enough, still are .
Enter SLS. The value and performance are worth it for the average intermediate kiter who is venturing into kite loops and know how to "throw the kite around" with a degree of precision. For high end kiters, the DLAB is the next level. I personally don't see the $$$$/Performance value ratio working in many peoples favour unless you are hunting big air and multiple kite loops, or are an expert kiter who can really extract the benefits. Or maybe you are minted AF and don't care about the cost, then buy whatever you can afford and enjoy..
Bottom line? Is the standard kite dead? No, not at all. They were a great kite and still are a great kite. They aren't going to be holding many people back in terms of performance and I know very few kiters who can absolutely wring every ounce of performance from a standard kite. I've seen highly skilled kiters on older kites absolutely kite rings around people on higher performance kites.
It's amazing to have the three levels of performance available at varying levels of cost. All three are totally viable. Just depends on your own personal circumstance and needs.DM
Edge for purely boosting.
Dice for looping (Evo SLS is pretty good at looping)
Evo for easy to do it all with no fuss.
Unless you go DLab. Then the Evo can do everything as well as the other kites. But at a $$$$$$ price.