Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Griffin Argo 2013

Created by keiranchiro > 9 months ago, 6 Aug 2013
NSW, 12 posts
7 Aug 2013 1:51AM
Thumbs Up

Griffin Argo 10m 2013.

Rider: 81kg , Beginner to intermediate.
Style: Freeriding, (twintip CrazyFly Bulldozer)
Weather: 20-25 knots
Build Quality: 10/10
Satisfaction: 9/10
Disclosure: Sometimes scary movies cause me to scream like a little girl. Just thought I should disclose that.

My Comments:
I recently borrowed a 10m Argo from Chris at Griffin kites. Frustratingly I had it sitting in my garage for over a week while the only wind that came was during the times when I couldn't get down to Kurnell to give it a blast.
Finally a good but reasonably gusty Westerly came through last Sunday and I was able to get out for the tail end of it.

The wind had swung around a little bit off-shore producing a bit of a wind shadow near the shore. This caused most people to struggle with their kites falling out of the sky or at least misbehaving and falling downwind. I think the Argo handled it better than most and it's relaunch was super easy on the times when it did land in the drink. For someone who is at still very much in the early days of my kiting experience this is really helpful and would give me a lot more confidence to attempt new things when you know that you can easily get the thing up out of the water again. With the water as cold as it was on Sunday, every minute not spent in the water is important for preserving body temperature!

Now let me just admit that my usual kite is a pretty dated Ocean Rodeo 12m Rise which I love for it's forgiving feel and massive range of depower and the ease of use of its depower. I also ride an 8m BWS Noise which I also find to be very forgiving but with a depower that is nearly impossible to use while on the go. (feel free to offer advice here). I learnt on a 2011 North Evo which I have always had a love-hate relationship with. I'm sure the Evo is a kite which I will love once I get a bit more skilled but it's nasty habit of yanking you skyward when you are trying to keep it hovering reasonably depowered above your head (say, while waiting on the beach for a launching spot to clear) was always very disconcerting as a learner. Other kites I have flown: CrazyFly Sculp, Blade Fat Lady, Ozone Zephyr.

I guess I am wrting this for other kiters who might be in the same boat as me. There is a lot I simply won't comment on as I don't have the experience. For instance I could tell you that any experience that allowed me to comment on hangtime would be an experience where my board left me 25 metres upwind in an unceremonious and unexpected dismount. I am just starting to want to jump so I am more looking for control than massive pop. To this end the Argo increased my confidence immediately. Whereas the Evo wants to haul you heavenward whether you want it to or not and my wheezy old Rise just yawns, puffs and distorts, the Argo provides a measured and predictable amount of power that had me attmpting and occassionally succeeding in some airborne transtiions. I even had a slight hint of grace on the landings on one or two occassions!

Although I am just moving out of the novice stage, I felt like I was staying upwind as good as any and I frequently had the problem of catching up with the kiter infront of me when I would really have preferred to have been keeping my space. I felt like I was going fast the whole time (even though the Bulldozer's big wide tips doesn't handle the choppy conditions anywhere near as nicely as my friends North X-Ride) I usually seemed to be going faster than any of the other kiters around me. Interestingly a friend who was watching from shore commented that it was the fastest he had ever seem me go. I think this is a measure of how well the kite handled the gusty conditions, its ease of control and manoeuvrability.

The bar was simple, clean and comfortable. The depower was easy to use and was always accessible which was a real godsend in conditions as gusty as Sunday. The kite was quick and responsive, turning at least as sharply as the Evo if not slightly more with a more even power delivery. Once again it seemed to handle the lulls better than most the other kites that were out of a similar size.

I have no idea how this kite suits a more experienced kiter who wants to do more extreme things than what I am up to, but for the kiter who is just getting comfortable riding toeside, is starting to do some jumps and carving transitions I think this kite is absolutely brilliant. I couldn't stop smiling for hours after using it. The price is good so I am looking forward to when I can afford the upgrade.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Griffin Argo 2013" started by keiranchiro