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Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Pulleys or Not, Airush lets you choose. Wave V8

Created by IanR > 9 months ago, 12 Jul 2018
NSW, 1280 posts
12 Jul 2018 2:31PM
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Looks like Airush are providing Two bridles with the lastest incarnation of the Wave.
Letting the rider choose which one they prefer.
Looking forward to reviews that try both bridles from some surf riding experts

102 posts
12 Jul 2018 6:52PM
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The kite looks really refined this year, can't wait to demo one

QLD, 2056 posts
14 Jul 2018 12:56PM
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Great kite to settle the pulleys vs no-pulleys debate that pops up every now & then.

5 posts
14 Jul 2018 3:30PM
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will be the next kite I buy. Never even considered airush before, frothing to have an extra bridal to experiment on.

197 posts
15 Jul 2018 8:30AM
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Hope Ozone has some amazing graphics and colors for the Reo V5. Hard to believe they will improve on the V4. One thing they could offer, and that changes the kite's feel and usability significantly, is line extensions. Those 25m lines really give range to the kite, but 23s make wave riding much better. Airush's pulley or not to pulley solution sounds interesting as it could make the kite into a true cross over kite, one that excels in waves and freeride. With a pulley, the slight delay in turn response and tighter back lines with a less on off depower might help boosting and be less fatiguing on long tacks with a twin tip. But without, will it be a Reo?! I might have to jump ship, again. I love my Reo, but this sounds quite promising!

WA, 9588 posts
18 Jul 2018 7:31AM
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Wow how does one pimp the ozone Reo several times within a post on an Airush wave kite thread.

Just amazing really.

NSW, 1280 posts
19 Jul 2018 6:01PM
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Hi Sewer Rat
Airush have for years provided lines with extensions to allow the rider to change length.
Have a look they have heaps of options with bars, not sure it's the same in USA.
Airush already have an amazing Cross over kite The Union 3.
It is a advanced kite though and requires good flight skills. When I watched the trimming video I didn't agree with what he said about knots in the back pigtails. I now ride with two, one for freestyle, one for Surf, and trim in from the freestyle knot to unhook.

The Wave though has always been a pure Wave kite.
What I think they are trying to achieve with the two bridles is give the rider options for conditions
If your lucky enough to ride cross off to cross shore pealing waves like One Eye at Le Morne you might really enjoy the fixed bridle. But you might also kite in onshore frontal beach break conditions like we get here at Wanda and prefer the pulleys. Or the other way around, Who knows

Here is something for your viewing pleasure

VIC, 528 posts
21 Jul 2018 10:38AM
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toppleover said..
Great kite to settle the pulleys vs no-pulleys debate that pops up every now & then.

What is the difference between pulleys vs non-pulleys? Do you think the average rider would notice a difference?

NSW, 331 posts
22 Jul 2018 9:28AM
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sewerrat said..

Hope Ozone has some amazing graphics and colors for the Reo V5. Hard to believe they will improve on the V4. One thing they could offer, and that changes the kite's feel and usability significantly, is line extensions. Those 25m lines really give range to the kite, but 23s make wave riding much better. Airush's pulley or not to pulley solution sounds interesting as it could make the kite into a true cross over kite, one that excels in waves and freeride. With a pulley, the slight delay in turn response and tighter back lines with a less on off depower might help boosting and be less fatiguing on long tacks with a twin tip. But without, will it be a Reo?! I might have to jump ship, again. I love my Reo, but this sounds quite promising!

Thats what the Enduro V2 is for mate

NSW, 331 posts
22 Jul 2018 9:29AM
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Brohan said..

toppleover said..
Great kite to settle the pulleys vs no-pulleys debate that pops up every now & then.

What is the difference between pulleys vs non-pulleys? Do you think the average rider would notice a difference?

"Notice vs care" is the real question. You do notice, but do you care that much as an average rider. Most people just ride what they are used to right.

QLD, 2056 posts
22 Jul 2018 12:44PM
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Brohan said..

toppleover said..
Great kite to settle the pulleys vs no-pulleys debate that pops up every now & then.

What is the difference between pulleys vs non-pulleys? Do you think the average rider would notice a difference?

I've had Reo,s then AR Waves now Drifters & personally can not notice much difference with or without pulleys.
Maybe non pulley are slightly more direct & a bit smoother with them...dunno or care really.

197 posts
24 Jul 2018 1:58AM
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eppo said..
Wow how does one pimp the ozone Reo several times within a post on an Airush wave kite thread.

Just amazing really.

Oops! Quite true, and yet entirely unintentional. Just not effectively making a point that you have two of the most liked wave kites on the market today and that improving them is quite difficult. Is this just a marketing ploy, or will it make a difference? From experience (started in 1999), I think line length makes more of difference than pulleys do and that bar width and line length should be tuned first before deciding if the kite is at fault. That said, I can't wait to try the Airush with both setups to see how it affects that kite's flying and feel. I will be comparing it to my all time, waves only, favorite (R..) as that kite feels the most like the C kite's I learned on in terms of direct steering, just much improved. Of the kite's I've flown over the years, the kites with pulley's have felt the best for me in offshore conditions as they seem to park really well and fly up wind with little back line pressure. The direct line kites have felt better for side-side-on as they can fly well with back line tension and thus be flow smaller and faster. For twin tip riding, my favorite kites have pulleys. I also think that once you find a perfect setting for a kite, that you will tend to think only other kites that feel like what you are used to are good and vice-versa.

Let's get a review of this kite!

Buzz Kites (Lee)
NSW, 110 posts
2 Aug 2018 7:11AM
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Two bridles with your kite! Wow!! Cool idea! Wish we had thought of that first! Oh wait...we already did.

WA, 9588 posts
2 Aug 2018 7:45AM
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Yeh, you guys are right up there with innovation...

NSW, 331 posts
2 Aug 2018 10:21AM
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Buzz Kites (Lee) said..
Two bridles with your kite! Wow!! Cool idea! Wish we had thought of that first! Oh wait...we already did.

Ypu def didnt have that idea first mate. Kites have been coming with bridle change set ups for as long as there has been bridle set ups

Buzz Kites (Lee)
NSW, 110 posts
2 Aug 2018 4:21PM
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Adam'KiteRepair said..

Buzz Kites (Lee) said..
Two bridles with your kite! Wow!! Cool idea! Wish we had thought of that first! Oh wait...we already did.

Ypu def didnt have that idea first mate. Kites have been coming with bridle change set ups for as long as there has been bridle set ups

Just to be clear my friend, I didn't mean we were the first to do it..I just meant we did it before this new "innovation". :D

29 posts
3 Aug 2018 12:16AM
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Buzz Kites (Lee) said..

Adam'KiteRepair said..

Buzz Kites (Lee) said..
Two bridles with your kite! Wow!! Cool idea! Wish we had thought of that first! Oh wait...we already did.

Ypu def didnt have that idea first mate. Kites have been coming with bridle change set ups for as long as there has been bridle set ups

Just to be clear my friend, I didn't mean we were the first to do it..I just meant we did it before this new "innovation". :D

It definitely sounded like you claimed that youy were first and pointing finger at Airush. Also, I might have missed it, but where does Airush claim that this is a new innovation?


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Pulleys or Not, Airush lets you choose. Wave V8" started by IanR