Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

RRD Religion vs Slingshot RPM

Created by STR > 9 months ago, 15 Feb 2022
1 posts
15 Feb 2022 12:33AM
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Hey guys,
I own a 2017 RRD Religion 8m and have an affordable opportunity to exchange it for a 2020 Slingshot RPM 9m. I've been Kitesurfing for 10 months, still a beginner, and don't have enough info to make the decision.
I do freestyle and have no intention for the moment to get into jumps.
I usually kite in thermal steady winds in Huelva (Spain) but I do also, rarely, in pretty gusty winds in Tarifa.

Any insight you guys have or any light you can shed for me, would be much appreciated.
Many thanks!

Froth Goth
1028 posts
16 Feb 2022 4:42PM
Thumbs Up

Yeah....i have some advice for you.

Talk smack about the prick that sold you some roberto ricci **** for the next decade or so.
And just buy the rpm.

Or you know... get an actual ****n freestyle kite like a vegas or a torch


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"RRD Religion vs Slingshot RPM" started by STR