Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Review WOO Sports: tracking of jump height and air

Created by WetestKites > 9 months ago, 5 Apr 2015
VIC, 641 posts
13 Apr 2015 9:32AM
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Our first hand experience is that the WOO heights are actually less than what people expected, from the crew that have used mine the general findings are that people felt they were boosting 10 - 12mtr on a good day, so far we haven't seen anything in that range

NSW, 502 posts
13 Apr 2015 11:00AM
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deanrobi said..
Our first hand experience is that the WOO heights are actually less than what people expected, from the crew that have used mine the general findings are that people felt they were boosting 10 - 12mtr on a good day, so far we haven't seen anything in that range

That's because people think they boost way higher than they actually do. How many times have you heard kiters come in and go "geez I was boosting 15m jumps easy" haha.

QLD, 1694 posts
13 Apr 2015 11:29AM
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Drury said..

deanrobi said..
Our first hand experience is that the WOO heights are actually less than what people expected, from the crew that have used mine the general findings are that people felt they were boosting 10 - 12mtr on a good day, so far we haven't seen anything in that range

That's because people think they boost way higher than they actually do. How many times have you heard kiters come in and go "geez I was boosting 15m jumps easy" haha.

hahahaha this is so true!!

VIC, 475 posts
13 Apr 2015 12:51PM
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deanrobi said..
Our first hand experience is that the WOO heights are actually less than what people expected, from the crew that have used mine the general findings are that people felt they were boosting 10 - 12mtr on a good day, so far we haven't seen anything in that range

here in Vic have seen guys posting over 12M on woo

VIC, 641 posts
13 Apr 2015 3:24PM
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Here's the Aussie page, so far

NSW, 44 posts
15 Apr 2015 7:21PM
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I may get one Woo before the next week! :-)

NSW, 502 posts
16 Apr 2015 12:10PM
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Do it Martin! :)

VIC, 144 posts
16 Apr 2015 9:29PM
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Does anyone know when this will be available for android?

NSW, 44 posts
23 Apr 2015 7:02PM
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Competition has started! :-)

Oceania leaderboard:

QLD, 199 posts
25 Apr 2015 7:33PM
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Where can I buy one in Oz, KP don't have the, on their site.

VIC, 265 posts
25 Apr 2015 11:13PM
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I bought mine from SHQ.

QLD, 199 posts
26 Apr 2015 8:46AM
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Thanks for that, I will check out prices at SHQ

NSW, 502 posts
26 Apr 2015 1:40PM
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We sold out. It's back online for preorder and will be in next week at KP!

QLD, 142 posts
27 Apr 2015 8:00PM
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So you have to have an iphone for the app or can you use android as well

QLD, 199 posts
3 May 2015 7:20PM
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But Jon, you are Kitepower, shouldn't you say "You Can By Then At My Store Kitepower"

VIC, 641 posts
7 May 2015 6:19PM
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New leader on the board

WA, 53 posts
13 Aug 2015 11:10AM
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Android App for Woo is now available.

I ordered mine this morning.

WA, 987 posts
13 Aug 2015 1:19PM
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Hi peeps,

We have stock of the Woo units in store. If you are in WA and are interested in this product, come see us.

Just sayin'


WA, 528 posts
20 Aug 2015 6:20PM
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Can you read the result on the water or do you have to go home and upload all your data?
Would be waaay better if you could check each good boost as you did it

also compare heights of different types of jumps ie off flat water, off a wave, while backrolling... etc

really too wanky for us amateurs, I'd rather just want the stats for myself while I'm learning new stuff and trying to push my own boundaries.

VIC, 641 posts
21 Aug 2015 9:36AM
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Daggy you need to link it to your phone to see the stats, so you need to head into shore and check the jumps data, only takes a few seconds to upload. you also dont need to upload to the leader boards unless you want to so can keep the results to yourself


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Review WOO Sports: tracking of jump height and air" started by WetestKites