Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Shinn Monk Glitch?

Created by sustan > 9 months ago, 10 Aug 2020
50 posts
10 Aug 2020 5:51PM
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Hi Guys, considering getting a monk but can't find too much info on the 2020 Glitch. Is there any major difference or better to get the Mental at a discounted price


628 posts
10 Aug 2020 6:14PM
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The new 2020 Glitch is a totally new design/mould. I assume you have seen the shinn tech talk about it here (probably also on Vimeo if you want to search for it):

For my money the new pads look amazing so I'd go for the new one to get the new pads. How much price difference are you talking? For a 30% price drop you'll still get a really nice board with the Mental.

50 posts
10 Aug 2020 6:48PM
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Thanks, yeah iv seen the tech talk. Just wondering if it actually works like it's supposed to without taking away from the comfort, no spray, feel etc. of the older models. I'm planning to use Apex or NTT bindings. Might try out the new straps though, not a huge fan of the click system on my current board

NSW, 1651 posts
11 Aug 2020 7:32AM
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The Mental got me excited about riding a tt again. Can't go wrong with it, a truly satisfying ride.

628 posts
28 Aug 2020 8:36PM
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Don't know if you have already bought one or the other but found another review that puts some detail between the 2 boards

Worth noting that he is connected to selling Shinn boards although in the past he has also been frank enough with me to admit when a particular year's kit was a bit flat so worth a listen.

2 posts
13 Sep 2020 5:43PM
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Hi there. Have tested the Glitch for over 2 hours with a 12m kite on 16 knots. Location: south of England.

The board is light and extremely well constructed. Durable as it comes due to snowbord like construction. Though not sure how the gloss top will hold through use. I tested the 135x42 and HMT straps. I am 80kg.

The board is very efficient and catches speed very easily. Accelerates nicely. Also it keeps the speed when the wind drops between gusts. It is an inspiring building platform where you feel you can do more because it is easy to ride and holds you when the kite looses gas. Upwind ride is not a problem.

The magic carpet ride due to the flexi tips is still there and manages chop like a dream.

It holds edge quite well but not like a wake board. If you are going to use the biggest possible kite for the conditions, to personal best your jump hight, then a board with deeper channels would hold edge better.

The ridges keep the board loose. You can see this when switching. Also true that redirects water through the hull and away from you, pushing the board into your feet. This makes is not having to constantly step hard on your back leg and allows for a more balanced stance. Which means takes longer to fatigue improving your session quality. If old boards required 70% back foot on this one you can get away with 55% at times.

Though the redirection of water is more than expected (buckets) and have the impression that it holds back the speed. Still a speedy board but I am sure the Monarch is faster.

The board is quite flexible on the tips but the channels make the mid section stiff enough for a good efficient ride.

The straps are not good. Choose based on preference. In jumps my heels were moving around quite a bit. Keep an eye on the weight of the straps you choose as the HMT are light.

The board pops decently well and with kickers it takes off nicely due to decent tip width. Tips are rounded enough and tapered that it jibes on rails with a sufboard feel where it loads and springs you off out of the turn aided by its flexibility.

All around an enjoyable easy board that inspires. If you are a tecnical rider you will still enjoy it but would find falls short on holding a 9m kite in 30 knots.

It is a fun all arounder board, but will not disappont as a beginner board would. Still would allow you to reach your limits unless you are Kevin Langere. Being playfull it keeps the fun factor in low winds.

I have ordered one but will put the Mystic Marshall straps on.

I am not associated with Shinn. I am paying for the board full price with my hard earned money. Think it will be a board to keep for a lifetime. Also one where people can learn assisted by the easy familiar consistent feeling.

Have for many years had the cheeky peek on very interesting topics. Finally decided to join seabreeze oracle of knowledge today, to contribute on something where hope it adds value to you all.

Take care. Cheers.

11 posts
18 Sep 2020 10:02AM
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Piston, did you by any chance compare it to the Ronson ?

2 posts
18 Sep 2020 9:24PM
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No I did not. My comment is based on my email exchange with Mark Shinn.

1 posts
23 Sep 2020 3:46PM
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@pistonlegs thanks for your review. Few Quick questions as I'm looking at this board as my all-rounder. Not my previous board was the Monk Lover 137*44:
#1 When you say "have the impression that it holds back the speed," do you mean it's slower then expected? I ask as my spot is ocean riding and typically receives wind in the mid to high teens, so need a faster board to get upwind in these winds.
#2 Comparing rocker line between the previous monk and this one, would you say it's more rocker or about the same?
#3 when you say "my comment is based on email exchange with mark Shinn" do you mean this was Mark's review of riding in 16 knots for 2 hours? Or yours?

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PistonLegs said..
No I did not. My comment is based on my email exchange with Mark Shinn.

21 posts
26 Sep 2020 2:50PM
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Rider -Advanced
Weight -90kg
Board -Shinn Glitch 133x41
Wind -16-25+ knots

Hi Guys,
Just got back from 2 weeks up at Exmouth in WA, kiting Sandy bay,osprey bay and graveyards on the new Monk Glitch from Shinn and found the board to be seriously awesome.When you hear the blurb from the manufacturer on the changes and how the handling characteristics will
improve and so on,its only natural to be sceptical,but everything Mark Shinn lays down in the promo is spot on.
Having ridden every Shinn Monk since the start,the Glitch is the first real step up in design change from Shinn on the Monk series and they've just nailed it.
Like all Monks,it locks in,zero spray and if you thought the earlier Monks were good in the chop,the glitch just irons out a 1 foot wind chop
as if its NON-EXISTENT.Seriously impressive in this department!
I found it a touch skatey going from heelside to toeside at first,but once i became more confident in the handling and started carrying more speed the grip was fantastic.
Had a blast on a 8M dice at ospreybay in 25 knots,(which by then on a lowish tide the chop was starting to resemble a small wave)and this thing just ate it !!!!
The amount of pure grip this board has is amazing and ill guarantee your backleg gives up before the board will.
The new footpads are a HUGE improvement from Shinn and super comfy.
If you're already a Monk rider you'll be frothing!!!,and if you're not,you're possibly going to be stepping onto the best Monk
these guys have produced!

WA, 28 posts
26 Sep 2020 11:54PM
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Cheers for the review flyer - I have one on the way, I'm the same weight as you at 90kg but went with the 135x42 - last board 2013 monk 134x42 which worked really well and checked shinn recommendations before buying After seeing your review wonder if I've gone too large ? What do you reckon ?

21 posts
28 Sep 2020 2:11PM
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Hi NJ,
I think you'll be fine on that size,the width being the same is the most important,(10mm in length you wont feel IMO).
you'll find it noticeably smoother in the chop at speed !


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Shinn Monk Glitch?" started by sustan