This pretty much explains why you don't see many if any manufacturers producing race or speed Alloy foils. Just Freeride.
And while freeride Foiling may have it's moments of trying for a 30kt run. It is more about Free riding and having fun, having a go in the waves.
going for some air time etc.
a Good Alloy foil allows that, and allows a lot more kiters to be able to afford to do that.
I have been mulling over which of the Notus Air hydrofoil dedicated kites I want to get for myself. The 8m or 12m.
after my last session it looks like the 8m will be plenty as around here wind is either 11-12kts + or 5kts and variable(crap)
so i get overpowered on foil on 8m then it's onto something else.
If I want speed I'll get the speed board out and windsurf.
maybe I'm the only one that thinks buying a foil and board or foil and kite for my style of foiling(ugly) is way better than just using that money to get a foil that I can race, but probably won't(I also shudder at having to read a racing rulebook again. and buy a racing foilboard, and god knows how many Diablos).
Anyone wants to try our demo foil.
We will be taking advantage of the great foiling wind forecasts this Easter at Shallow Inlet.
W and WSW winds that keep everyone else down wind in the inlet are perfect for foiling as we get to stay up near start bank and thus have that area to ourselves.
I have a Zeeko Alloy foil and pocket board..
very happy, high attention to detail and quality and the dedicated board is very light ( the whole package is not too heavy).
It is also very photogenic, unlike me :)
Zeeko has added a new wing to their Alloy series, the Blue wing.
White & Blue Edition Hydrofoil
We are proud to announce you the release of a new Alloy foil: the White and Blue Edition hydrofoil. It shares the same mast and fuselage than the Black & White Alloy foil, and use the same wings (with anhedral) than the carbon series hydrofoil.
Pre-order is now available and first shipments will start the 07th of May 2016.
The bad news is all foil boards, Pocket and Slash are sold out. mid June is next shipment of Slash and new board project is also coming in June.
also all Alloy foils are sold out next stocks due end of May.
I'm getting really pulled into the foiling hype and thinking to commit in the next day or two!! The Zeeko white and blue looks and by all acounts sounds awesome! I reckon combine it with the Shinn "EL Stubbo" to have a light, super strong foil board, that apparently will work really nice off the foil for waves, flat water strapless and lightwind!! I'm over in Europe at moment and the zeeko is about €900/$1400, the full kit something around €1847/$2800.
Have to say no to trying the carbon. Just the alloy and at my level I probably couldn't tell the difference enough to give an opinion. Although Nico has given a good comparison that has been quoted elsewhere.
And those prices justinstuart has mentioned are about spot on for our delivered prices.
Hi Justinstuart. $2800 for a first foil setup is super, super expensive. You sure you want to go that route as opposed to a <$1500 2nd hand setup ( board and foil) and save some cash for the upgrade later ? That Stubbo looks like a great board, but that is going to be tough to learn on. Really tough. Literally it would be the same as if you bought a similarly sized piece of ply from Bunnings and mounted it to that. ( I will try this for a laugh for sure) I am riding a 125cm thin foil board at the moment and there is no tolerance for rough touchdowns - instant nosedive & crash. Plus you pretty much need to start straight onto the foil, as it just sinks beneath if you are not quick.
seeing you are from WA, you should be aware of the "Perth Kite Racing" club on Facebook - we have 20+ Foilers all racing and upgrading regularly and there is so much good second hand equipment available if you know who to ask. Choose from KFA, Sword 1 and 2, Spotz 1,2 & 3.... Lots of second hand race boards (ie with volume) from Temavento and so on. super keen to see you get out on the water, just want to let you know about the alternatives
Hi Livit. Have I tried the El Stubbo ? No.
My progression has been Liquid Force Foil Fish, Temavento foil board (about 155 ish and thick) and Temavento pocket board 125cm with minimal volume. This small board is also strapless - no inserts.
For foils, I have the Magma Barracuda which is my first carbon foil, with an intermediate wing set up and also have a KFA Mako race foil
I'm 90kgs, and find in light wind my small board simply sinks unless I have some forward momentum. I had the same problem with the LF - and made learning harder than necessary. No straps also makes things a bit more challenging, maybe that's why I found my small board quite difficult.
Just hoping to sharing my own experiences over the past year or so when learning in those 8-14 knot days. With time and patience I think anyone could learn on anything !!
HI, I´m way over on other side of the world in N Europe and just ordered a foil. Did a lot of shopping, reading and comparing.
Probably not relevant to you guys over there but this is what i found out shopping over here.
In europe, you can get the Zeeko with the Shinn set up or the Zeeko board for about 1400-1500 Euro.
Then there are a bunch of French, Italian, Euro companies - Moses, Levitaz, Sroka, Alpine, Spotz, Ketos etc.
here is a good list:
Most carbon foils are going for 1500 -1900 euros , then you have to add a board.
I finally settled on a Moses Fluente in full carbon with interchangeble wings and a T40 glass foil board. Got it with bag and shipping for 1600 euros. Hope to get it next week or so. the kit weighs much less than a aluminum set-up and there are already higher performance wings available at 250-350 euros from Moses.
One thing i was worried about is the galvanic reaction between stainless and aluminum and know from my windsurfing days that the hardware can totally seize. Some manufacturers are saying you have to dismantle and apply teflon regularly....i can imagine that it´s really serious problem in salty waters.
I have not ever ridden a foil so i dont know ****e about it but read the few review and corresponded with Frank Rosin at Famous Frank - he sells Moses, Levitaz and Zeeko-
That Shinn boards looks pretty nice, and quite versatile. Could be a good traveling option to cover tt style of riding, foiling, and (very) small wave riding. Add a surfboard and you could travel and with two kites and two boards and easily cover almost every condition. Might have to look at that option for future travels.
If you go for a Zeeko buy from the Zeeko guys overseas, works out cheaper to ship it over then what the people sell them here for. Pretty sure they just put an order through them anyway and get it sent to your house. Mine took around 4-5 days to come from France.