Forums > Kitesurfing Queensland

QLD kiteboarding in August??

Created by sakfab91 > 9 months ago, 1 May 2016
VIC, 5 posts
1 May 2016 8:10PM
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Thinking of coming up to Queensland for a week or two in August to get out of the Melbourne winter. Where are the good beaches with consistent good wind for kiteboarding this time of year? Don't care whether it's North Queensland or South Queensland, just after consistent winds and fairly shallow water.

QLD, 799 posts
2 May 2016 6:38AM
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Four Mile Beach in Port Douglas has everything you are looking for.....

Consistent S/E trades at that time of year
Shallow water for at least 5-600m from shore
Temps are approx. 21o at night and 28o during the day
Heaps to do on non wind days,,,,Daintree, Cable Park, Island Adventures etc.

QLD, 106 posts
2 May 2016 5:27PM
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If you don't want to go that far North. Then Bowen is the place. SE trade winds as well and the front beach will be the main spot for kiting. Water is shallow and crystal clear. Sometimes it will start to turn ESE and we kite at the Don river mouth. If you want to party then I suggest staying at Airlie beach which is the gateway to the Whitsunday islands and is 45 mins south of Bowen, if you want to relax and do F all but kite and fish then there are plenty of places to stay in Bowen. Prosipine airport is where you go.
Go on to the Blowen Bowen Facebook page to check where the kiting places are.
Another bonus here is there are no big arse lizards (crocs) to medi evil your ass!
If you decide to come here give us a yell!
This is a new site one of the boys set up, go and check it out.

VIC, 5 posts
2 May 2016 7:13PM
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Thanks so much guys!!! That's really helpful! Both places look awesome, it will be a hard decision :-)

QLD, 2060 posts
3 May 2016 10:19AM
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Mex said..
If you don't want to go that far North. Then Bowen is the place. SE trade winds as well and the front beach will be the main spot for kiting. Water is shallow and crystal clear. Sometimes it will start to turn ESE and we kite at the Don river mouth. If you want to party then I suggest staying at Airlie beach which is the gateway to the Whitsunday islands and is 45 mins south of Bowen, if you want to relax and do F all but kite and fish then there are plenty of places to stay in Bowen. Prosipine airport is where you go.
Go on to the Blowen Bowen Facebook page to check where the kiting places are.
Another bonus here is there are no big arse lizards (crocs) to medi evil your ass!
If you decide to come here give us a yell!
This is a new site one of the boys set up, go and check it out.

That's a great website Mex! Awesome work man. Great spot Bowen.

QLD, 106 posts
3 May 2016 4:23PM
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Yeah it's not bad at all. He has done a top job. Pretty handy for anyone that's thinking of coming here for a kiting holiday.

QLD, 1451 posts
4 May 2016 9:14AM
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theres no cable park in PD ?!!? your talking about cairns cable?!?! thats effing ages away the blokes flying up ffs and the wind isnt consistant as **** your gonna get 3 out of 7 days on a "real" sized kite rest youll need a useless blanket of a thing. and the toasted sandwiches are $12 a pop only way to survive with your wallet intact is to get a tent at dougies. living theyre will make you want to gauge the eyes out of every single early 20 year old british kid who thinks theyre staring in there own personal roll in skins with the filthy ****ing blunt knives they refuse to clean!

as for bowen there is NOT a place worse then bowen on the map even children as young as 5 learn that that ****hole of a town is best to be avoided and at that age ants are about as good as a wine infront of a fireplace with 3 different types of cheese. be honest what is theyre to do in bowen? you got the pub? you got the park? you got the filthiest water around and the rest is just a whole bunch of people that have been trapped theyre for generations due to an ever lowering iq and income. sure they call it blowin bowen but not because its ****ing windy, its simply the most memorable thing about the place its like calling the sandy desert the sandy desert because there is **** all else theyre but SAND if you go to HOLIDAYS to ****ing BOWEN you need serious help.

and i swear to god if you reccomend townsville lofty my piles are going to have a hernia and ill die from septicemia due to the backup of **** posting

if you want to do it RIGHT and i reccomending this to mr bowen and pd and townsville here more so then you OP

fly to cairns buy a delica fill it up with a few weeks of food drive upto archers (north of port douglas) camp for free eat for free live for free kite for free untapped wind. sell your delica at dougies in cairns just before your flight to highest bidder. youll probably make money! (if you know nothing about cars then i guess rent one.

thats 1st and best option

2nd would be dougies with the drugies

3rd be knobbys with the yobbys (with cable park as back up)

4th (if your an old ****) tinnaroo dam with waterholes and bnbs with the misso (if your not useing a walking aid **** this one off)

5th if you can handle proper adventure search for my diatribes on living at whitehaven

6th thats it, theres no townsville no mackay no bowen no yeppoon none of those places are kite holiday destinations theyre just places some kiters happen to be living who are trying to make the most of what they have. i dont know WHY they reccomend those spots. rule of thumb OP if theyre isnt a dozen kiteschools fighting over a location then its not a kite spot. all of these queensland locations are one horse towns with pissy weak council members who are happy to take a few cartons to stop other schools from operating. and no one can be bothered to fight it because theyre simply isnt enough WIND and theyre is barely enough customers.

TAS, 461 posts
4 May 2016 9:37AM
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Jeezus Kozzie, you need to take the tin foil cap off for a minute.

It's all about perspective, if you hate life and everyone in it like Kozzie, it doesn't matter where you go you will have a bad time. Cairns & PD is great for kiting in winter. Bowen is one of the most underated places on the Queensland coast. If you haven't had a beer and a steak while watching the sun go down at Monty's. Haven't kited there but I've sailed through and anchored there a ton of times, beautiful.

QLD, 65 posts
4 May 2016 7:16PM
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Kozzie... wow, where do I even start
Okay first thing.. take a Prozac
2nd... Reevaluate your life, as clearly what you are doing isn't working since you hate everything.

Dont even listen to this guy.. Both those spots are great.

QLD, 130 posts
4 May 2016 8:00PM
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Far out Kozzie.... have you even kited here? We have 2 main kite beaches that you can choose from that work great no matter what wind direction. And we have alot more kiteable days than non kiteable and im not talking mow the grass days. Sure Bowen is no city, but who ever said it was. The only people that winge about nothing to do here are the junkies and dole bludgers who would complain no matter where they lived. You have to use Bowen for what it has...kiting, fishing, diving, relaxing on one of the many nice beaches that actually have sand. No disgusting muddy beaches here. Every one that comes and kites in Bowen leave with good reviews

QLD, 106 posts
5 May 2016 3:41PM
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No need to take any notice my friends as I am sure Kozzie would be than willing to drop in and remind us of his thoughts.
I very much look forward to that day!

QLD, 2060 posts
5 May 2016 6:23PM
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Actually better everyone thinks like Kozzie, and we'll have the perfect kite spots all to ourselves.

534 posts
5 May 2016 5:09PM
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^^ I'd red thumb you if i could

QLD, 2060 posts
6 May 2016 11:36AM
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Loftywinds said..
@Billbob and @GCDave, my two favourite kook a-holes with too little to say, and too much to vent about in life.

Ahaha... at least now with the new red/green rules the kooks are coming out of the wood work.

Continue gentlemen... please continue.... @RPM was banned because of his abuse. So please continue...

QLD, 1694 posts
6 May 2016 7:04PM
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Loftywinds said...

Loftywinds said..
@Billbob and @GCDave, my two favourite kook a-holes with too little to say, and too much to vent about in life.

Ahaha... at least now with the new red/green rules the kooks are coming out of the wood work.

Continue gentlemen... please continue.... @RPM was banned because of his abuse. So please continue...

Is RPM gone? Shame.

QLD, 634 posts
7 May 2016 9:24AM
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Mex said..
Another bonus here is there are no big arse lizards (crocs) to medi evil your ass!

You're kidding yourself if you believe that mate. I'm at Yeppoon which is a 500 km's South of Bowen and we have regular confirmed sightings of large crocs. Having said that I've had mates who have kited at Bowen and all have said that the place goes off! And so far they've all come home intact!

WA, 20 posts
7 May 2016 6:49PM
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Mex said..
Another bonus here is there are no big arse lizards (crocs) to medi evil your ass!

I guess they forgot to take down this sign then :)

QLD, 106 posts
8 May 2016 8:00AM
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Bloody hell where's that?

WA, 20 posts
9 May 2016 8:24AM
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Mex said..
Bloody hell where's that?

Northern end of Queens beach in the car park.

QLD, 106 posts
9 May 2016 3:40PM
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Being sarcastic, I walk past it all the time.
Since a few of you have jumped all over that comment and rightly so as you should never say never. I feel confident that I will survive swimming retrieving my kite or board at The Don mouth or in the river?Yes.
Do I feel confident that I will survive swimming retrieving my kite or board at the Prosipine river mouth or in the river? Hell NO.
But that's me, swim at your own risk!

QLD, 1694 posts
9 May 2016 4:05PM
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I somewhat agree with kozzie, none of these places I would recommend to someone for a "kite" destination. Don't get me wrong when the wind is up its awsome at these places, but what's someone going to do at Bowen when it's not blowing. Possibly the ugliest little town Iv ever been to, although looks good now after some rain. Yeppoon is good but to get to the best spots you need a 4x4, then there isn't much to do unless have a boat. Elliot heads is sic, but what else is there to do? Townsville is very average.
Cairns would probably be the best spot to travel to. if there is wind go for a kite, if there isn't do all the other tourist attraction.

Otherwise if you were driving and doing stops along the way you could see all these places, that's awsome

Edit: **** the prosopine river, most crocs Iv ever seen in one spot

QLD, 106 posts
9 May 2016 4:36PM
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That's great Kemp, everyone has their opinion.
If you read my post properly you would have noticed I wrote....if you want to do f all but kite and fish come to Bowen or if you want to party go to Airlie beach.
This site seems to be getting better and better

QLD, 1451 posts
13 May 2016 11:01AM
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see a FLOWERING lier just like rest of you guys who are reccomending bowen mackay townsville airlie ANYWHERE BETWEEN RAINBOW BEACH AND YORKEYS IS NOT A KITE HOLIDAY DESTINATION its that FLOWERING simple! have you even GONE to a kite holiday destination?!?! WHY ISNT THE PKRA BANGING DOWN THE DOORS OF DINGO BEACH TO HOST EVENTS THERE?!?! your all FLOWERING dreaming. and saying i havent kited every single one of these spots MEEEELLLLIIIIIIOOOOONNNNNNNSSSSS of times is funny as hell. ive had well over 30 years living at ALL of these locations. oh and ive swum in the proserpine river bloody FLOWERloads of times freshies are chickens mate and if theres a decent size salty just keep an eye on it. i use to ride on the back of the cane trains to get to school every day in prossy. jumping off the bridge into the river was a fun stop to do on the way home. so dont tell me i dont know what its like KITEING IN BOWEN MAAAAN go down to wellington nz its not ALL about the wind! (FLOWERING the wind in wellington is FLOWERING) you all need to go to an actual kitesurfing spot. if there is any less then 5 schools and 50+ kites in the air EVERY MINUTE of the day then it IS NOT kitesurfing holiday spot. i can not even comprehend you would think otherwise. you really think our half assed 15 knot trade wind thats off and on and a FLOWERING chicken schnitzel at the RSL counts as a kitesurfing spot your a bunch of FLOWERING idiots. show me ONE SINGLE kitesurf asia or PKRA or ANY KITESURF EVENT LOCATION that is WORSE then ANY SPOT between rainbow beach and yorkeys and ill eat plummets bucket hat look i have a soft spot for whitehaven beach and i live and kite there as often as i can. but even THAT is not a kitesurfing holiday destination. and IT IS one of the best beaches in the world. so if you think some murky FLOWERING water and fluctuateing 15 knots SOME MONTHS of the year is going to make any sort of list or WORTHY of a reccomendation apart from fact its WHERE YOU FLOWERING LIVE AT THE MOMENT .... you know like arrrghhhhh its insane your all FLOWERING insane its like going to switzerland to play rugby union or reccomending the rocky desert for fishing. your the FLOWERING chiko roll of the kiteing world and the fact you cant see that is just beyond my ability to understand. i need to louis theroux this FLOWERING and ask you WHY do you think your house is the best place in world for kitesurfing. actually i cant even do that because you dont even KNOW HOW TO KITESURF i know for a fact half of you are just going back and fourth and doing jumps which is what most students can do after 3 days but youve been stuck at that level for 3 years. and i assure you IF YOU WERE LIVING IN A KITESURFING DESTINATION you would all be pretty much professionals after 3 years! BUT YOU DONT LIVE THERE SO YOU ARE NOT. does that make any sense?!? your largest online presence is THIS FORUM!! and in that forum its probably THIS THREAD! this is the biggest kitesurfing (from yorkeys to rainbow HAS EVER BEEN RIGHT NOW. thats how much of a NON EVENT that entire region is. i would love to be able to live in any of those locations start a school and live theyre but i cant you know WHY?!?! BECAUSE i have to GO TO KITESURFING HOLIDAY DESTINATIONS TO TEACH SO I CAN MAKE MONEY YOU GOD DAMNED FLOWERS!!

there is that not to rude? i can say FLOWERING FLOWER cant i?

and whats wrong with RANTS?!? your going to ban rants on forums now aswell as red thumbs?!?! just what the flowers going on anyways?!?!

rather then moderating everything i say try READING it maybe YOU mister MOD think we should be reccomending everyone goes on a kitesurfing holiday to flowering bowen? is flowers to offensive? can i say ballooning?

QLD, 2060 posts
13 May 2016 1:16PM
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Kozzie said..

see a FLOWERING lier just like rest of you guys who are reccomending bowen mackay townsville airlie ANYWHERE BETWEEN RAINBOW BEACH AND YORKEYS IS NOT A KITE HOLIDAY DESTINATION its that FLOWERING simple! have you even GONE to a kite holiday destination?!?! WHY ISNT THE PKRA BANGING DOWN THE DOORS OF DINGO BEACH TO HOST EVENTS THERE?!?!

Really? I have no idea do I?

QLD, 1451 posts
13 May 2016 9:13PM
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oh jesus

you know that only exists because of the yacht races at same time of the year there. equally as sad and destitute event. where you haul half a dozen sorry backpackers onboard as ballast with the promise of beer but only the discovery of shameless unbridled boganism is to be found.

QLD, 65 posts
14 May 2016 8:19AM
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Must be a hard life Kozzie

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
14 May 2016 9:25AM
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Talk about a pissing contest!

Any more thoughtful and helpful information would really enlighten us that have no wind at this point in time...

QLD, 1451 posts
14 May 2016 12:02PM
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Fly on da wall said..
Talk about a pissing contest!

Any more thoughtful and helpful information would really enlighten us that have no wind at this point in time...

wheres the contest? everyone BAR me has an indebted interest in promoteing theyre local spot in the hopes it boosts business.

i have no local spot. my spot IS ALL of the talked about spots. i kite them all. i know them all. ive been kiteing them all more then half the people such as angry phill here has been HIS OWN SPOT if i could be bothered i would take the drive and get the old photos. i dont really think that is necesary because all you need to do is understand how our trade winds work in august in queensland. you also need to understand what a kitesurfing holiday destination is. pretty simple to rule out everything up untill yorkeys/dougies/archers/north everything south of that is by and large useless. go knock yourself out kids maybe you can steal the mango again and make people go ohhhhh yeahhhh..... i forgot about that ****hole.... for 5 minutes like last time.

phill wallis the CREATOR of BBK Blowin Bowen kiters preferred style ? FREE RIDE WITH BOOOSTSSS!!! experience kitesurfing?
SINCE 2013!!!!

your a mad man phill.

how many seasons have you kited overseas? been to any kiteing holiday destinations at all to compare bowen with? or just madly defending your local cause its a 1 horse town that died before you were born

and please dont post photos of me at my computer inside,
i live in a van.

QLD, 65 posts
15 May 2016 7:22AM
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Glad you like the site Kozzie, since you can't seem to stay off it

QLD, 1451 posts
15 May 2016 10:02AM
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did you read the review on bowen? or mackay? or townsville? man i cant wait till christmas so i can spend all my vacation time getting there and getting tucked into a pie at the servo or have a pot of gold slammed over my head at the kooyong

pokies pokies pokies

anyways do yourself a favour read the reviews of the travel section i posted above and think about where your precious bowen would fit in.

QLD, 65 posts
15 May 2016 6:44PM
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Forums > Kitesurfing Queensland

"QLD kiteboarding in August??" started by sakfab91