After battling the elements today at Balnarring a really nice ranger came and talked to me about an incident that occurred between a kiters and an elderly couple. See image of the article that was in the westernport news paper. The ranger told me that they are going to discuss this issue and others at the next ratepayers meeting. The ranger who is a really nice guy wants as many local kiters to attend this meeting to give kiting in the area support.
I thought he said it was on the 15 november but I can't find specifics on the web. Does anyone know where this is or if this is the correct date.
This is would be a massive loss to us if we lose this spot.
Agree the attitude was not called for and will always do harm. From what I understand the old man was actually out of line in the first place which provoked it. this is not ideal at all. The other issue is that the old guys wife is the ex ratepayers association president.....odds are stacked against us in this one.
I don't like the old people of today. Too much attitude.
When I was a boy, old people appreciated the things and the freedoms that they had. This modern lot are a bunch of selfish closed minded a-holes.
This is one of my pet peeves.
Let's hope this does not get out of control. Which beginner hasn't dropped a kite on the beach? It didn't hit anyone but maybe it could have . The guy takes a photo probably being threatening. We all need a lesson how to keep being courteous even when the person is being unfair .
Unfortunately this person seems to have influence and lots of time and would love to be in the nanny state we are fast becoming where everyone drives at 40 km/hr and people won't have the enjoyment of seeing kites, skateboards ,cyclists and the like being active and living life . Eventually you won't see kids climbing trees and playing games either- too dangerous. For many elderly people they lose something if everything gets banned. Many people love watching kites especially when boosting.
Let's hope this does not get out of control. Which beginner hasn't dropped a kite on the beach? It didn't hit anyone but maybe it could have . The guy takes a photo probably being threatening. We all need a lesson how to keep being courteous even when the person is being unfair .
Unfortunately this person seems to have influence and lots of time and would love to be in the nanny state we are fast becoming where everyone drives at 40 km/hr and people won't have the enjoyment of seeing kites, skateboards ,cyclists and the like being active and living life . Eventually you won't see kids climbing trees and playing games either- too dangerous. For many elderly people they lose something if everything gets banned. Many people love watching kites especially when boosting.
I live beachside along the bay. A few years ago I received a letter from a group saying they represented the beach side residents with the view of protecting our life style, property values, etc. they were looking for more to join.
I responded twice to their invitation stating that as a kite surfer and cyclist I would love to be involved with the group to represent the interests of residents who participated in these sports. Not surprisingly I did not receive a response....
Apparently they did not want to represent all views just their own norrow minded interests. This group lobbies the council on the basis they represent all the local residents, what a croc. One of the current councillors included his membership in the group as being in touch with residents during the elections.
They do no even tell the other residents in the area what the hell they are up to.....
If the kiters go the yachts have to aswell, some kiters have done the right thing and launch down the beach and the schools teach down there too, resect goes both ways and its up to the beach users to keep clear of other beach users too, you wouldnt swim out next to the horses when they are using the beach. I,m still learning so i do alot of walking back and am always mindfull of where others are, the kiter shouldnt have reacted that way but i bet it was embelished a fair bit, dont believe everything you read.
I hear Balnarring are also banning cyclists and motor vehicle as these have startled up to 2 people. Don't forget, at 35km/h these things are killers.
maybe if all kiters at balnarring wear pink tutus and do lots of entertaining jumps and flips the locals might enjoy the show and then show their support.
Nah, I tried that, no dice.
In all seriousness, I'd fully support a kite/rigging area away from the masses...
Plus more widely, insistence on IKO certification for kiting away from learner beaches... It's not going to stop the wind dying and dropping a kite on people's heads, but might demonstrate some proficiency and awareness about the potential impacts to kite use over the head of 'civilians'.
Hi Rick,
do you know where and when this meeting is that the ratepayers will discuss the issue? Would be good to get local kiters there.
Prior to today I had never been to Balnarring so I don't know where the "main car park" is! The large sign is in the Western Port Yacht Club car park.
I think they need a sign at the main car park as well. I've been there many times and never realized there was a rigging area. Always entered from the main car park and all the kiters I've ever seen there come in that way.
Ok cool heads here.
I learnt to kite at balnarring its a great place to learn.
From what I have observed down there the elderly couple where probally walking along the foreshore.
The kiter was correctly kiting away from the swimmers and the main car park end.
He probally dropped his kite and scared the bejesus out of the old couple.
Then they have complained about it and looked at the laws and regs and want to get it banned.
There has been a persistant group of people down there that want kiting to go away and leave there beautiful beach to themselves.
There are some awesome locals that wont let this happen. Funny thing is there has been more incidents of old people hitting and injuring cyclist down balnarring and the coastal road. Do the old folk get band from driving?
Seriously COOL HEADS. If you are learning down there look at the signs and try to steer the kite into the water.
Anyone notice in the news article the line "Heavy kites flying over the beach..." ?
I didn't know kites came in different weight categories!
And any kiter hitting the beach at 35 kph have got more to worry about than people on the beach than loosing their board
You have to love self motivated agendas. I was there when this happened, the truth being the the kiter was east of the pier and self landing his kite. He had waited for the couple to pass then was landing his kite, the kite was at least 40 metres from the couple. The noise obviously startelled the couple where by the man began abusing the kiter, saying he would kill somebody and it should be banned. The kiter actually apologised for 'the scare' but unfortunately the older gentleman decided to keep abusing the kiter whereby he was told to ' boot off'.
what transpired from there was escalated and induced by the old mans behaviour. He began to pull out his phone and take a close up picture of the kiter while still ranting. The kiter told him in no uncertain terms he didn't want his picture taken and to step away as he was trying to land the kite, unfortunately the older gentleman was still in his face with the camera then the kiter ' blocked' the camera with the older gentleman retaliating. After more verbal slinging from both parties the kiter managed to safely land his kite and the gentleman went his way Saying he was calling the police and all kiting should be banned.
keep in consideration that the day was a bit ordinary, the wind was 20+ knots SW and only 6 'beach users' were present along the whole beach. 4 being kiter sand the couple who were walking.
the older gentleman who has made this ' complaint' has had a history of run ins with other kiters along Balnarring as well as cyclists, kids playing change to infrastructure and not the least the skatepark development.
not sure of the injury stats for injuries to third parties caused by kiters
I have never seen a kiter injure a third party in my 10 years of kiting. Nor have I heard of any such injuries.
I believe the meeting is planned for 10am on Sat 15th, the sign was a collaboration between the yacht club, the Balnarring foreshore Committee and a group of Kiters that frequent the area. I spoke to the foreshore committee chairman last year when this same issue was raised and it is my understanding that the committee is responsible for the area above the high water mark.
Parks VIc are responsible for the area below the high tide mark and have proposed introducing new boating and swimming zones for Westernport, these proposed zones are slated as Stage 4 & 5 and will be implemented over the next few years. In the interim we need to abide to the current regulations.
In past years the ranger was employed by the Foreshore Committee not Parks VIC.
The area proposed and in question is for rigging and doesn't impede on the actual 'On water'' kiting area.