Forums > Kitesurfing Victoria

Full Crossing and Half Crossing update

Created by cesarphysio > 9 months ago, 11 Oct 2013
VIC, 74 posts
11 Oct 2013 11:04PM
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Guys, no spots lefts for the full crossing. However, we still have plenty for the half crossing (starting from Aspendale) This event has been designed for less experienced riders wanting to be part of this great cause.

FYI: both groups will join at Ricketts point finishing all together (50 riders) at PMYC. Closing Ceremony at the Yacht Club followed by a Party at the Pier Hotel.

to join,

VIC, 858 posts
11 Oct 2013 11:32PM
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Hi Cesar,
What's the prerequisites to participate, KBV membership, vest, etc. etc? I live at Aspendale so the half fits in nicely.

VIC, 74 posts
12 Oct 2013 12:18AM
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Requisites :
Kbv or alike insurance.
PFD personal floating .....
Physical endurance
Pay the joining fee + attend to training session.

Ahhh and being ready to have an awesome time!!

VIC, 886 posts
12 Oct 2013 4:13AM
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is ita kbv or ka sanctioned event

VIC, 886 posts
12 Oct 2013 7:43AM
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The only reason i asked is that a mate of mine whos with the water police asked. Apparently they have to be advised by parks/kbv ect of any events on the bay that are issued a permit.
So much hoopla and red tape but after all its for our safety i guess.
We are already under enough scrutiny.What a cluster **** if we got banned from the bay or were forced to wear pdfs all the time.
Maybe give them a ring??
Good idea best of luck !!!

VIC, 710 posts
12 Oct 2013 8:47AM
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All required permits will be in place. The Water Police, Coast Guard, Parks Vic and Port of Melbourne Authority are all in the loop. Safety boats will also be included.

VIC, 886 posts
12 Oct 2013 7:43PM
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thats cool. we would all hate to have a stuff up and the event organisers be sued and kiters punished. Hope the winds good

VIC, 710 posts
13 Oct 2013 12:29AM
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pgc said..

thats cool. we would all hate to have a stuff up and the event organisers be sued and kiters punished. Hope the winds good

Sean, we would all hate for KBV to stuff up an event and your organisers to be sued too. That's why there will be a comprehensive event plan with risk management approved by all relevant authorities, and insurance.

Kiters please note - this is for a good cause. The shorter crossing will be less physically demanding but still a whole lot of fun.

VIC, 886 posts
13 Oct 2013 7:29AM
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all good. ill watch with interest. good luck!

VIC, 960 posts
15 Oct 2013 2:26PM
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Hey guys, great cause / event and looks like great amount of prep has gone in to this. I feel sure it will only improve the reputation of Kiting in the Melbourne Metro area.

Quick question for those who are on the fence with regards to the half crossing...

1. How far out off-shore would the half kiters (And no doubt, full kiters) go?
2. Would a standard kiteboard impact vest offer sufficient floatation, or is it down to personal preference?

VIC, 74 posts
15 Oct 2013 9:30PM
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Hi Salty,

Thank you for your comments.

Regarding your questions:

1) The Half group will basically head SW from Aspendale joining the FULL group at Ricketts point, so we all finish together in Port Melbourne.

The second half of the crossing (from Ricketts), the riders will be moving no further than 1km from the shore. The plan is to ride close attractive to the spectators. The most important part of the logistics of the crossing is SAFETY. The number of boats is based on the fact of being able to rescue all riders at once. Therefore, no matter how far we are, we will always be safe.

Also, we ride in pairs "buddy system" you are responsible for your partner-your partner is responsible for you. The couple will be in direct communication with the boats via VHF (marine radio) in case of an emergency. Every couple will have a radio.

2) In regards of floatation, a PFD is better. However, the combination of some impact vests + 4/3 wetsuits normally is almost as good.

I hope this clarifies things a bit more and encourages new riders to join.

The full crossing is the most popular part of our fundraiser (35 riders), however, the level of experience of course is greater. The half crossing has been made to give the oportunity to those intermediate riders who are not as experience but are capable of riding consistently for 2hrs and are comfortable with up wind and self rescue and more important want to be part of this great cause.


VIC, 960 posts
16 Oct 2013 11:41AM
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Terrific, thanks for the additional info!


Forums > Kitesurfing Victoria

"Full Crossing and Half Crossing update" started by cesarphysio