Forums > Kitesurfing Victoria

Torquay pics from yesterday - 24th Jan

Created by NaluSurf > 9 months ago, 25 Jan 2017
VIC, 23 posts
25 Jan 2017 10:33AM
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Epic day/arvo of breeze - sharing some pics from yesterday's session

VIC, 22 posts
31 Jan 2017 1:09AM
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fantastic! looking forward to surf there!
question, why everybody on straps? is it very choppy?

VIC, 563 posts
31 Jan 2017 12:33PM
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May be because there are a lot of rock there and they are not using a leash. cheers

wes Greene
VIC, 27 posts
1 Feb 2017 9:20PM
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Maybe cause I don't have any skills without straps .

It was a bit choppy but I ride with straps 99% of the time - my preferred style and lets me try a few things I don't have the skill to try without straps

NSW, 1301 posts
6 Feb 2017 7:16PM
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Great pics and some solid schralps ??

QLD, 1067 posts
9 Feb 2017 9:32AM
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I used to surf mals at cosy corner, cursing you bastards for dropping in and taking off even before I could OY you!!

Nice pics though!

VIC, 249 posts
11 Feb 2017 7:01AM
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Is this torquay main beach? Anyone heading there tomorrow?


Forums > Kitesurfing Victoria

"Torquay pics from yesterday - 24th Jan" started by NaluSurf