WAKSA can you please provide some detail. ( all questions in relation to WA only)
Insurance for local kiters.
Kiter's that are merely looking at insurance locally in WA have 2 options.
Of which KA insuracne has limitations compared to IKA insurance.
1. Does WAKSA not recognise IKA insurance as valid. If not, why so?
"Our community needs a single voice more than ever and often we focus on the irrelevant issues such as a few dollars, instead of the big picture.
This can only be done with your support in how you explain our shared views to the wider kiting community and help all non members understand why they should join. "
2. Is WAKSA a membership fee based club which runs for the interest of its members?
Are only the interest of those that provide a few dollars covered by WAKSA.
Or is WAKSA a body that speaks and supports all kiter's?
If WAKSA inclusive rather than exclusive, as the state representative body that represents all kiters, then by example why are non WAKSA members not permitted to attend Kite stock even if they have insurance.
Of the $20k that's collect in membership fees, much is used fund Kitestock. (it could be asked if this is this fair on all members? )
It is commonly stated "why should members subsidies non-members, attending member events" but of the 650 WAKSA members only around 100 or so members attend Kitestock, so 550 members are subsidising the event for the 100 that do attend.
3. Who represents all the non-paying kiters in WA?
If WKASA events are not relevant for non-members, then how are any other guidelines or initiatives relevant for non-members.
4. How is WAKSA supportive of the development of kiting initiatives/events that include non-member kiters, or is WAKSA limited to supporting only WAKSA member initiatives/events.
5. "will aid innovative"
The past summer saw not more events, but less being included in the WAKSA calendar.
Sadly the 2013/2014 summer did not see the running of the Redkite downwinder.
How can innovation be sighted when events are being lost.
Victoria (KBV) saw TT racing added to their calendar. KBV also supporting the various yacht club racing.
NSW had a state summer series for racing with state champions being crowned.
Where is the WA innovation?
Mine is an opinion that may be in the minority (or may not who knows?) but I simply have zero interest in competitions etc which seems the overall focus of WAKSA/AKSA and indeed where the majority of members funds go to. I'm happy to be corrected as to where the funds are going btw (if I can make the AGM on time I will pay attention - LOL)
This comes up every year but simply put why don't AKSA/WAKSA respond to many members wishes for an insurance only option and let those who wish to enter comps etc pay a premium?
Why do we all pay for the same fellas to strut against each other? Is it about kiting as a recreation or competing for bragging rights?
End of 2c - and bag away - I'm just a paid up member (and have been for a decade) voicing a valid opinion.
GF where were you last night . I can post up a copy of the 2013-14 financials if you like . People need to get over the idea that WAKSA is just about competitions and insurance .
Hey Dusta,
Late home from work and fam commitments so didn't make it.
What was the wash-up?
I'd appreciate the financials - ta.
I have been out of the loop the last year+ but it seems there is very little info from WAKSA these days - either on this forum or their webby? What's the story there?
I do appreciate the efforts the WAKSA volunteers make in dealing with councils, education, info etc but I really do think they owe it to members to have a two - tiered membership option.
1. Insurance for recreational kiting
2. Insurance for recreational kiting and competitions (including a levy for comp admin etc)
I guess it won't come up for another year - but then I should have gone to the AGM and ranted right?
WASKA are waiting on legal advice on privacy and KA's endorsement of the new format before releasing the financials and AGM report.... but you got them ok if you attended in person on the evening. Wonder why the difference?
I say if you take the froth from a cappucino, you still have a normal coffee underneath. Just your choice if you want to pay $4.80 for that coffee or just have a nescafe blend 43 instead for the same effect.
Valid question I believe.
However I bet a game of responsibility hop scotch will be taking place with the above.
Stand by for MOAS to chime in. wah wah wah
Hmmm... no reply to (very reasonable) questions on this thread.
And this is supposed to be the Kite WA and WAKSA forum?
I noticed even the AGM was not advertised in this forum.. sheesh is it like a Free Masons club these days or sumpin?
Honestly WAKSA, and you wonder why people get a bit critical??
Now how do I do the secret handshake?
Folks all I can suggest is to diary the AGM next year and show up in numbers to put forth a compelling motion for WAKSA to acknowledge that (potentially) most of it's members DO NOT want their fees going on comps and BS they don't not want to pay for.
Also to put forth a motion to have a two tired membership fee with those wishing to enter comps to be charged a surcharge (100% paying for comps)
Also to demand accountability and reasonable replies to legitimate enquiries from members (ie via their own fricken site)
Gotta play the game on AGM day as WAKSA don not seem to give a fek about the concerns raised here or elsewhere unless legally binding in an AGM.
Getting to the gloves coming off stage and no one is to blame for that but WAKSA IMO.
My Kite is designed to be attached to or held by a person on the water. Would I be included in the above Home and contents Insurance policy?
Thanks for the info K4F
And as for legally binding:
Point number 26 seems compelling.
Have had an email from the WAKSA Prez and will stay quite here whilst I give him time to sort it out.
Shouldn't take more than a week or so to answer my reasonable questions.
I should point out the lack of communication shenanigans and the surrounding issues date back a fair while now, so lets hope the new committee etc can start to listen to genuine concerns and the wishes of the majority of members.
Fingers, toes and any other paired items are crossed.
i don't read this forum much, but just saw the thread when looking at the winter comp post. Thought this might be of interest for the guys following this
I have run the surf comps for WAKSA for 5 years now. Thats what I volunteer to do for WAKSA and our WA kitesurfing community because I enjoy competitive surfing and kitesurfing. Same for the guys who help me. All the surf comps run over this time have pretty much been run on a break even basis. The entry fees from the competitors cover the cost of trophies and other cost like PA hire. Prizes are covered by our fantastic sponsor KA who makes sure everyone who competes get a prize. We have had up to 100/ 150 people on the beach at the Wedge comp and everyone seemed to enjoy it.
WAKSA is well regarded by the various councils and DEC which makes the approval and risk management process that goes on behind every comp easy. For those who do compete, insurance is important. God forbid, if we ever do have an accident, I will be the one who will have to explain our risk management procedures and show they were applied. It's not hard for me to check that a competitor is a WAKSA member, checking other policies on the beach at wedge in a 20 knot breeze is a bit daunting
I understand that some of the guys writing are not interested in comps, for those guys, I just wanted you to know that your membership fees are not being spent on surf comps and the sound foundation WAKSA provides groups who want to run events Like surf comps