Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Augusta Kitesurfers Please Read

Created by ETHANol > 9 months ago, 5 Jan 2023
WA, 18 posts
5 Jan 2023 7:37AM
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I am very hesitant to post here. Generally these kinds of topics on Internet forums turn into a bunch of grown men behaving like toddlers. So I will post this, but I will not respond. If anyone wants to contact me, please feel free to do so by direct message and I will send you my phone number and we can chat on the phone.

First, I am a kiter. I enjoy kitesurfing in Augusta. I have nothing against kitesurfers. But I also have kids that windsurf in Augusta sometimes with their mates. Kitesurfers have been passing very close to them and even jumping over them. This is both dangerous and frightens the kids to the point where they do not enjoy windsurfing there. The brain of a kid is not the same as a brain of an adult on the molecular, cellular and structural level. For these reasons they get frightened easier than adults and recover less easily. With that said, they are right to be scared because kitesurfers are passing dangerously close to them.

Current law states that kitesurfers and windsurfers are vessels, which means it is illegal for kitesurfers and windsurfers to operate in a way that is a danger or NUISANCE to other users of public waterways. For instance, if I was on a jetski it would be illegal speed past a child going 4 knots on a windsurfers, scaring him/her and resulting in him/her to fall over. Kitesurfing is a sport with a lot of inherent dangers not only to the kitesurfer but to others around the kitesurfer. In a collision, it would most likely be the kitesurfers board against the other person. So the other person takes most al the risk and hence the kitesurfer's willingness to operate in a dangerous manor. However, it is the legal responsibility of the kitesurfer to operate in a way that does not endanger others.

I have approached several kiters at the beach and kindly asked for help in keeping kiters well clear of kids windsurfing. While, I have definitely engaged with some people that have been super friendly and supportive, the majority of people have been dismissive, defensive and/or outright aggressive. I will not speak with kitesurfers at the beach anymore about this issue. I go there for fun and dealing with aggressive people is not fun for me. For example, yesterday I was approached by a guy that said, "your son better know the rules of circulation out there and stay out of the jump zone or else he is going to get hurt". I did not engage with this person and called the police.

Kitesurfers do not own this spot. We have been windsurfing with our kids in Augusta for a long time. The wingfoilers are coming and growing and will put more people out there that kiters will need to not endanger. The bottom line is under current law, it is illegal to endanger or be a nuisance to other users of public waterways. So unless kiters can convince the government authorities to designate the spot there as a special kitesurfing zone or something of that sort, kiters will have to learn how to follow the current laws.

It would be best if the kitesurfing community could self-police itself. If that doesn't happen, the government will do it for you. The outcome of that may not be favourable to kitesurfing. Why risk it?

WA, 29 posts
5 Jan 2023 3:16PM
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That's not a fully accurate representation of the situation ETHANol - I wandered in for a kite as you were on the grass 2 days ago having a go at some travelling kiters just when it reached 30kn gusting to 37kn. I was asked by some other kiters to enquire about what was happening after police turned up later that afternoon. The windsurfer in question is a novice, it is a shared area and there were a big number of visiting kiters in attendance who successfully ensured that there was not an incident despite the navigational hazard created by the young fella concerned. I have accommodated your child's windsurfing development needs a number of times in recent weeks by discarding the navigation rules and applying common sense in making a collision avoidance move when he was on a tack where he's obliged by the rules to give way. Please take this offline, I live locally and we can easily discuss and resolve it on site together: blue f-one kites with duotone board. Cheers Ruud

44 posts
6 Jan 2023 2:47AM
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Common sense tells me anything above 25kn is not learner weather and it's also when the big dogs come to town and boost big and put on a show for the fans. Of course it's not owned by anyone but I wouldn't paddle out to main break while its massive and cranking and try surf it while learning and get in the way of all the big wave surfers and create havoc. That would be pretty silly of me and I would end up hurting myself or other people. I've kited Augusta for years and never had an issue. Sometimes there is poleys in the boost zone but we usually can work it all in. They enjoy watching the bottom of our boards as we boost. They daydream what its like to be a kiter and reach such lofty heights. It sounds like maybe sending the kids in to learn on a day like this was not the best idea. And to bring the cops into it is a total karen move and not the done thing. Especially at Augusta FFS. Kiters, poleys and wingers are a respectful and happy bunch and Augusta is an exceptional spot where everyone gets along and makes it work. The fact you had problems with so many different crew that day is telling me maybe it wasn't all of them that were creating the problem. Sounds like it was you. Peace out and hope next time your down you find it more enjoyable.

WA, 2940 posts
11 Jan 2023 1:06PM
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ETHANol said..

Kitesurfers do not own this spot.

and neither do Windsurfers

Lucy Edge
WA, 5 posts
12 Jan 2023 4:38PM
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Seriously Dude you put your Son in a dangerous situation in those conditions.
It's a small area and common sense should tell you that general right of way rules do not work. It's pretty simple mate, if you're not a competent rider to be in a small area in strong winds and don't like kiters jumping near you then don't be there It's not a safe spot for beginners. And what a waste of resources to call the police? What the hell? We often kite there with Poleys and Wing Dingers with no issues besides them looking sad that they chose the wrong sport.
You just like conflict and were there to cause a scene lucky all the kite crew are very reasonable, friendly and inclusive of everyone.

WA, 470 posts
12 Jan 2023 11:11PM
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Down with that sort of thing... calling the cops like wtf would they do anyway... issue Parking tickets to locals when the circus comes down is all they are good for then to the F in euros that can't park between the lines and think they have right of way leaving the beach LOL. AUGUST IS LEFT FOOR FORWARD RIGHT OF WAY SAYS it on the sign and now on the internet so it's gotta be true. them cops let people ride airrush down there aswell not that's a travesty. u should have called the national guard but probs Better off calling the fashion police and getting some of the budgie smuggler wearing older generation to cover up some straggly pubes!!!

I believe the rules in Augusta change depending on who's there and the volume of fans.
It wasn't that windy the last day I was down there35-38knots I kited in the hot zone and tried to time it with old mate on the wing as best I could to be on the same tacks meaning ppl had him and I in the way then they would have a clear run as he tacked or fell off I would jump in over the land and pick nick bench and fisher men etc on inbound and over the land mass on the opposite side of the river.I know this isn't pointed at me, as predominately I'll land down the bottom away from everyone where that turkey had his boat parked also 9/10 will be jumping over the land anyway #IKITETODIE am fully commited to that jump on approach.
Please note Augusta's shi Ty er this year as there's no real runway so it's a battle for take off. I did see a kid go out on a windsurfer that day and came in to sink some tramadol and export and thought wow that's brave I know it was only 35 knots but to a kid that alone may be intimidating never mind the aerial acrobatics of people going full Ben above or around him. Or the current that my meter had at 8-12knots. I was not there for your confrontation with the kite folk I had heard talk after of the cops getting a call for child endangerment.

last year a member of the public's dog ran over an unnamed out of town kiters kite. The guy got round housed and is still in a coma. People are still looking for the dog. So believe me I know the riff raff you're dealing with.

seriously Dude don't be calling the cops waisting their time they would be so pissed of to have to come to that as a call out and look at all the hairy faced grannies sitting on the beach cheering instead of kerb crawling margs looking at all the T N A... ??

it should be decided or voted on that from the dog ****ey pole down is the kite jump zone and from dog Shyte pole up is what ever the f else ?? Like in the pond theres dedicated bays and a loop or rotation for the acrobats vs the senders and the wing and windsurf lads stay in the inside.. @ bp there's a learning zone etc and everyone bar the Karen's are accomodating am all for sharing the water F u c k man I'll even donate to get ure kids kite lessons like what ever. But u gotta believe me when I say no one threatened u or your kid I believe it was more hey man are u sure about sending that kid out in 35knots with current that strong and let him go from where all them people are already squeezing in to get that little bit of runway and landing and crashing full BEN.
take a chill pill man. If anyone has anything to say to me they can ask me arse

44 posts
13 Jan 2023 5:36PM
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It's not really a defined jump zone but more a main stage where the boys put on a show for the fans

WA, 64 posts
14 Jan 2023 10:25AM
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Ethan, I recommend you read the conditions and situation better next time, choose more favourable wind and take your learners or beginners to a less crowded spot and don't position your children where there are advanced riders (kite, sailboard & wing foilers) performing advanced techniques. The other water users on the day were polite and accommodated your learners/beginners as they created moving hazards. The Deadwater or Jays beach may be preferable locations for learning

WA, 29 posts
14 Jan 2023 8:39PM
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raggedflyer said..
Ethan, I recommend you read the conditions and situation better next time, choose more favourable wind...

Ethan has been doing that since.

How about everyone backs off and ceases with the online pile on / unhelpful comments...he's a dad looking out for his kids. For 2 weeks a year it's a much trafficked, shared use zone which is small and very hazardous to most wind users. Those issues are compounded by naive boaties, dog owners, fisher-folk, sundry spectators and, mostly, those people with an overconfidence in their abilities at a spot that makes a habit of catching experts off guard.

WA, 18 posts
15 Jan 2023 7:16AM
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Yesterday morning in probably about 20 knots of wind a kitesurfer jumped over the sand spit and landed within 2 meters of a 9 year old child windsurfing at a speed of less than 4 knots and then threaded the needle right past another kid. There were two kids in the water and he was the only kitesurfer at the time. There was heaps of space out there. Now there are two more parents contacting the authorities about aggressive kitesurfers intimidating and endangering children.

Repeat. I enjoy kitesurfing in Augusta. I want to maintain my privilege to do so. I believe it would be best if kitesurfing community could come together with the other users in a friendly collaborative manor to find a way that everybody can enjoy using this spot safely. No individual or group of users has priority over others. No one has the right to endanger others. If windsurfers, kitesurfers, wing foilers, fishermen, boaters, etc. can not find a way to utilise the space safely, there is a good chance the government will separate the users into their own defined areas. This has been done in WA, Australia and other countries. Politicians and bureaucracies tend to be very risk adverse.

Rudd, thank you for your calming words. Sorry I didn't have time to speak to you at the beach. I am open to speaking on the phone or I can buy you a beer at the pub. But I am not talking to anyone at the beach about this subject.

44 posts
15 Jan 2023 8:17AM
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The whole community of water users at Augusta do get along. Its one of the cruisiest spots around. Yours sounds like an isolated case which is suggesting maybe its not the other people that are causing the issue. Sounds like your putting learners out in advanced conditions. Nothing to do with age...I've been out there when there has been a young fella from Perth on ozone kites absolutley tearing it up and putting us older kiters to shame. Yesterday was another killer day wind wise and not a day where you would put learners out there to play. It's not about owning a spot or anything like that and no one is suggesting that. It's just reading the conditions and riding in conditions suitable to your abilities. If your heading out on a day like yesty (or the time before you had a problem), you need to be competent and able to keep with the flow of the other riders out there.

Lucy Edge
WA, 5 posts
15 Jan 2023 3:42PM
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Ethan and Pin puller you do make a good point about having defined areas. Keep the area in question for the advanced kiters and have a designated spot infront of Jay's for beginners, poleys and Wing dingers will be safer for everyone

WA, 29 posts
15 Jan 2023 5:17PM
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ETHANol said..
Rudd, thank you for your calming words. Sorry I didn't have time to speak to you at the beach. I am open to speaking on the phone or I can buy you a beer at the pub. But I am not talking to anyone at the beach about this subject.

I hope you had an agreeable morning session despite the knob, ours was great.

Drew has my number but I think we're pretty close in opinion on shared use - I don't jump in the shared area out front much because of the traffic, current, chop and occasional wind shadow. I try to find some space elsewhere, while there's far more natural hazards coupled with ****ty and gusty wind it generally holds the advantage of a little less human traffic. If other people screw it for all out front then the only thing I need preserved is a launch/land area and for everyone to observe the navigation rules when I'm heading back to the landing area (where I hope the fisher-folk don't lob sinkers at me and the dogs are under control).

It was more 'circus' than 'show' later in the arvo. A windsurfer set off an EPIRB/PLB, left it in the car and then went for a session so there was plenty of authority about when a couple of kiters kooked it and disappeared in the current heading up the inlet toward the pub. I did the obvious thing at that point: said my goodbyes to the sergeant and sea rescue blokes, pumped up, got a launch and headed off elsewhere away from people for some delightful 25kn to 30kn+ boosts.

44 posts
15 Jan 2023 5:28PM
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More drama in Augusta than there is in Summer Bay on the season opener of Home and Away. Struth

WA, 64 posts
16 Jan 2023 9:42PM
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Humdinger said..
The whole community of water users at Augusta do get along. Its one of the cruisiest spots around. Yours sounds like an isolated case which is suggesting maybe its not the other people that are causing the issue. Sounds like your putting learners out in advanced conditions. Nothing to do with age...I've been out there when there has been a young fella from Perth on ozone kites absolutley tearing it up and putting us older kiters to shame. Yesterday was another killer day wind wise and not a day where you would put learners out there to play. It's not about owning a spot or anything like that and no one is suggesting that. It's just reading the conditions and riding in conditions suitable to your abilities. If your heading out on a day like yesty (or the time before you had a problem), you need to be competent and able to keep with the flow of the other riders out there.

Spot on. Key point there about the shared use zone.
A few of us are more cautious than others and sometimes recommend safer places for beginners i.e. Jays and safe spots/methods to land and launch to the new comers & travellers.
I'm always willing to offer help, happy to have a chat and I'm open to advice or suggestions. I'd rather have a conversation than read a forum rant sometime later...remember the helicopter saga.
You'll sometimes find me in mild conditions in the deadwater or around at Jays beach helping my kids as they learn to kite and surf. I recognise the incoming tide and +20 to 25kt wind conditions are no longer suitable for my kids, so it's dad's turn.

WA, 506 posts
17 Jan 2023 6:04PM
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44 posts
17 Jan 2023 10:27PM
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Reckon if we were boosting nude we could start an OnlyFans page

Lucy Edge
WA, 5 posts
23 Jan 2023 12:31PM
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Humdinger said..
Reckon if we were boosting nude we could start an OnlyFans page

Im down for some exposed ankle viewing...

WA, 1 posts
30 Jan 2023 7:38PM
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WA, 470 posts
14 Nov 2023 1:33PM
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Is it true that there is a sign gone up near the launch spot in Augusta Says no Woosters? I seen from about 18-20m over the picnic area 2 cops and what looked to be two shire officials with all sorts of pointing and some photos etc going on to the landing zone / wind surf / foil area south of the swings I think they got some snaps of the river cruise ship getting jumped also I would love to see them :)

there may need to be a vote or a motion put forward before there is more hooliganism at the spot and all out riots break out on the shore front I have seen how dangerous some wingers / windsurfers can get after a couple of their mid strength craft beers. there's been rumor's of a secret circle ????

what's the outcome that's required to not be wasting these peoples time and for everyone just to KITE and get along???

WA, 7 posts
18 Nov 2023 2:03PM
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lets skip The vitriol and silliness as addicting and satisfying as it may be on todays ferociousMedia platforms.
I propose we draw up a map of what a shared zone looks like with input from all concerned parties who all have valid points underlying their frustrated remarks.

I think we can all do better here folks. talking it out face to face makes sense if people can keep their egos and tempers in check.
this can all be sorted out very well, and it would be pretty sad that such a magic spot brings out the worst in people all clambering for one of the last pieces of unspoiled remote water wilderness that's ticking our boxes. We can get enough of that up in safety's and other metro siteswho wants to propose the first general use map? (Without irony sarcasm or ridicule ideally)?

Lucy Edge
WA, 5 posts
18 Nov 2023 2:43PM
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No maps required, the shire won't deviate from a shared use area. People need to read the play and don't be a dick like ride a jetski amongst Kites and Windsurfers in 30 knots.

WA, 3 posts
18 Nov 2023 4:11PM
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WA, 814 posts
18 Nov 2023 8:50PM
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WA, 29 posts
30 Nov 2023 10:38AM
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Big Air Nationals - Augusta - Costa Geriatrica
Waiting period - all of February '24
To run on 3 consecutive days

- Quokkas (under 18yo)
- Big Roos M/F
- Dead Roos (35yo+)

The air here is cold, dense and gusty - be prepared for bone shattering landings.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Augusta Kitesurfers Please Read" started by ETHANol