Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Car break ins Singleton WA

Created by moons > 9 months ago, 12 Feb 2016
WA, 349 posts
12 Feb 2016 4:48PM
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Way to ruin a good sesh
Carpark northern end of Singleton
Took 2014 9m F-one bandit (red) among other things

WA, 258 posts
12 Feb 2016 5:25PM
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bad luck man, don't get to angry or upset about it im sure its all easily replaced. Its best just to pitty these poor souls who commit such pathetic petty acts of theft and destruction as its a pretty good indication that their lives are already and most likely always will be a lot worse than our own.

WA, 349 posts
12 Feb 2016 6:03PM
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Just found out 3 other cars were broken into in the same area this morning

WA, 433 posts
13 Feb 2016 1:53PM
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Singo has been getting worse over the last couple of years. Quite a few crack heads in the area now . If I downwinder I walk from my joint in madora to the beach and get the missus to pick me up at the end . Safer than leaving your car . If not leave nothing in it . Bad luck mate hopefully karma bites these leaches of society back

WA, 306 posts
13 Feb 2016 5:53PM
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Last weekend seen three fat dudes squeezed into the front of a black commodore ute blatantly smoking crack in th car park passing the pipe to each other not even trying to hide it . Seen multiple sinister drugs deals whilst getting gear in and out of the car in a few of the car parks in this region. I try not leave any gear in my car if I can or try park the car across from a house rather than a beach car park.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Car break ins Singleton WA" started by moons