Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Cocos Keeling Islands

Created by Hepburn > 9 months ago, 20 Aug 2017
WA, 20 posts
20 Aug 2017 5:58PM
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I would like to talk to someone who has been to Cocos Islands for kiting.
Best time of the year
Accommodation recommendations
If you have been there and have time to chat, please call me on 0411805447.
Thanks Iain

WA, 1542 posts
21 Aug 2017 10:35AM
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Hi Iain

It's not that complicated, a google search will reveal all the accommodation options, there aren't that many. You do need to consider booking many months in advance especially if you're looking for the cheapest options. You do pay a lot for really basic ''3 star'' accommodation but that's what it is...Food is easily 2x more expensive than in Perth and your options are limited. You are however allowed to bring an esky full of any food you want on the plane, provided it comes from WA. On the plus side liquor is very cheap (duty free) but beer isn't as it's more expensive to deliver.

You need to consider hiring a car or moped to get you from your accom to the kite beach, which is only about 5KM but too far to walk with gear.

As you can see, the very best months are July through to September.

There is never a guarantee wind wise. I've seen people come for 5 days and not have anything more than 15 knots, which can be very frustrating. I was there for about a month in 2014 and was lucky to have many days of 25 knots + Essentially you have to expect just about anything really. I was told to bring a 17m kite but NEVER used it once and really wish I brought my 7m instead.

I personally found the winds to always be gusty i.e. at least 5 knots variation in the lighter winds and easily 10 knots variation in the strong winds. Those gusts make it not as enjoyable as the seabreezes we have in WA, however you can't complain that much cause you're in an warm tropical paradise with a steady 28 degrees day and night.

You also can't kite at low tide at the main kite beach simply because the water is too shallow. You also have to be very careful if you don't wear booties to not cut your feet on the coral. It happens often and a simple cut can ruin your holiday (no more kiting)

There is great surf if you happen to be a surfer but no real safe spot for kitesurfing waves. So essentially it's only a good spot for twin tips.

Hope this helps


WA, 238 posts
22 Aug 2017 9:31AM
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Have looked at Cocos numerous times over the last few years and simply can't believe the costs. Had a mate go over, and not stay with the company that runs kiting there. His comments, average accom, food extortionally priced and the kiting pretty much like at home in WA but warm water. Check the prices with the tour company there and you'll find they're off the charts. Not realistic for a winter getaway with so many other options in the world 50% cheaper.
Look around mate, there's so many more options out there.

WA, 161 posts
24 Aug 2017 8:57AM
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I love it, been 5 times, kite on the high tide, surf on low tide, dive/relax the rest of the time.

The missus and I used to pay approx $5K for 10 - 14 days which would include flights, accommodation (Cocos castaways) and car hire.

We used to go around mid to late August although it's best to check tides before booking as the really low tides can impact kiting time.

If your after full on hard core kiting you'll probably be disappointed but if you like the idea of a beautiful laid back island where you can kite/surf/dive and relax you'll love it.

I found 13m & 9m combo worked well, aim to get going around 15 knts up to mid/low 20s should be safe.

It is a qwerty little island and it takes a while to get into the swing but once you get its sussed it's awesome.

shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
28 Aug 2017 8:34PM
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Certainly not aiming to promote Zephyr...but found this and it may put the conditions into a bit more of a perspective.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Cocos Keeling Islands" started by Hepburn