Anyone know if the ocean reef wind meter is going to come back on line? I miss a guide for wind for the northern beaches - the hillarys point meter reading don't seem to reflect the reality.
Yep. I wrote to them and got this reply:
"This message is to notify you that your enquiry to the Bureau of Meteorology # CAS-XXXXX-XXXXXX has been resolved."
However, it hasn't been resolved! Hillarys and Ocean Reef are both still down with no explanation. Rottnest is back online, but Seabreeze don't seem to collect the data???
Hi All,
The response from BOM:
Ocean Reef automatic weather station (AWS) (009214) which provided local wind observations for the Ocean Reef area was decommissioned on 13 July 2023
Closure of the station was required due to site development. Currently, the Bureau is investigating a new site for the AWS. Until a location for the replacement AWS is secured and the station is installed, local wind observations for the Ocean Reef area will not be available on the Bureau's website.
The Bureau's weather forecasts and weather warning service has been designed so that it is resilient and not dependent on any one piece of equipment. AWS form only one part of the Bureau's observing network. Forecasts and warnings for all regions are based on a combination of many different observing systems including satellites, automatic weather stations, radars, rain gauges, and hydrological monitoring stations. The composite nature of these systems allows specialist staff to monitor approaching weather and issue forecasts and warnings.
Other AWS in the area can be viewed on the Bureau's website:
Hillarys Point Boat Harbour (6 km to the south)*
Swanbourne (26 km to the south)
The Bureau's MetEye service also provides publicly accessible images showing temperature, rain and wind information
.*Please note: Hillarys Point AWS is offline until 27th October 2023.
The old wind meter was part of the Ocean Reef Sailing and Sea Sports Club which was demolished in the Marina build. I'm guessing it will be part of the Sailing and Sea Rescue building when it is rebuilt.
We have added a wind meter in Sorrento, about 300m back from the beach but up high in clean . ish air. It should be up 24/7 and will show wind speed and direction and other stuff same as Kitebud and Hillary's meters.
although not on the beach, it will show if it's on or not and be close enough for all but those iffy days where the SB ends just off the beach. Find it under "about" in our website menu. Easy to find.
DM ??