Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Safetybay kiters - damaging relationship Rangers

Created by Naoh1 > 9 months ago, 20 Feb 2016
1 posts
20 Feb 2016 1:47PM
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To all who enjoy kiting this area.
Read and clearly understand the rigging areas and the no go zones.
Rangers are on to it and this issue maybe brought up in the next local council meeting as a proxy on further restrictions.
KITERS what are we going to do about it ?
Its a no brainer talk amongst yourselves and foreign visitors and give them the heads up.
Otherwise kiss the pond goodbye.

WA, 779 posts
20 Feb 2016 3:03PM
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Have no idea why people dont just ask other people...such as the locals...wherever they r from..instead of just plonking their ten metre on top.of a load.of baby birds.or whatever....
Lets all.just go.for a swim in a rip a new spot and get dragged out without even.bothering to asK.the lifeguards for advice first ???!

WA, 266 posts
21 Feb 2016 8:14AM
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Sounds like some issues down at Safety Bay and reminded me of what I've been observing. Been meaning to post something but alas, haven't until now....

On my trips down to the pond this year have noticed some trends which I always thought taboo there and which I don't think help much.

I've always seen the odd landing on the grass alongside Safety Bay Road. Where the trees, power lines and busy road are. This year I've seen more rigging and launching also and many more landings. I arrived in my car the other weekend to a kite coming down almost on the road and a line of cars pulled up to a stop as it did look like it may do so. Wasn't a good look and a potential rear end vehicle accident.

I had a word to these guys and spoke of the issues doing this. They replied in broken english everyone does it. On the same day, as I left a couple of guys began to rig up with lines and bar on the grass. I presume they were going to launch. One looked to be possibly from a white van with mattress inside (bright yellow Vegas). Had chairs setup on the grass. And the other guy as I left, walked back across the road with his pump (had a light blue Hifi-X). It looked like they knew one another. I didn't have the chance to talk to these guys so noted them. Maybe I'll see them again or someone else will, and say something.

I'm sure I don't have to highlight the issues on launching and landing from there. Same as those issues at Melville. And if I have replies like everyone does it. It's not sounding promising. It only takes one newb to think its the done thing and make a mistake. I recall hearing about the power going out in the area a few years ago from a kite in the power lines.

The other observation is much more teaching inside the pond. Even when busy. Guys teaching girlfriends even instructors inside there. From what I remember, this was always not allowed or tolerated. Don't know if licenses have changed or what. But it's not a great idea. Had one of these learners tangle with me as I was tacking away from her. I was moving slowly to let the line of freestyle guys complete their tricks and she, out of control, screamed straight past me into my lines. It's very crowded in there now days and no place for someone at that level.

Also have to question how good an idea it is to moor the yacht which has recently arrived right inside the pond. Another accident waiting to happen

Andy T
WA, 325 posts
21 Feb 2016 9:20AM
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So am I allowed to rig up on outside of the pond up near the point, directly where WAsurf conduct lessons and where other newbies are or not???

WA, 54 posts
21 Feb 2016 9:51AM
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There is no Pond rules signs erected at Safety Bay yacht club entrance, council have been informed off it. Locals offering advice are normally told to fark off. If Rangers or council are monitoring the Pond then it is their task to educate and fine pond offenders. Pond is not a teaching area and rangers should have addressed that with the instructors and school and mates doing it, this can be reported to rangers office with photos or phone the ranger. The formal rigging area for kites is too small for 40 to 60 kites, however there is no excuse for lazy experienced kiters launching and landing next to pines. Rangers or council can simply put up a no rigging area sign or issue fines. Certain sections of all sporting communities cannot make life simple and abide by rules , unfortunately they need to be enforced. The pond is a great place to kite and have fun and meet good people, so enjoy and look after each other.

WA, 54 posts
21 Feb 2016 10:01AM
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There are pond information signs at the car park south off safety bay yacht club. The centre island is restricted area with school only permits. There is safety bay kiting information on website.

WA, 266 posts
21 Feb 2016 10:23AM
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Just a crazy conspiracy theory. Due to lack of, or strange council actions. But just maybe the rockingham council is waiting for an accident to shut it all down??? Can't see any direct income to the council from windsurfers and kiters, and perhaps, with the dramatic increase in numbers thus interactions with environment and public. Is it becoming too much a liability for them

WA, 542 posts
21 Feb 2016 10:43AM
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I put it out here and expect nothing but red thumbs. One source of income for the local council would be to build parking meters. Locals get a permit. The spot becomes increasingly (way too) popular so why not following the same approach as with other popular tourist attractions (yes Perth metro visitors coming to SB are also tourists). The place is going south and either we go back 100 year and self regulate (volunteer group of locals), or we rely on the council setting clear rules and enforcing them. Otherwise things will get even more out of control, with more and more significant accidents to happen. Boat owner in the pond says he was only given this one spot. So perhaps this is a subtle sign from the council that they are watching us.

Anyone visiting the pond, by car or by plane, please just use common sense, read the signs, talk to locals, respect the locals (including those using the path along the pond, oldies, kids, dog owners etc), respect each other, and this beautiful nature, to preserve this spot. Kids having the latest gear and doing flicky tricky rad and not so rad stuff, good for you, but if you want to be welcomed and perhaps come back, make an effort, be a respectful guest. Thank you.

WA, 434 posts
21 Feb 2016 10:54AM
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The puddle is a boiling pit of tossers. Heaps better spots along our coast to kite , just not this season . The wind seemed to be isolated to rocko and bugger all down Mandurah. Guaranteed that place will get shut down there is a lack of respect for the public,environment and fellow kiters. It won't bother me as I don't kite there but others will miss it

WA, 258 posts
21 Feb 2016 5:59PM
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The pond is out of control these last few years, teaching in the shallows was never really a thing before but just seems accepted now. I can't imagine worse conditions for an inexperienced beginner to learn to tack out and control a kite in than the shallow extremely crowded and sometimes wind shadowed inner sand bar.

i don't think it was as much of an issue in the past when it was less hectic and there weren't 'as many' fly ins but it just never is a quiet friendly environment any more when the wind is in. Times have changed and crowds will only get bigger so the rules need to be enforced more strongly IMHO.

But yeah the age old problem "I personally cbf doing anything so I'll just sit idly on my arse and complain on Internet forums" fully enforce!

WA, 8407 posts
21 Feb 2016 8:42PM
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If kite schools have a permit to teach in said areas then that's what you've got
Problem is until you've realised as a fresh starter that you'd of been better getting away from the crowds it's been done,
I'm an advanced kiter and it does my head in kiting around crowds, I love kiting with a few crew though,
Make a point of finding a new spot or a road trip with a few mates, it refreshes the soul
Your not gonna change it,

Leave them to it and hit the road

WA, 258 posts
21 Feb 2016 9:41PM
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Cauncy u are killing me mate, u don't have to post ur kite porn in every thread I'm trying to live out my drab and dreary existence in the suburbs in peace..

shi thouse
WA, 1141 posts
21 Feb 2016 9:52PM
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Cauncy with all due respect champ, your point is just that...pointless. Not everyone has the conditions of Dongara or the like where crowds are at a minimum and conditions are at a maximum. I share your feelings with regards to kiting in crowds...I would rather go without than deal with the crowds when kiting but accessing the spots you have photographed up in Shark Bay and surrounds is not a "quick trip" after a day at work.

When I do go to Safety Bay I prefer to go around the corner to Shoalwater where there are a lot less people, the only down side is the chop. People go to the pond due to its consistency of wind, flat water (apart from Woodman Point where else in Perth is there flat ocean-side water), and sheer convenience of accessing the location.

Personally I hate the pond, having windsurfed there for many years before making the change to a kite, there is no way you will find me in there with the mix of "pro's" pulling off big loops and spinny tricks, mediocre's trying to learn these tricks, beginners trying to learn to go up-wind, plus "many out of towners" having no idea and/or respect for the area . I have having to think about all these obstacles and unpredictabilities in the the way. It surprises me that there are not more accidents but give it time as more and more people try to push the limits of locals (both those who do and don't kite) and the environment. Quite frankly, I believe the poleys will be happy if the council do put a ban on kites as they can have that area all back to themselves again.

Fortunately, I don't live in the area (but am a rate payer and would support change for the safety of everyone) and also get to kite in a location not too far away that has a surplus of flat water with only a couple of other kites. The will be change as kiters are not a uniformed and cohesive group (and can't be as WAKSA doesn't cover everyone) so local government will need to do just that...govern.

WA, 130 posts
22 Feb 2016 3:34PM
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The rangers should be more concerned about the fishermen walking straight through the vegetation, never seen a kilter do that but I've seen every single fisherman hop the fence and continue on there way. Talking about the pond where that boat is moored in the middle is extremely annoying maybe its there to be used as a slider

WA, 1549 posts
22 Feb 2016 4:44PM
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shi thouse said...
Cauncy with all due respect champ, your point is just that...pointless. Not everyone has the conditions of Dongara or the like where crowds are at a minimum and conditions are at a maximum. I share your feelings with regards to kiting in crowds...I would rather go without than deal with the crowds when kiting but accessing the spots you have photographed up in Shark Bay and surrounds is not a "quick trip" after a day at work.

When I do go to Safety Bay I prefer to go around the corner to Shoalwater where there are a lot less people, the only down side is the chop. People go to the pond due to its consistency of wind, flat water (apart from Woodman Point where else in Perth is there flat ocean-side water), and sheer convenience of accessing the location.

Personally I hate the pond, having windsurfed there for many years before making the change to a kite, there is no way you will find me in there with the mix of "pro's" pulling off big loops and spinny tricks, mediocre's trying to learn these tricks, beginners trying to learn to go up-wind, plus "many out of towners" having no idea and/or respect for the area . I have having to think about all these obstacles and unpredictabilities in the the way. It surprises me that there are not more accidents but give it time as more and more people try to push the limits of locals (both those who do and don't kite) and the environment. Quite frankly, I believe the poleys will be happy if the council do put a ban on kites as they can have that area all back to themselves again.

Fortunately, I don't live in the area (but am a rate payer and would support change for the safety of everyone) and also get to kite in a location not too far away that has a surplus of flat water with only a couple of other kites. The will be change as kiters are not a uniformed and cohesive group (and can't be as WAKSA doesn't cover everyone) so local government will need to do just that...govern.

Dongara isn't all that special.. I've been there a few times and apart from a dirty old sausage roll at the bakery I would just keep on driving.. Also they are in desperate need of a dentist in Dongara as most people are walking around with either no teeth or sideways growing snaggletooth syndrome..

WA, 97 posts
22 Feb 2016 7:31PM
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I drove past the pond the other day and seen the sailboat in the middle surrounded by kites going around it. What's the deal with just one boat?
I'm amaised the French kiters havent done a Rainbow warrior!


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Safetybay kiters - damaging relationship Rangers" started by Naoh1