Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

Sea breezes in June ??!!

Created by KiteBud > 9 months ago, 7 Jun 2017
WA, 1542 posts
7 Jun 2017 4:46PM
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Am I the only one surprised by the few Sea Breezes we had in May and now in June as well ?

Definitely a first for me. Of course, not very strong, but still kiteable!

This one was today @ Pinnnaroo

And Lano on Sunday June 4th was EPIC! Huge Swell and a solid 18 to 22 knots Breeze. Best Wave-Foil session I've ever had

Anyone else been enjoying those breezes?


Dave Whettingsteel
WA, 1397 posts
7 Jun 2017 8:50PM
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Yeah Saturday / sunday were really nice at Horrocks with a 10m sea breeze and some decent swell. Plus the late afternoon light with the sun setting in the north made for magic vista's looking across the froth and spray.

Thought we had seen the last of the sea breezes in May, but the high is still parked there, pissing off our farmers who are running pretty late into the season hanging for rain.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"Sea breezes in June ??!!" started by KiteBud