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Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

South West Coast in April

Created by jungleboydotca > 9 months ago, 2 Apr 2023
2 posts
2 Apr 2023 6:09AM
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Hey everyone,
I'm travelling from Canada to Perth arriving the 12th of April before taking a rental car on the 14th south to Busselton and beyond for two weeks. I was initially looking to rent gear while visiting but upon looking at the costs and logistics--and getting approval from my partner--I'll be bringing my gear to the other side of the planet.I'm looking for a bit of advice on gear selection, location intel and whatever other guidance you feel a tourist could use. I'm not trying to ride every day; if I can get out for just a few good sessions when conditions and location permit, I'll consider it a success.

In the first week, we're likely to do a counter-clockwise loop from Busselton down through Margaret River, Augusta then east as far as Peaceful Bay or so. The week following I'll probably be day-tripping out of Busselton, going to the WSL event in MR at least once.

What is the present condition of the Augusta cut/deadwater? Is it relatively clean and rideable, or full of algae and bird ****?

Is it crazy to kite along the South coast eastward of Augusta? There's a dearth of information related to kiting along this stretch. Is it just because It's rural and many locations look rocky, or is there something I'm missing? The prevailing wind direction suggests this area would be just fine on some of the more expansive beaches along there. Please advise!

I'm 80KG and choosing between two twin-tips: A 142cm Nobile and a 135cm Ocean Rodeo Mako; and kites in the following sizes: 7m, 9m, 12m, and 17m. ...with a set of line extensions.

My natural inclination is to go with the 142cm board, with the 12m and 9m kites as it's the gear I've clocked the most time on and the places I'm accustomed to are more marginal than WA, it'd seem. I haven't gotten a good handle on the weather patterns for WA; it's clear that April is historically the least windy month--but still seems more consistently windy and windier than either Ontario or South Florida. Is 'winter' weaker wind overall (more like the places I'm used to), or does it blow like usual with less frequency?

I'm inclined to bring my 5/3 wetsuit and thinnest booties (if only for the rocks and cooler air coming into winter) I'm happy to hear any tips on how to make the most of what I've got.

I've seen smaller sharks in the water (2m, tops) when I've spent time on the water on the Atlantic coast of South Florida and it hasn't ever bothered me. But then, I've done the usual things: Avoid inlets--especially around dawn and dusk. The Americans have nothing on you guys when it comes to monitoring. So when I see dozens of sightings and beacon hits for Tigers and Whites within the past week, it gives me a bit of pause. Do you guys typically ride with a deterrent device or is that only done by surfers?

I'd be ever so grateful for any replies; redeemable for at least one free beer should we cross paths. I'll be the kook from Canada in the red helmet. Cheers!

WA, 1567 posts
2 Apr 2023 8:10AM
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I don't mean to burst your bubble but you are arriving right at the start of the off-season as you mentionned yourself.

If you are only coming in WA for 2 weeks, my honest advice is to not bother with kitesurfing, especially if you plan to bring all this gear and you have to pay for extra baggage and especially if you are only going south of Perth. It will be a huge pain for very little to no reward.

Kiting down south at this time of the year, you can expect very few to zero opportunities to kite.

As mentionned on our location guide, for Augusta, you need a SE wind: it's highly unlikely you'll get SE winds in Augusta in April.

Peaceful bay and other spots along that coast need a SE wind as well, which is also highly unlikely at this time of year.

Yes, it will be cold with day temps around 15-20 degrees. You can expect many rainy days and storm fronts rolling in at this time of the year which may be your only opportunities to kite, if you enjoy kiting this sort of bad weather. It's not necessarily that the wind will be lighter at this time of the year, it's that there are no more chances of getting '' in season'' weather patterns bringing the strong S and SE winds in those areas. This means you will possibly only be able to kite when the weather is bad (storm, rain) which as you can imagine, will bring unreliable gusty winds. Outside of strom fronts, the wind will likely be way too light to kite.

The bottom line is that no one can predict the wind conditions you'll get down there at this time of the year. You'll have a wide mix of weather patterns which means an unpredictable mix of winds from various directions and speeds.

You'd have way more chance to get suitable kiting conditions by going further north like Geradlton or Shark Bay, but it seems that is not your plan.

The south coast is beautiful and there are lots of things to do and see beside kitesurfing.

Christian - KiteBud

WA, 470 posts
2 Apr 2023 7:50PM
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SHARKS..... most Americans and Canadians usually wear leg and arm knives ??. Be careful of the frontals as they can have a 20 knot variant also.

2 posts
3 Apr 2023 10:05AM
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Thank you both for taking the time to reply; particularly Christian for your detail.

In a word: "Ooof."

But really, thanks so much for bursting my bubble with a clear picture of what to expect in terms of weather and wind. As it was, I'd planned on working within our baggage allowance with travel gear I already own. This will be our first flight without kids in over 5 years, and I was perhaps fantasizing about the opportunities available on this trip.

Between your description of conditions, and how out of shape and practice I am: You've likely saved me considerable effort both mental and physical--and I'm in your debt. I'll be sure to bear that in mind the next time we're in WA, and I'll endeavour to pay you a visit.

Of course, now that I'm *not* going to bother: It's going to be the most epic April on record with sun and balmy temperatures with perfectly smooth side-on wind in the 20s everywhere I go on the coast. So, you're welcome for that, WA!

If I'm that unlucky, maybe I can convince Margaret River Simon to gear me up somewhere near Yallingup in that 2nd week or something.

Thanks again!

WA, 437 posts
3 Apr 2023 3:34PM
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Bring a surfboard south west pumps this time of year . south coast wa is one of the most beautiful and rugged places around , just enjoy it with the wife. If you can hire a 4wd to experience the most of what that coastline has to offer

WA, 1567 posts
4 Apr 2023 9:18AM
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Select to expand quote
jungleboydotca said..
Thank you both for taking the time to reply; particularly Christian for your detail.

In a word: "Ooof."

But really, thanks so much for bursting my bubble with a clear picture of what to expect in terms of weather and wind. As it was, I'd planned on working within our baggage allowance with travel gear I already own. This will be our first flight without kids in over 5 years, and I was perhaps fantasizing about the opportunities available on this trip.

Between your description of conditions, and how out of shape and practice I am: You've likely saved me considerable effort both mental and physical--and I'm in your debt. I'll be sure to bear that in mind the next time we're in WA, and I'll endeavour to pay you a visit.

Of course, now that I'm *not* going to bother: It's going to be the most epic April on record with sun and balmy temperatures with perfectly smooth side-on wind in the 20s everywhere I go on the coast. So, you're welcome for that, WA!

If I'm that unlucky, maybe I can convince Margaret River Simon to gear me up somewhere near Yallingup in that 2nd week or something.

Thanks again!

No worries, you're welcome.

If it's any consolation you would've been kiting all by yourself at this time of the year in those areas.

When you're in Perth, if the wind is good and would like to kite for a few hours, contact us to arrange a hire at our kite school in the Northern Suburbs. You can probably kite at least once while you're there without having to bring all your gear over.


VIC, 16 posts
8 Apr 2023 5:15PM
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I've been to sw wa a few times in April. my observations have consistently been that the locals are spoilt rotten & extremely fussy. Kiting 2-4 times a week with very few others @ main break, prevelly and Augusta. Kiting in storm conditions is super common for a significant many kiters. It's still great fun and very memorable. Enjoy your trip.

WA, 816 posts
9 Apr 2023 12:30AM
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cbulota said..
If it's any consolation you would've been kiting all by yourself at this time of the year in those areas.

Awesome ! it a good time to go there then ??

2.its fine but smells a bit although lots more seaweed came in about three weeks ago.. helpful to have a launch/land or make sure you get all the c#ap off your lines before..etc.havent seen much bird poo
3 not really..just do it have done it loads so have others.. it's a bit boring though;nice view...all the same same.. goes on a few km and chop chop and can be a mess with sand banks funnelling completely irregular patterns
some people love augusta in winter it gets big and can clean up.. despite the gusts as said..
3. I would just take the 9 to keep your baggage down and make the most of it and get just the board off simon or borrow one off someone nicely I am sure people will loan you one. &autumn on especially is vv gusty mostly ..yes do the wetsuit thing I don't really understand why you need 'booties'...oh sorry..cold weather...yes..them too..
4 sharks...yes be vigilant of whale carcasses that attract them they are often ..but not always.. on here...
Not to mention salmon bait fish schools that are about now..but on saying that just don't drop your kite etc if you are more than 30/50m out down there
Visibility can be fine also..
As geeksnieks says there actually are a few odd ones who still have sessions
I know all the odd ones so I am sure you will bump into someone!

Best advice ..bring the 9 (or 9&12 or 9 12&7) and harness etc and make the most of it sounds like you have too much stuff


By the way cbulota I bumped into an x your area student of yours down there who was there for the very first time . He did everything right had no advice from anyone . Was all on his own...except for his dad launching him.Then I went and joined him as he was s#itting himself on the sea side .But all the other elements he had sorted. no advice given
was impressed


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"South West Coast in April" started by jungleboydotca