Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

WA - In land spots to kite?

Created by Jamm0 > 9 months ago, 6 Dec 2016
WA, 2 posts
6 Dec 2016 3:18PM
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G'day! Long time lurker, first time poster. Surfed the majority of my life and have been kite surfing since the end of last season... still a noob.

Question. Anyone have any suggestions about where to kite in-land in WA? I'm currently living in Safety Bay so kinda won the kite lottery already but am looking to work remote/rural for a few years to chase the $$$.

I'm looking at locations in the Pilbara and Kimberley specifically, but the money is to be made in-land and not on the coast. I've tried google searches for lakes that are popular with the wake boarders but have only been able to find Lake Argyle (Kununurra) as somewhere that gets suitable winds.

Any other little hidden gems around? Bonus points if there are other local kite surfers at those spots to play with (and for safety/rescue... because noob).

Thanks in advance!

WA, 1565 posts
6 Dec 2016 5:14PM
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Hi Jammo

I hate to burst your bubble but the short answer is you should forget about it.

As I'm sure you've covered during your lessons large obstacles such as high hills surrounding a lake (i.e. Lake Argyle) create heavy turbulence, so any wind you do get around there will be very inconsistent and unlikely to be even kiteable.

Having consistent moderate to strong side-on shore winds and nice beaches to setup is a luxury not many WA city locals really understand until they start traveling in-land or overseas.

Last year I flew back home in Canada and been dreaming about kiting lakes around where I grew up. Without having a ton of experience, a hydrofoil board and boat support, this wouldn't have been possible. No way I would've pulled that off in my first years of kiting, some of the most challenging and unpredictable winds I've ever kited in.

So yeah, I'm not saying it can't be done, it's just not very realistic for your level of experience and that location (Lake Argyle).

Better get a mountain board and play around in some fields if you're that keen :)


WA, 1565 posts
6 Dec 2016 5:41PM
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I Just found this forum post about kiting Lake Argyle:

Read the last post in that page, exactly what I was thinking/saying

WA, 2 posts
6 Dec 2016 7:11PM
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Thanks for the wisdom cbulota. I guess my instructor failed to mention that haha I can see how having the pond on my door step can lead to taking these things for granted.

It's a shame there aren't any spots up north. Such a beautiful part of the world. That blokes Lake Argyle trip looked amazing!

I guess I could look at taking a position somewhere up there on the coast for a little less cash. Although I want to chase the money, I don't want to completely sacrifice the watersports.

Where's good up there without copious amounts of marine life that want to kill me. And of course has a few local kiters


Forums > Kitesurfing   Western Australia

"WA - In land spots to kite?" started by Jamm0