Forums > Land Kiting Buggying

10 days since my last kite confession

Created by Velocity > 9 months ago, 10 Jun 2008
WA, 185 posts
10 Jun 2008 8:36AM
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This is due to the weather, jeeze a bit of sunshine to go with these great winds would be good.

Forecast looking crap for the next week also, well overdue for a good fly.

On a side note over the weekend watching peoples promotion into the club, then get booted is a tragic state of affairs, a complete shambles actually, although its great reading with a bowl of popcorn on a rainy day

Pray for sunshine

NSW, 44 posts
10 Jun 2008 5:56PM
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I'm prayin' with you brother Luke for the bless it Lord to show us some sunshine.

But I don't think I'm tuned to the right frequency.

Went down to 7 Mile beach early Sunday morn for the predicted SE/ESE wind, but on arrival at 7:45am the wind was still coming from the SW, and not strong enough for a good static fly let alone a buggy blast. It was however a pleasurable experience to be there at that time and have the whole beach to myself.

Stayed there till about 10:15 struggling to have some sort of a fly, but not a complete waste of a drive as I went to some friends place at Bombaderry till about 2pm, as the winds were predicted to swing around to the ESE in the arvo and be 10-12kts.

But as I said, not tuned into the right frequency with the main man up top, the wind swung the other way and was actually coming from the W/NW which is hopeless at 7 Mile and probably puffing at around 0-5kts, so I left in disgust and made the trek home

One good thing with all the king tides we've been getting it's flatten out 7 Mile lovely and made it a bit more usable, for how long who knows.

Great winds are predicted again with rain for Fri/Sat/Sun hopefully somewhere in there, there's room for a bit of a fly, have to try out Cronulla/Greenhills in the southerly if the rains holds off.


WA, 185 posts
11 Jun 2008 7:13AM
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Hi JD,

I have heard that Cronulla is a good spot from a few people especially the boat harbor end in a S-SE wind.

Last session I had was up at Stockton well over a month ago.

Unfortunately my local spot after rain gets slippery,and being a public park, I cannot hack it up with accidental wheel slides or I will for sure get it banned.

So even last saturday in that SE wind and sunshine the park was to wet to go for a fly.

I always try and time stockton with 90% sure of wind and good low tides, if and when it does happen its always worth it.


NSW, 44 posts
11 Jun 2008 9:28PM
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Yer Luke I know how you feel, we need the rain but give us a break

I've manage to get one weekend at Riverwood since Stockton with pretty good conditions. Spent Saturday there with Don and Sunday with Andrew.

Cronulla is probably about the only beach between Stockton and 7 Mile that's good for a S/SE breeze because of the Greenhills/Boatharbour end arc. Unfortunately because of decades of sand mining of the sand dunes the width of the beach has been severely reduced, so you need a good low tide.

If the predictions of the weekend come through, and the rain stays away, then I'll probably hit the beach.

The price of fuel is really going to impact us all very soon, because nobody will be able to afford the fuel bill to travel to great spots like Stockton and 7 Mile


WA, 185 posts
12 Jun 2008 7:40AM
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Hi JD,

Unfortunately the forecast yet again is looking crap for the weekend with rain. Which makes the ground to wet to go to a local spot and I never fly my kites in rain or get them wet, main reason they last longer and stay crispy.

I hear you on the fuel thing, it will be $2 a L by xmas time, which is killing our economy, so many people holding onto dollars and not spending money at the moment very hard to get people to pay their bills.

I watched a news report last night based on world fuel prices we on a world scale are not at the top believe it or not BUT my ears pricked up with I heard that the nations that produce oil, nigeria, and the middle east are paying (ready for this) as little as 5 cents a litre of fuel.

I watched a doco recently on foxtel how for eg places like dubai are building resorts and infrastructure to support their economy after oil is gone, it makes you wonder wether the fuel prices are a last ditched effort to make as much as they can to support their own countrys future, either way you feel F)(*&)(* in the A)(* with your credit card.

Hmm I wrote this scenario down a few days ago, maybe it was therapy after my last fuel bill or maybe I am onto something.

If reality bites....... don't read this next section as I still have a gut feeling it may come to this.

I just flew by earth...... "how's that working out for them"?

Weeel, Remember about 5 snaggletooth's ago they started polluting the galaxy with that greasy substance they discovered and named oil which put a cloud of astro smog around the rings of orion........ its running out fast, we will have our view back before too long. Unfortunately through greed, power and growth have almost used up all of their reserves and you know that argument we had with the fluffypops that went on for years, they have had two of those already WW1, WW2 and I can see another one coming very soon.

Now if we can make the galaxy gazette front page "Earth stops rotating permanently", "Houston we have a problem"

Call me a cynic........ or perhaps I see a scenario on the horizon nobody wants to admit could happen.

86 million barrels of oil we use each day. Although humanity does some stupid things on the whole its denial on a global scale which is our downfall.

So we say its ok by the time oil reserves (20% tune out on that word) run out in 27 years, (another 50% of people tune out) and get back to day to day life just trying to survive and pay bills in 2008, as planing what your going to eat next week would be a challenge for most. Let alone 27 years time. The problem is that LONG before that last barrel of oil gets put next to the Picasso in the Musee du Louvre for humanity to look on in awe the world will grind to a halt as we know it.

How would you get there? How will you view it without lighting, when was the last time you ate I don't think the museum is really on your top 10 at that point?

Sure we have people on the case, brilliant smart people looking for other sources of alternative energy, the problem isn't the ideas and concepts pushed through into production...... its the volume and this is where the future comes unstuck. On a cold winters day the power that is consumed by this country of only 22 million people puts enough strain on the electricity grid that blackouts already happen, picture everybody with our new shiny electric cars tapping into the power grid each night to recharge the battery........... I am sure you get the picture.

Idealy we need nuclear power stations the irony is nobody wants them in 10 years time I think like most things most would wish we had built them years ago , I'd like to put a happy secure spin on it but unlike what you see in the news "she will be right mate", it could be the end of the world as we know it. Humanity built itself on NOT being self sufficient with the discovery of oil, every thing we know and do relies on it. Countries rise and fall from it, I see more falling than rising.

Here is a scenario, long before oil runs out countries will invade other countries to gain control of their oil, this could be the onset of WW3 long before terrorists get to have their day, how are terrorists going to carry out their global plans by walking to their destination in bare feet, Nike ceased production years ago?

Oil is power, as soon as the general public cannot afford it anymore, companies and infrastructure will grind to a halt, food will be in short demand civil unrest will ensue, people will put pressure on their governments to find energy and keep their patch of turf running oiled up which means invading the country next door to fuel their life as they know it to survive.

27 years till its completely run out, if prices continue to rise globally within the next 10 years life could be altered so dramatically we wouldn't know ourselves, is a very real yet scary scenario.

As I write this, on my laptop (oil played a part in the manufacture of that) with a heater on my feat to keep warm (also manufactured by oil) no its not, its electricity..... and how did they make that power plant? with machinery run on oil at a guess?

The domino effect is set in motion, it is catching up with us quicker than what people would wish to admit, while bunnings can still truck in deck-chairs, they are on special this week, I am going to grab a couple, an electric powered blender grab a front seat on the beach and watch the fireworks show on the horizon.

Remember that really bad movie Kevin Costner did called Waterworld with that last ship filled with oil, how unrealistic is it really? The transition to alternate fuel sources on a global level should have started making a change over 30 years ago, not 5 minutes before the fat lady sings, the fat lady by the way lost 30kg through food shortages before her parting performance!

It really feels like the more technologically advanced we get, the closer we appear to get back to the dark ages.

Thank god I fly kites, one day it may be my only form of transport.

The problem isn't alternatives, its trying to cope with the volume which is going to well and truly F()* the world.

ps. Dear Dubai,

I would really like to come and have a holiday in the Middle East on a battery powered 747!


Pasha Bulker runs aground on Nobbys beach (10 years on, after ships no longer run on diesel) Due to a nuclear reactor breach Newcastle harbor is closed for the next 20,000 years, sorry for any inconvenience and 3 headed locals!

NSW, 44 posts
12 Jun 2008 10:38AM
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Hi Luke,

I couldn't agree with you more, I have a friend that loves to research such things and predicted this years ago, the same with the increase/shortage of food.

There is other forms of energy available but owned/controlled/stolen by the oil companies, they will milk us for every cent from oil first, then possibly only the wealthy will be able to afford the alternatives.

Terrorist's ????????, George Bush and his regime have a lot to answer for, Israel well what can be said about the world terrorist's.

It seems that you read other articles besides been brainwashed by the boob tube.

Don't know if you've ever looked at site like

Sites that give an informed news resource that are not controlled by FOX or the Murdoch Media.

Anyway this is a kite forum not Political

Lets hope the rain eases soon and winds will blow so we can practice our kiting skill for the future of transport

Have a good day

WA, 185 posts
12 Jun 2008 8:48AM
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In years to come I can see the stock exchange.

Electricity will replace oil!

And in financial news, Electricity has reached a new high today of $130 a kilowatt, a global wax shortage has pushed up the price of tea lights to $20.00 a six pack, anybody with Energizer Battery shares is seriously rich and can have the latest ferrari which accelerates from 0-100 in 15 seconds on the new improved battery cells at full speed you will drain your batteries by the end of the street

In other news, the euro steam powered VFT (very fast train) ran out of puff today due to no trees (firewood) left in France, they are expecting a shipment shortly from the Amazon.

The new Airbus A380, with a passenger capacity of 800 people has been cut to a capacity of 200 people (no baggage allowed) to fit the extra battery cells needed to fly from Sydney to Brisbane!

On a happier note, I look forward to flying up the F3 in my kite buggy

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Forums > Land Kiting Buggying

"10 days since my last kite confession" started by Velocity