Forums > Land Kiting Buggying

Funkin Unstrapped

Created by Velocity > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2008
WA, 185 posts
4 Oct 2008 7:47AM
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Some of the footage is old school with some tweaks, some long jumps, big pops and 180 inverted kite buggy freestyle.

Including a new style born from a dream, Unstrapped buggy freestyle first attempts its so new we do not have a name for it, the name for the basic jump is an Axle Grab it is beginning to stick...

What is an Axle Grab, it is a new concept in kite buggy freestyle of jumping without a lap belt. The possibilities are endless....... this is just the beginning!

VIC, 45 posts
7 Oct 2008 5:22PM
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Funkin awesome.

Best freestyle buggier in the country easily.

WA, 185 posts
10 Oct 2008 1:01PM
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Cheers Nas!

How is the manta going?

VIC, 45 posts
10 Oct 2008 6:37PM
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Its had more flying time than anything else in my fleet since I got it actually. I can see it becoming my number one ride in the not too distant future though I am yet to fly it in its upper wind range. Prolly 12-15 knots at the most so far.

F*****g grouse kite.

"Spectacular" was one comment from a local onlooker.

3.5 Cult still sees plenty of air time also. Its like my No. 1 bitch but doesnt have quite the same groupie attracting power as the Manta.

Daylight savings is here now. Bring on those sweet silky summer breezes.


NSW, 44 posts
10 Oct 2008 10:26PM
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Got to agree with you there Nas, Luke certainly is a legend in his own right.

Makes it look so easy too

Been a bit quiet at times on Xk without your witty comments and running commentry

How long have you had the Manta for, still have the Access's


VIC, 45 posts
11 Oct 2008 1:38AM
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...summer breeze... makes me feel fine.... blowin' through the jasmine in my miiinnndddd...

Yo jd you darn tootin officially hooked kite junkie you, Luke just wants badly to be a better buggy pilot than .whatshisname and I guess now he is just really REALLY making sure. Muchos glamourous indeedous.

As for the Manta...had it since Luke sold it to me a month or three ago. And got it cheaper than that 8m he's selling at the moment.

Yep still got the Access 8m.

xk...sounds like an old (spit here->)Ford ....or Holden almost.... (dont forget our new statue of God up on OUR mountain.)

Ah well... Im apparently unbanned sometime near xmas this year.

Ho ho ho,


P.S. The Manta has Chasta scralled across it, maybe we will see a FS Rocketman 12m2. Limited Edition Or something.

WA, 185 posts
11 Oct 2008 5:18AM
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Glad you like the Manta

I am not sure anybody would be dissapointed with that particular model of manta, it surely is a sweet kite, its sad to see people swayed away from a kite like that because they think it will just lift you off the ground all the time, when in the lower wind ranges, its just a fast turning stable awesome buggy engine.

If you like the 10m Nas, the 8 meter I have for sale is even faster and brand spankin new

Good to hear you like the kite!

NSW, 44 posts
11 Oct 2008 10:33AM
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Nas said...
Yo jd you darn tootin officially hooked kite junkie you,

Well just as bad as you mate, and it's good to see you haven't got over you kite buying addiction neither. A 10mtr Manta sound nice Nas, I remember seeing it at Mayday, sweeeet looking one.

Nas said...

Luke just wants badly to be a better buggy pilot than .whatshisname and I guess now he is just really REALLY making sure. Muchos glamourous indeedous.

NO COMMENT, ..... I like the ability to be social on xk, and not out here in isolation.

Nas said...

As for the Manta...had it since Luke sold it to me a month or three ago. And got it cheaper than that 8m he's selling at the moment. ........ Yep still got the Access 8m.

Sounds like room for negotiation there Luke
Which do you prefer the Manta or the Access

Nas said...

Ah well... Im apparently unbanned sometime near xmas this year.

Ah, a Xmas present for Nas, from xk
Be good to have you back, some of the threads need a bit more vigor and vitality
besides I miss you cooking lessons, .... you churned out some nice dishes

Nas said...

maybe we will see a FS Rocketman 12m2. Limited Edition Or something.

Would be nice, I'm sure Luke would agree, ......... wonder if .????

Cheers mate, hope to hear from you somewhere else soon

VIC, 45 posts
11 Oct 2008 12:25PM
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I dunno... 'Isolated' from one online kite forum out of 10 or so..

Not overly significant in the big scheme of things. No great loss of mine and I wont be back.

Stay tuned for an up and coming baby ocky dish. Goes with warm weather and beer.

But I much prefer the Manta over the Access.

I wonder how Mr Glamour Puss is going with his photoshoots. His new found celebrity status will be so far up his alley he will have stars pouring from his eyes and rightly so good on him.

WA, 185 posts
11 Oct 2008 3:24PM
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NSW, 27 posts
11 Oct 2008 10:45PM
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Ha ha haaaa!
Rarely read over here as there is only so much time I will spend looking at a screen outside of work but what can i say.......
Nas we have all missed u mate!
Well at least I did untill I realised it was u that got the 10m Manta u b*st*rd!!!
I'm the one getting the 8m off the legend that is Luke and I know it may be more than u paid but I am sure it worth every cent so don't worry Luke!
Is a shame ur banter is no longer gracing the screens of XK but then I ignore most of the crap over there and just concentrate on using to catch up with a few people and organise who to meet for a fly.
Anyway good to see u r well and buggyiong lots mate so take it easy and am looking forward to reading ur stuff soon
p.s. As already said Luke, top pics, top moves, well done mate, inspiring stuff

VIC, 45 posts
11 Oct 2008 10:54PM
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Gday Happy I always read your stuff. Keep posting,

New I should have got that bloody Manta autographed before he sent it down.

Get it done man.

WA, 185 posts
12 Oct 2008 6:53AM
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The 10 meter manta was a very good deal.

@ HP the 8 meter for the same money is a insane deal if it wasn't for KP having a clearance sale at the moment which gave me no choice but to push the price down I would be selling it for $1100 as its as good as brand new.

Mantas are great kites, but politically incorrect for me to fly them now!

Enuf said :)

NSW, 27 posts
13 Oct 2008 9:46AM
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Hey Luke
No worries mate, you know I know I got a good kite for a good price so all good mate u know!
Looking forward to seeing you Wednesday and getting it
@Nas will be posting a bit over here mate so will see u around!
Take it easy fellas

NSW, 27 posts
13 Oct 2008 9:48AM
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Hey Luke
No worries mate, you know I know I got a good kite for a good price so all good mate u know!
Looking forward to seeing you Wednesday and getting it
@Nas will be posting a bit over here mate so will see u around!
Take it easy fellas

VIC, 45 posts
14 Oct 2008 7:27PM
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Well it looks like a party here so better get some music...

On that we must raise a toast to Mr Glamour Puss for making the homepage of flysurfer dot com.

And another toast for Kevin 'a gift from Heaven' Rudd for splashing out on all us poor impoverished pensioners with a little chrissy bonus. You legend. Gets me verrrrrryyyyy close to a new FS from Santa.

WA, 185 posts
14 Oct 2008 6:01PM
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Ney Nas,


I have high hopes for the Outlaw, I hope to have one soon to put through its paces.

This $$$ situation is concerning for all kite manufacturers. Price rises could be an issue for everybody involved.

Not a good time!

VIC, 45 posts
14 Oct 2008 9:29PM
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Maybe with the outlaw you can get a litttttttle more float, then look at inverting that whole dismount manouvre.

WA, 185 posts
15 Oct 2008 10:56AM
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The Speed II will have a bit more float than the outlaw, but that is because its weapon.

Yes inverted is on the cards, I just need a 15 knot day to do it.

Hopefully soon.

WA, 185 posts
27 Oct 2008 8:39PM
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A couple of shots from the weekend.

Stockton Beach Australia.

NSW, 44 posts
31 Oct 2008 10:03AM
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Hi Luke,

Great shots as usual,
but there is one thing I think you need to invest in a mud guard

To keep that underbelly/logo as clean as possible.

cheers mate

WA, 185 posts
2 Nov 2008 8:44PM
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Mud guard on a freestyle buggy

Thats a novel idea JD :)

I agree, wet sand leaves a hell of a stripe down the pan :)


Forums > Land Kiting Buggying

"Funkin Unstrapped" started by Velocity