This movie is not out to win any art competitions, neither is it supposed to, its an insight into being a rider in a kite buggy while jumping there is none I have come across on the net, I can see why as it does get jumpy in places so I have given the video a breakdown below of what is happening at certain clips in the movie.
The jumpy parts are due to the head checks you have to do on your kite and its position in the air before you leave the ground.
Before you even start down the runway its important to have a game plan on what type of jump you are going to do when you leave the ground. I could be obsessive compulsive as each time I am running up the hill, I check my lap-belt is tight and connected properly and my chicken loop is not twisted and all body limbs are accounted for.
When you are gathering speed you then head check the kite, making sure you don't have a wing tip fold, that your lines are not twisted, that the wind is consistent without any wind sheer before you even think of jumping, and above all else an abort plan.
I have broken the Video down into note form, for anybody interested. If you view it in youtube it should have a "high res option you can click just near the volume control this may help a little bit"
0.24:A recent boost with some decent height off the ground 3rd party perspective, this is approx the same height as the next bit of footage.
0:25 - 0-32:Approx the same jump from on board, you can gauge the height by the sign in the park and the guy in the red jacket (the height you gain depends on the wind strength the important part of this jump is to keep your game face on throughout the jump, very easy to freak out on a big one, like anything the more you do it the easier and more composed you get)
0.35 - 0.42:This was setting up for a reverse 720 you will notice the kite checks in the last 3 seconds (4 of them.... hectic I am actually unaware that I check the kite that many times before a jump, until I saw the footage, safety first I guess)
On a side note, the first rotation happens really fast, at this point your eyes have to catch up, by the beginning of the second rotation it has slowed down somewhat, your eyes re focus on the jump and you can calculate how high off the ground you are.
If you get half way through an extra rotation and feel you are going to land sideways (never preferable) twist your torso in the direction of the jump, your feet will follow, allowing a quick adjustment to land either forwards or backwards.
0:43:You can see the kite redirect (sending it in the opposite direction to give the initial boost)
0:44 - 045:
A clip of what I am actually doing in the air from a 3rd person perspective
0.46 - 0.56The actual rotations in the air (note 0:52-0.53) the shadow effect on the ground from the buggy (wish I got more of that on film)
1:36 - 1:38:First part of a flat jump boost (note the white box with lid on)
1:39:Third person perspective
1:45:Note the white box with no lid tumbling and smashed on the ground, I managed to hit the only bloody object in the entire park, job well done!
2:04 - 2:09Decent boost, slowed down the footage at the top of the jump with the park sign in the back ground, note my head swiveling after sight seeing and spotting my landing to the right where the direction of my front wheel is pointing.
2:20 - 2:30A text book reverse rotation jump really smooth ride away landing, nice if they were all like that.
2.57 - 3:02Reverse launching the S2 12 meter, always easier in stronger winds for a big kite it is extremely nimble in the sky.
3.03 - 3.09Untwist lines this way...... nope it was the other way..... jeeze I thought I could fly
3.11 - 3.16A reverse 360 at speed with a smooth landing
3.21 - 3.24Setting up for a reverse rotation jump again, 3 head checks in the final few seconds, I never take it for granted pre boost that it will be ok, that kind of complacency could have severe repercussions.
3:29 - 3:33A stalled out rotation, as mentioned up the page flick your torso around, I was going to land sideways here (not good) check the following couple of seconds the rotation speeds up again (torso flick) to get the buggy straight for landing.
3:43:Kept this clip till last, pulling into a nice floaty side winder with time to look around at the horizon and then spot a landing.
Its bloody addictive!