Forums > Land Kiting Buggying

One of those days!

Created by Velocity > 9 months ago, 9 Aug 2008
WA, 185 posts
9 Aug 2008 1:24PM
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Went for a fly yesterday with schmik, blowing a gale and very gusty (not my idea of flying at all).

Pulled a brand new Speed II 10 meter out of the bag, put it in the air, redirected the kite and up we went :twisted:

The wind got so gusty and strong we ended up heading down to Long Reef our normal local spot for a session.

Mike had a P3 8 meter up, I put up the 10 meter S2 again, this time the wind was really cranking (live weather reading I saw when I got home said gusts up to 27 knots) very unstable air after a couple of unsuccessful attempts to keep the kites in the air we packed it away for the day, no use in breaking gear even if we were desperate for a fly.

I think the final straw for me was the S2 overflying me, falling back into the window right as a gust hit me and started to re open right in the middle of the powerzone, I pulled the release just in time and the kite floated gently down to the ground.

Its the first time I have ever had to pull the safety. Thanks to FS for such a great system I think it saved me from getting launched on a one way ticket to New Zealand.

Thanks to Mike for managing to snap this photo


Forums > Land Kiting Buggying

"One of those days!" started by Velocity