I just watched the video and think this kite is worth a thread.
The Flexifoil Blurr
From reading information about this kite it appears to be the next level up from the bullet in many ways and Flexifoils alternative to the Ozone Yak. Supposedly much faster than the blade yet with less lift (my personal opinion on the blade especially the 4 meter in 20 plus knots is it is very fast) with that in mind if Flexifoils testing has produced a kite that leaves both the blade and the bullet in its wake, this could be the kite for you.
They have produced the kite with handles as "race kites" appear to be sticking to the formula that works. The kite comes with Flexis new 2008 Prolink 4 line handles also.
They are rating it as an excellent buggy engine, I have yet to see one yet after the video I just watched it looks like a heap of fun and very fast turning.
Colors available are the petrol, rasta or hulk. My personal vote is the new hulk, being a new colour scheme it is easier to distinguish it as a blurr in the sky.
Kites available in 2.5m, 3.5m, 5m and 7m which for a fixed bridal will cover you for just about all wind conditions.
I'll try and get a test run on one asap as I believe there are a few in the country.
If anybody has flown one, it would be great to hear your thoughts.
It will be interesting to see if Flexifoil has come up with a competitive alternative to the twitchy Ozone Yakuza
Cheers V.
Good find Luke,
Certainly is one fast, twitchy kite
Would be nice to try one and read your review after you've tried one
As soon as I get my hands one one for sure JD.
Even thought they are not my style of kite, I think for some speed runs they would go very well.
I spent several hours trying to convince my wife that I needed one (ok 2) of these.......
she's a hard women with no sense of humour when it comes to spending money that she thinks should go to feed our overfed offspring..... and remains unconvinced.
Would've looked good flying on the beach in Phuket next month I thought..... she doesn't agree
Is a new kite worth a divorce .... an honest (not company propoganda) review would certainly help a bloke make an "informed" decision.
C'mon whose flown one..... help a bloke out.......write a reveiw
Jeeze Andy,
In house politics is not one of my specialties.
Personally I think this kite would be ideal for you, Ive seen what you do with a pansh, you flying a Blurr would put an extra rrrrrrr or 5 at the end.
Iv flown a 3.5m blurr. Its marketed as a "race" kite however it didnt have anywhere near the amount of punch one would expect from a true race kite. The blurr is closer to a mid aspect kite, behaviour wise.
It -was- super easy to turn. Too easy I think.
They start at 2.5m and are priced right up there with combats and vampir race kites.
Personally for a race kite I would go combat or vamp.
Stick with the pansh andy, you seem like a panshy kinda guy.
Jeeze Nas
Looks like you have seen the light good for you. Its kinda like cuba in here, I think it had something to do with rockets off the coast, but with more real flying.
I must get a popcorn icon added in here.
in the mean time picture, big bowl!
I wouldn't even be on here today if there was any F()&)(*& wind! Rain and wind, or dry and worst direction and strenght.
Long overdue for a good fly.
well hi there Roc.... er Velocity (Def Lep is coming to town how cool no?) congrats on 100 posts btw. Thought you would have reached that milestone YONKS ago.
I been doing plenty flying, but not today as I have a houseful coming tonight for a nosh up and drinky poos (thats 2 in 3 weeks wow Im a party animal) for one of the lads birthdays so its vaccing, mopping and cooking all arvo. Good day for a big kite though which is a bummer. Might get under the access this arvy for an hour or so after I knock up this chocolate mud cake.
Guantanamo bay... hmm... its a bit like that I spose, and I cant say I like the paint job much either. How long does it take to add a couple or red farking pin stripes?...to me, that place is more like a PL buggy than a high security detention centre...plenty of promise and potential but you simply cant polish a turd..... though I didnt see the light, just a darkness which surfaced among a couple of the heirachy, and when I questioned this I was quickly silenced and locked out. Ah "Y" gens... to, or is it "too" much money, "2" little spelling skills and zero scruples. Ya get that I spose when you live with the folks well into adult life.
So yeah... if ya want a real race kite... the dudes at PKD and Libre have it sorted IMHO.
Keenly waiting to see if the Blurr does live up to it's Hype.
But pricing is pretty high considering you can get a race kite for around the same money.
You are right though, Flexifoil has always been an expensive brand.
Using the Blades as an example, a bloody great kite, but a bloody big price and haven't been up dated in a couple of years either.
Are they trying to compete with the Yakuza as a kite?
I think the whole point of the Blurr is to get as close as they could to a race kite without sacrificing the stability of the kite but while having all he desirable features of a race kite. From all accounts it is a good all round kite without excessive lift.