Forums > Land Kiting Landboarding

across the country

Created by blackskaman > 9 months ago, 20 Nov 2011
22 posts
20 Nov 2011 11:46AM
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I look for information on the story of a guy who crossed Australia from north to south there landboardkite.
He was autonomous with his equipment and realized this event a few years ago. I had found this history on the Internet and I do not manage to find his narrative as well as its photos of the crossing. If you could help me to find this information, I would be most grateful to you for this. This kind of adventure interests me a lot. Cross(go through) hundreds of kilometers, travel through parts of the country, which happiness.
That's right the real adventure.
Thank you

WA, 453 posts
22 Dec 2011 9:58PM
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Ce dont je me rappelle, il a utilise un Flysurfer. C'etait peut etre entre Adelaide et Darwin. Un Allemand je crois.

A plus!


22 posts
4 Feb 2012 11:43AM
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Salut Fver
Pardon pour la réponse tardive mais je n'ai pas pu faire autrement.
Merci pour l'info j'espère qu'elle va m'aider dans mes recherches.
Ce gars à vécu une véritable aventure.
C'est surtout son ingénieux système de mountainboard/trottinette qui m'a interpellé; pour allier pétole et ventilo durant son voyage.
Affaire à suivre donc ...


Forums > Land Kiting Landboarding

"across the country" started by blackskaman