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Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

50mm rims without tig weld?

Created by landyacht > 9 months ago, 9 Aug 2012
WA, 5921 posts
9 Aug 2012 9:11PM
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new member stumcgoo, from scotland sent me a pm regarding making a 50mm rim without tig/mig welding the 2 rims together.
we had discussed the possibility over some beers at 12.30pm in cherreuix.
i thought it would be a good little project to put a piece of rim together and see what it takes to take apart.
i trimmed most of the lip of 2 bits of rimand connected them by riveting some 3mm strips across the join. I would plan on putting 1 between each spoke . .

on the faces to be joined I roughed the surface with the wirebrush then put a thin layer of polyester resin/cotton flock, then layed on a layer of 25mm tape and a layer of 50mm tape to each side with just resin.
when its cured for a few days I plan to clamp 1 edge then hang weight off it until it breaks

WA, 5921 posts
10 Aug 2012 9:31PM
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heres the glassed up test piece, presumably this would be stronger done in epoxy and carbon . my inclination would be to glass the outside of the rim , then lay up the wheel , and do the inside glassing as part of the wheel construction.
my plan now is to cut a ally rinforced section and a un-ally reinforced section and hang some weight off it to see the results. the join surface is 6mm(1/4") so theoretically 100mm length would represent 1"sq so the weight hanging could be expressed as a strain of x psi, ?
any thoughts on that?

WA, 1248 posts
11 Aug 2012 12:07AM
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Paul, the strength of fibre reinforced packaging tape is immense and hold most stuff together, so I would be very surprised if this fiberglass setup is not strong enough. Even with high tyre pressures I reckon it will hold.

I'm guessing 100's of kgs of weight needed????.

The Ag College just got a TIG welder. NICE!!!!![}:)]
So I spent a few hours on it this week repairing aluminium cattle decks in the stock yards.

WA, 5921 posts
11 Aug 2012 7:59PM
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results are IN!!!!!!!
Excuse the change to inches and pounds, its so i can relate all the measurement to PSI and the tyre pressure.
I cut a 4" piece ,with 2 ally strips and loaded it up with 80, then 200lbs of weight and nothing happened!

I then cut a 2" piece with NO strips and nothing happened. my maths says we now have a strain of 400lbs per square inch!!!!!!!!!!

next step is to reduce it to 1" of strip and add the 80lbs. this resulted in a distortion of the rim section of almost 1/8", but no breakage or cracking of the joint

finally I did the 200lbs test, resulting in a further 1/16" deflection, but the thing held up
if my maths is correct thats 800lbs per square inch!!!
I would appreciate if lachlan , in his capacity as an actual engineer, could check my maths.
of course this now begs the question , why bother with the tig weld?
perhaps you could simply wire the 2 rims with some twist wire to hold the shape then just glue/glass/tape after roughing up with a wire wheel

117 posts
11 Aug 2012 8:47PM
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Great test Paul, no wonder the wheels are hanging together!
I'd still stick to tig in centre - bombproof is good, especially with wheel up.
It shows how Vic's idea of the bike rims / glass combo & your experiments as well have really delivered the goods & made these 5s possible & fun & now it looks like we can trust the structure of the wheels.

Good job guys

WA, 1660 posts
11 Aug 2012 10:56PM
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I tried just bonding/glassing the rims together a couple of years ago(they where repairable but a pain in the a#$ to do). They blew apart with heat . So I decider to weld them together and that solved the problem. I think the strips and rivets will work fine.

WA, 5921 posts
12 Aug 2012 9:36PM
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I think the "secret" here might be the use of the the cotton flock as the first layer of material bonding to the roughed up aluminium.
I pulled apart an offcut with plyers and it was really tough to rip off the ally, much tougher than epoxy glue.
cutting through a blob of the stuff with a skinny cutting disc it slows the blade down enough to be noticable.
any other questions stumcgoo

1229 posts
13 Aug 2012 5:41AM
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Just a thought here
How about if the two rims were cut down so the spoke holes were left on each half and then a strip of aluminium flat was rolled around and pop riveted through the spoke holes joining the two parts together ?
A bit of epoxy glue could be used as well under the strip

TAS, 1972 posts
13 Aug 2012 9:52AM
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A little something else to think about.
Would there be any movement, at all, between the Rims (Flex etc) I am just thinking of the rivets at this point. You don't need any movement at all there.
Pop Rivets are a great bit of kit BUT if they start to work loose they are dangerous.. Point in fact. Years ago in NZ a bloke assembled his Hang Glider "A" Frame (Points under Tension) with Large Pop Rivets.. He was very lucky to survive the Crash..[}:)]

WA, 1660 posts
13 Aug 2012 11:17AM
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Sound good Hiko, give it a try.

WA, 5921 posts
13 Aug 2012 8:49PM
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today did the 1/2" peice test, mounting hole is 1/4 so not alot of meat left, and it still supported the 80lb weight just relying on polyester,a little cloth and a surface bond orf resinwith some cotton flock in it.. I think that might be 640psi?
all thats left is to use it to tow the landcruiser!!!!!.
personally I would forgrt the rivets and ally and just do it with cotton.
I will test it with some steel rim as well when time permits, in the meantime I plan to make a complete wheel by the system and race test it.
my tig welder is away in madagasgar so its DIY for a while

WA, 15 posts
14 Aug 2012 6:49AM
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Thanks Landyacht. That looks good enough for me!

177 posts
14 Aug 2012 7:12AM
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Impressive testing ....

WA, 5921 posts
14 Aug 2012 7:02PM
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IPKSA said...

Impressive testing ....

Im blown away by the cotton flock as a mechanical adhesive, its supposed to be even stronger with epoxy. when I read up on it and cabosil ,you start to realize that some of the important names and numbers attached to some products is really just posh names for wood dust or ground cotton fibre or very,very fine sand

The 1/2" test piece hasnt the slightest crack or strain indication after 18hrs of hanging

1229 posts
17 Aug 2012 5:56AM
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Where do you get cotton flock Paul ?
Some times asking for things around here all I get is raised eyebrows even somewhat mundane things

WA, 5921 posts
17 Aug 2012 7:58PM
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Hiko said...

Where do you get cotton flock Paul ?
Some times asking for things around here all I get is raised eyebrows even somewhat mundane things

i just rang my fibreglass supplier.
they supply to industry as well as people like me who only use small quantities.
if you struggle in NZ let me know and i will send a bag to you as it is rather cheap.
the postage will be as much as the cost of the material -----try this one
I googled fibreglass suppliers, dont google cotton flock, unless your into flannelete lingerie!!!!!

1229 posts
19 Aug 2012 6:59PM
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Select to expand quote

i just rang my fibreglass supplier.

Thanks for that I will give the local f/glass supplier a try and do some experimenting

WA, 5921 posts
24 Aug 2012 9:01PM
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I finished the wheel, it came out a bit heavier than my welded rims ,but still lighter than my original domed wheels.
when it came time to balance the took rather a lot of lead bu came up well balanced.
Im looking forward to getting them rolling in september


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"50mm rims without tig weld?" started by landyacht