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Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Joined to build a land yacht.

Created by vjs > 9 months ago, 11 Aug 2010
32 posts
11 Aug 2010 7:41PM
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Hi everybody here! :)

32 posts
11 Aug 2010 7:42PM
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I am new to this but I want to build my own land yacht.
I have done alot of readings here but as I understand each situation is personal.
I want to build something similar to this one:

The questions are as following:

1. The sail - is it just enough to buy the windsurfers sail of appr 5, 5 square meters an use it, or it needs any modifications?

2. The mast - What height should it be the mast in general?
Can it be same height as sail height or should I shorten the windsurfers sail when using windsurfers mast?
If it doesn't fit the windsurfers mast, what diameter and wall thickness should it be of the mast tube? What material is the cheapest to use, alluminium or glassfiber?

32 posts
11 Aug 2010 7:45PM
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3. Tarpaulin polytarp - in some threads I've read that it is pretty common and cheap to use such material for a sail. Is it the same material we are speaking about?

Is it needed heavy duty tarpaulin or is it enough just economy type?

4. The frame - I plan to use an alluminium pipe for the frame. The question is what diameter and what wall thicknes should it be? And what type of alluminium should be used? I am 202 cm tall and 113 kg.

5. The frame - what should be the diameters and wall thickness of the tube if I'll go with steel or stainless steel tubes for the frame?
Won't it be to heavy at all to use the steel tubes?

Thank You in advance for Your answers and ideas.

SA, 2865 posts
11 Aug 2010 9:26PM
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Hello and welcome, Most of the yachts on this forum are built from steel mainly due to cost and availability of the tubes needed, also steel suits the DIY person for welding.
I hope you have had a look at this thread that has the plans and instructions to build a Lake Lefroy Mini Land Yacht, which would make an ideal first yacht, all the bugs have been ironed out and is the culmination of many years of designing and building of land yachts.

32 posts
11 Aug 2010 8:04PM
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Yes, i have read this post. The great one for constructing the land yacht. I was thinking the alluminium frame should be a bit to expensive project.

SA, 2865 posts
11 Aug 2010 9:42PM
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If you were to go the Aluminium path you would need to use a higher grade of material than standard alloy, there have been yachts built from Aluminium scaffold pipe which is a high tensile alloy.
Have a look in the "landyacht register" at a yacht I built many years ago called "Wildfire" this was scaffold pipe and the joins were custom steel clamps that could be adjusted.
The "Manta" yacht was also made from alloy but was aircraft grade used on hang gliders.

WA, 5921 posts
12 Aug 2010 8:48PM
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As a first build I usually suggest the Lake Lefroy Mini as its a simple design with the bugs Ironed out, that uses simple materials,and techniques.
It would fit somebody of your size, your biggest challenge is going to be finding similar materials to adapt.
On this occasion , I would recommend the design again as from the questions youve asked are the most commonly asked ones

32 posts
13 Aug 2010 9:48AM
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Yes, I decided to go with LLF mini project as a sample and as it is quite simple and we get the same result, we sail. :)
I just added 10 cm to each side of rear wheel axle and added 20 cm to the centre spin length as I am 202 cm tall. I hope this is not to bad?

Just to be sure - the mast step angle should be 10 degrees to the cnetre spin (80 degrees from center spin) or ?

Should I use the exact 60x2 mm tube for the mast tube?

What height should it be 25 cm or 30 cm or 50 cm?

May I use same 60x2 mm tube for a centre spin or should I use the 53 or 55 mm tube?

I used 40x40x2 mm RHS for the rear X member and 35x35x2 mm RHS for the rear axle extensions. Not needed such dimensions or it is ok? Or should I change to 35x35x2 mm fot X member and 30x30x2 mm RHS for a rear axle extensions. The reason I choose the bigger dimensions of RHS is my weight 113 kg.

The rear seat support - should it be 45 degrees or 60 degrees?

Most of time it is quite windy up here on the beach. What size of sails should I use for such landyacht if I go with the heavier construction?

WA, 5921 posts
13 Aug 2010 7:04PM
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vjs said...

Yes, I decided to go with LLF mini project as a sample and as it is quite simple and we get the same result, we sail. :)
I just added 10 cm to each side of rear wheel axle and added 20 cm to the centre spin length as I am 202 cm tall. I hope this is not to bad?

Just to be sure - the mast step angle should be 10 degrees to the cnetre spin (80 degrees from center spin) or ?

Should I use the exact 60x2 mm tube for the mast tube?

What height should it be 25 cm or 30 cm or 50 cm?

May I use same 60x2 mm tube for a centre spin or should I use the 53 or 55 mm tube?

I used 40x40x2 mm RHS for the rear X member and 35x35x2 mm RHS for the rear axle extensions. Not needed such dimensions or it is ok? Or should I change to 35x35x2 mm fot X member and 30x30x2 mm RHS for a rear axle extensions. The reason I choose the bigger dimensions of RHS is my weight 113 kg.

The rear seat support - should it be 45 degrees or 60 degrees?

Most of time it is quite windy up here on the beach. What size of sails should I use for such landyacht if I go with the heavier construction?

I wouldnt bother with the extra length or width. you will fit in the yacht , just like TP1 does , and hes slightly taller. The 40x40/35x35 back end should be fine.
If you have plenty of 60x2 i would use that,45 is comfy for a first yacht, especially with your 5m sail

32 posts
13 Aug 2010 7:48PM
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Thank You.
And about the mast - the mast step angle should be 10 degrees to the cnetre spin (80 degrees from center spin) or ?
Sorry for being pesky, but it is better to ask few times instead of making mistakes :)
And sorry for my English, actually I am not from UK. I am from Lithuania, but I did not find my country in the list updating my profile :)

1229 posts
14 Aug 2010 8:05AM
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The mast rake is 10 degrees standard some people use a larger tube size
and flatten it for the mast step so they can experiment with rake angle but 10 degrees works fine My mast step is made to fit the stiffener that goes inside the mast and is 220mm high this gives me a little more height on the mast which is 4600 mm high
I think you will need a sail of at least 4.5 sq M I am 95kg and never use a smaller sail than that
A larger one would be good in lighter winds
You will enjoy the LLF Mini great little yacht
Cheers Hiko

PS just had a look at Lithuania on Google It looks as though you have a fantastic beach for landyachts just south of Klaipeda

32 posts
2 Sep 2010 4:08AM
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Just finished 2 frames:

This Mini is for me

And this one is for my son, with a bit mixed colors :)

With all respect, thanks to Landyacht.

32 posts
2 Sep 2010 4:23AM
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Now it is left the sail work. ****, I hate maths. But only me must do sail cut. Any helpfull links to not make sale to be thrown to trash, please?
This one is 6,4 North sails for 4,6 mast:

And this one is 6,9 for 4,97 mast, but I just got two of 4,6 masts.

Should I shorten it to fit 4,6 mast? Or should i use the mast extension to fit this sail?

32 posts
2 Sep 2010 5:39AM
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One more question:
What distance should be between lower part of sail and frame?

SA, 1622 posts
2 Sep 2010 8:51AM
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I don't think Paul has put a height requirement in the LLF spec, so just make the sail as low as you can without it blocking your vision at all.

1229 posts
2 Sep 2010 1:56PM
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Wow nice job nice looking sails too They deserve special care if you are going to modify them

WA, 5921 posts
2 Sep 2010 5:06PM
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I would work with the blue sail first. you will need to unpick the mast pocket to recut the luff, and reduce the sail area by cutting the bottom off the sail . Aus 230 has recut a similar sail, pehaps he could put up aphoto
i must say Im very impressed with the speed youve built the yachts and the quality look of the finish

32 posts
2 Sep 2010 5:28PM
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My son was pushing me every day, did You do it, did You do it? :) My gf was angry on me I have spent one week in my garage after work :)
The pic from AUS 230 would be very helpful.

32 posts
2 Sep 2010 5:31PM
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Actually I see more problems with the cut of pink sale (the 2nd one) as the shape of it is a bit different. Any cutting scheme would be appreciated :)

32 posts
2 Sep 2010 5:34PM
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Two more questions:
May I use the aluminum handle as a boom?
What diameter of rowlock would be perfect for 52 mm mast?

32 posts
2 Sep 2010 5:40PM
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Should I use the info here to recut the sail?

WA, 6277 posts
2 Sep 2010 11:34PM
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Those frames look awesome! I love the paint job

With your sails, just bear in mind that monofilm (as your lovely newer sails are made from) is harder on a sewing machine than dacron (as most older sails used to be made from).

You may have issues when trying to punch through multiple layers of reinforcing plus monofilm... Some people have done it but go easy, and don't use your gf's expensive machine! (or at least don't do it when she's looking )

Will be interested to see how you go.

32 posts
3 Sep 2010 3:55AM
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:) My gf will be happy, I won't use her machine, I arranged by some guy who will sew the sails :) most important for me is not to mess up with recutting, and, the time - it is not my friend, I can only do some work only one - two hours a day. This is about to have a young gf ;) Women allways need all Your time :)

WA, 2775 posts
3 Sep 2010 7:41AM
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vjs said...
[brWomen allways need all Your time :)

you could always build a third landyacht so your girlfriend isnt left out

WA, 1660 posts
3 Sep 2010 10:05AM
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I cut the sail up the pocket as per pauls sails but only added a bit to the end of the foot on the tushingham sail .It was a simple mod.
The easy sail was a lot more work as it started out as a 7.5m now it is 3.8

32 posts
3 Sep 2010 5:01PM
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sn said...

vjs said...
[brWomen allways need all Your time :)

you could always build a third landyacht so your girlfriend isnt left out

Sure I will, but at first I would like to finish these two :)
Yesterday I messed up with making the seat, wrong measures - thrown out 15 GBP.

32 posts
3 Sep 2010 5:13PM
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aus230 said...


I cut the sail up the pocket as per pauls sails but only added a bit to the end of the foot on the tushingham sail .It was a simple mod.
The easy sail was a lot more work as it started out as a 7.5m now it is 3.8

Thanks for info. I need do recutting of both of my sails as I just have 4,6 mast and we have strong wind most of time. If I'd leave the 6,4 north sail I'd be blown out by wind :)

WA, 5921 posts
3 Sep 2010 9:00PM
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grliynch had this idea, it way be worth considering, just leaving area off the bottom to get your area right , say 4-4.5m

32 posts
5 Sep 2010 3:13AM
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This is very helpful. I think I will use this way of recutting it for the Gun sail (the pink one).

QLD, 208 posts
5 Sep 2010 7:48AM
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I should point out that I haven't actually tried this yet!

32 posts
6 Sep 2010 4:18AM
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Today just finished the Mini of my son.
Here are some pics:

Please come back with the comments.


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Joined to build a land yacht." started by vjs