Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

Must be nuts ,here we go again

Created by aus230 > 9 months ago, 4 Dec 2015
WA, 5921 posts
21 Feb 2016 3:04PM
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vIC , WHAT ARE THE DIMENSIONS OD THE TIMBER IN THE FRAME. i CAME HOME TODAY WITH A 4000X190X40 PIECE of douglas fir(that oregon pine for the boilermakers) and wondered if it wil fit the bill

WA, 1659 posts
24 Mar 2016 7:37AM
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This would be a site to see

WA, 5921 posts
4 Apr 2016 8:56PM
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quik question vic . are the flat corner brackets on top and bottom or just top? cutting flat bar this week
you were asking about tanning the sails. charlotte needed to tan a comicon costume this week so she filled a large pot,10l with eucalypt(torquate) bark which she boiled for 2 hrs then dropped in the cloth, oak for 1 hr then rinse in cold water.I would get a lot o dark jarrah bark, drop it through a mulcher,then boil up in a old bathtub or 44. worked brilliantly for charlotte

WA, 1659 posts
4 Apr 2016 9:03PM
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Hi Paul
I have them top and bottom as I considered it a week point.
Thanks for the big bottle opener it looks sharp

I noticed some nice strait 4"diam jarah and karie trees near my place I am thinking about trying one for a mast

WA, 5921 posts
5 Apr 2016 9:14PM
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ive just gone through the stick you gave me vic,Just how did you manage to build the yacht from that info.(has a virus on the stick too) looks like I'm going to be ringing every couple of days. I should just come back with a pad and tape.plan to start with the timer frame and those brackets.maybe make some own size decisions

2 posts
3 May 2016 3:32PM
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Hey guys,

Nice to be here to discuss with you ! I just want to let you know I yet built it in 2011... at half scale with RC stuff ! Sorry I have to dig in my old computer and I'll send you more pics than my avatar.

Tell me if you even come to France !



WA, 1659 posts
3 May 2016 9:50PM
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Hi Patrick
It was your RC model that I up scaled my plans from.

WA, 1659 posts
20 Jun 2016 8:33AM
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Hi Pete.
Plans progressing on this link, come and join us, the yacht is great fun to build and even more fun to sail.

33 posts
20 Jun 2016 6:07PM
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aus230 said..
This would be a site to see

This photo I my dream exactly Aus- We head down to the beach in a few days


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"Must be nuts ,here we go again" started by aus230