Thought it about time I gave the ski mini a rebuild. Mast has been moved well forward so I can use a 4m sail mid sheeted. Also moved the seating position 100mm forward from last build hoping for better balance. Also now seat is on top of the frame. Looks cleaner and easer to assemble. Wheel base is 1800mm, overall width is 1500mm, (It just fits the 5.6 rope rule). Mast base is 400mm back from the centre of the front wheel. Mast post angle is 15 degrees with + & - adjustment of 5 degrees. Just need to give all the steel bits a repaint this weekend and she will be ready for the beach.
Yes it is a 60 dia tube flattened to fit a 50 dia mast tube inside. Ends up an oval shape approx 50mm x 70mm. The adjustment bolt in the front just pushes the base of the mast back to adjust the rake.
All painted and ready for a sail. Will try out the re-cut Gaastra 4.0m sail tomorrow to see how it fits