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Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

land Sailing four wheels project...said FOUR !

Created by rejdavid > 9 months ago, 16 Feb 2010
6 posts
16 Feb 2010 6:30AM
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Hi guys,
New italian entry I'am , salute you .

So , I'm a sailor , sea and boats , land sailing is new for me but THIS is my idea : four wheels , upwind side of the craft skipper , one hand on main sheet , rudder in the other , like 4 mts long thing , sort of catamaran ? named it .

On date I start search of information and ideas to bring to life such yacht .

Does anybody have already any information to begin with ?

PS. Would you aussie people please be gentle with your slang ? : English is not even my native languaje ( and I appologize for my spelling ) , I post you as good reference sailing brothers...


j murray
SA, 947 posts
16 Feb 2010 9:33AM
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Gidday...... Reg, [ your nick name from me ]

Welcome down under...... I am one of the few four wheelers here in this

forum although my current update has expanded to 6 wheels.

I like that old photo you are displaying historic old photos are always

welcome. There are some very smart minds here and lots of comment and

encouragement will come your way.

We would expect lots of exchange of ideas to occur in the name of the

shared joys of enjoy

WA, 5921 posts
16 Feb 2010 4:10PM
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landyachts like that have been built in the past, but tend to awkward and heavy, and not very efficient.
the modern styles that you see on sites like ours, are often the result of many experiments , and a few failures
for example , here is a 3 seater

on a sandy beach it would probably be better as a 2 seater.
once sailing here is not a lot for a second person to do but hang on tight.
I would not recommend leaning out like in a dinghy as you will fall out
Oh, and welcome to seabreeze

SA, 2865 posts
17 Feb 2010 9:52AM
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Just had to post this pic.... just to inspire some thought

6 posts
17 Feb 2010 7:28AM
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Hi j murray , thanks for your encouragment..
Dear Mr. landyacht , I'am sportsman , for me sailing is not like driving a car , it is a way to feel the ride , wind , sail in front of me , pulling , not only as a the engine of a wheeled (or floating) leaning with my own weight I feel confident interaction with forces , joy at the game I'm playing .

Heaviness is one of the facts I'm trying to solve across this forum and with your help and experience I'm sure we'll find out the better options for such thing .

I learned weight of three wheels yachts is around 25 Kilograms .
A Laser ( sea personal boat ) is around 60 Kg with a sail of 7 sq/m.
What does weight aspect of a land sailing craft have to do with its driveability ? THAT is related to the sail area/mast ? ( in a sea boat you have a keel but in land...)


j murray
SA, 947 posts
17 Feb 2010 11:49AM
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gidday Reg,

a little more along the four wheel thingo

Most people here are using the three wheel diamond shape because

its easy to carry around without trailers, easy and fast to assemble,

its very agile and quick and everyone is doing something similar.

Odd bods, like myself, are into the four wheel as similar to the early

type of yacht. However all of us share and enjoy the thrill of good

performance of wind , sail, building, rolling wheels and testosterone.

Regulation to compete is related to specifications of size.

The tri wheel is easier to comply with, so people stick to the most

used type in this modern day.

There is no real differences, things are common to both. Money

probably dictates the path where one travels.....cheers joe

SA, 2865 posts
17 Feb 2010 8:42PM
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Gherard, when you sail a laser would you knowingly add an extra 25% drag?
This is the same with landyachts drag and friction are a problem at low wind speeds (to get the yacht rolling) the addition of a 4th wheel would only add to the problem.
Joe with his 6wheel buggy has been designed it to sail on out back tracks (so his rear wheels follow the front wheels in the same tracks), a 3 wheel buggy in his case cause problems.
From what im reading in your posts in relation to a 4 wheel yacht it might be like a land based sort of multi hull yacht. where you move accross the yacht on tacking, land sailing is a MUCH faster sport than water sailing and things happen much faster and most often on smaller sailing sites.
With your comment weight of land yachts, the pilot is normally the main weight factor involved with landsailing, When you build a yacht don't sacrifice weight for strength.
If your still thinking 4 wheels have a look at this... it was only a thought and never actually built.

WA, 5921 posts
17 Feb 2010 8:02PM
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have you had any thoughts or ideas yet that you've put down a drawings?

6 posts
18 Feb 2010 6:08AM
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Dear Joe , qualities of the three wheel diamond shape are unquestionable , cannot argue about that . Mine is different approach .

Gizmo , thanks for your drawings (looks like space ship..) and photo was more than a thousand words...OK , agree , weight is problem n° 1 (mark it) . Yes , in fact , in my four wheel yacht projection a land base is included ; multihull shape is first idea glance comes to me and move across the yacht while tacking the only possible way I'm ready to immagine...speed of tacking should be related to area ground to do it then enough time to move across , don't you think ?

OK , here is part of my thoughts .
The four wheels yacht I'm thinking of is to be used in a desert , a spot in SouthAmerica , beside the Pacific Ocean . 3 hundred days a year of at least 18 knots of constant winds spot . The desert I'm talking about is not as flat as the ideal spots land sailing actually use , it is more like hips , holes , some peebles (mainly small) , maybe dunes and hills , some huge hills...and also flat , flat extentions as well . Don't think motocross , but first thing it made me think was suspension fact of the thing . Be back later at this argument .
Rudder : I belive the rudder can be fixed in the rear axle being hold and managed by the stern hand , meaning , drive by moving the stern of the craft first , as in a boat...
Plan drawings (my side..) in the following days . Meantime feed back please

6 posts
18 Feb 2010 6:10AM
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Dear Joe , qualities of the three wheel diamond shape are unquestionable , cannot argue about that . Mine is different approach .

Gizmo , thanks for your drawings (looks like space ship..) and photo was more than a thousand words...OK , agree , weight is problem n° 1 (mark it) . Yes , in fact , in my four wheel yacht projection a land base is included ; multihull shape is first idea glance comes to me and move across the yacht while tacking the only possible way I'm ready to immagine...speed of tacking should be related to area ground to do it then enough time to move across , don't you think ?

OK , here is part of my thoughts .
The four wheels yacht I'm thinking of is to be used in a desert , a spot in SouthAmerica , beside the Pacific Ocean . 3 hundred days a year of at least 18 knots of constant winds spot . The desert I'm talking about is not as flat as the ideal spots land sailing actually use , it is more like hips , holes , some peebles (mainly small) , maybe dunes and hills , some huge hills...and also flat , flat extentions as well . Don't think motocross , but first thing it made me think was suspension fact of the thing . Be back later at this argument .
Rudder : I belive the rudder can be fixed in the rear axle being hold and managed by the stern hand , meaning , drive by moving the stern of the craft first , as in a boat...
Plan drawings (my side..) in the following days . Meantime feed back please

6 posts
18 Feb 2010 6:10AM
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Dear Joe , qualities of the three wheel diamond shape are unquestionable , cannot argue about that . Mine is different approach .

Gizmo , thanks for your drawings (looks like space ship..) and photo was more than a thousand words...OK , agree , weight is problem n° 1 (mark it) . Yes , in fact , in my four wheel yacht projection a land base is included ; multihull shape is first idea glance comes to me and move across the yacht while tacking the only possible way I'm ready to immagine...speed of tacking should be related to area ground to do it then enough time to move across , don't you think ?

OK , here is part of my thoughts .
The four wheels yacht I'm thinking of is to be used in a desert , a spot in SouthAmerica , beside the Pacific Ocean . 3 hundred days a year of at least 18 knots of constant winds spot . The desert I'm talking about is not as flat as the ideal spots land sailing actually use , it is more like hips , holes , some peebles (mainly small) , maybe dunes and hills , some huge hills...and also flat , flat extentions as well . Don't think motocross , but first thing it made me think was suspension fact of the thing . Be back later at this argument .
Rudder : I belive the rudder can be fixed in the rear axle being hold and managed by the stern hand , meaning , drive by moving the stern of the craft first , as in a boat...
Plan drawings (my side..) in the following days . Meantime feed back please

6 posts
18 Feb 2010 6:37AM
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Oops , last posted..

Check hands .

WA, 5921 posts
18 Feb 2010 4:05PM
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a lesson learnt the hard way with blood and pain. On land steer from the front
think of trying to drive a fork lift really fast
from the terrain youve described . i would suggest sitting down and seat belting up.
. you just cant sail on land properly or safely if you are hanging onto something at the same time. the sideways forces can be really strong. on our 3 seater we have installed a 3 point seatbelt to stop passengers shooting out the side.
for cross country work you will need to think carefully about lightweight suspension, and how it will effect the yacht when sailing. weight is going to be very critical in the whole design


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"land Sailing four wheels project...said FOUR !" started by rejdavid