Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

land yacht wheels

Created by ferg69 > 9 months ago, 9 Sep 2015
7 posts
9 Sep 2015 9:38AM
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Hi All, new to this site. I am hoping for some help on off the shelf large diameter wheels for a land yacht my son & i are building. I bought a set of 2 piece aluminium wheels from David Rose in adelaide some years ago if any body has any info or can guide me it would be appreciated.

cheers Ferg

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
9 Sep 2015 5:24PM
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Some info on your wheels with pictures would help us help you! In the mean time read further in the construction pages as there are a few pages devoted to wheels!

WA, 5921 posts
9 Sep 2015 8:44PM
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theres no off the shelf products as such. so we simply build them
some newer stuff here further down the page
the wheels you have are probably 20" or 24" but would need to see some pics. weare using a range of wheels these days as there are some great tyres on the market now, and its getting better. lots of questions welcome

7 posts
17 Sep 2015 9:06AM
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Thanks guys, ill read some more & up load some pics off wheels soon


WA, 5921 posts
17 Sep 2015 11:49AM
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do keep in mind to make your foot area where you will steer comfortably wide enough. I make my foot pedals 300mm wide ,but you need the seet at about 350, even 400 when you add feet .
also ,if its a class 5 make sure the front of the seat is behind the mast, and the overall length( centre of front wheel axle to rear of seat) is under 3500mm

7 posts
18 Sep 2015 6:27AM
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7 posts
22 Sep 2015 4:20PM
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does any one know where i can get these wheels, there seamed to be allot in adelaide in the day but know one seems to no where they came from.

Cheers Ferg

ps. not the gold wheel


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"land yacht wheels" started by ferg69