Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

sail assisted electric trike

Created by jteevins > 9 months ago, 11 Oct 2016
1 posts
11 Oct 2016 7:08PM
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i have a big heavy three wheeled electric trike and i want to add sail assisted power. i see most land sailing is about speed. i just need enough intermitent assist to replace the easy going pedal required to basically double my travel/distance efficiency. the trike rolls like a dream once moving and with the extra batteries i can travel an impressively long time...but inclines draw alot of power quick from my system and yet if i pedal even gently the strain is greatly reduced.
so i have had it in my head to add land sails and am finally ready to make the attempt. my hope is that i can rig it up via my riders seat post and the frame just before the front forks. i really dont know what sail/mast would be best for my needs. one thing for sure whatever it is i need to be able to drop sail fast cuz i where i travel the wind can get mighty powerful. i have seen a sort of bag/kite sail on the fron of a fellows land cart but it was very limited in useage. i also need to know if i can lower the mast for when i am in city or if these sail masts pretty much need to stay up or be disassembled. i am convinced that with just a little regular wind assistance my trike can travel the transcanadian trailways like a dream. if anyine could assit in clarifying the reality of my needs please do. this has been a long time coming kind of dream. hope to hear form you soon as i want to get my work done this winter and be ready to roll away in the spring.

WA, 1660 posts
11 Oct 2016 10:07PM
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Hi , this may sound silly but a gaff rig similar to my Bleriot may be what you need, it can be lowered or raised in around a minute , The front rope is released and the gaff lowers onto the boom ,a bit of lashing around the sail, no need to remove anything (does not need to be as big as this)

WA, 5921 posts
12 Oct 2016 8:09PM
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get a pic up of your machine,and lets see whats possible


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing Construction

"sail assisted electric trike" started by jteevins