Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

Sandgropers 2014/15 season

Created by aus230 > 9 months ago, 3 Sep 2014
WA, 1659 posts
19 Mar 2015 9:24PM
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I have been away a bit lately here are the results fot the club88/class5 handicap day for the 8th March

WA, 1659 posts
19 Mar 2015 9:40PM
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Club Championship Day for Class5 . 15.03.2015.

Great days racing with a steady wind, we were worried that the cyclone may have put to much water on the lake. It ended up dry and a perfect surface for racing.
Some of the new sailors are realy starting to fly and take some catching. Plil is giving me a hard time in Paul's old yacht. Jay is really flying


1st Vic AUS230
2nd Phil AUS31
3rd Jay AUS103

Some old pics from days gone by

WA, 1659 posts
26 Mar 2015 10:53PM
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Club88/Class5 handicap 22.03.2015 results
1st James AUS27
2nd Jay AUS103
3rd Ewen AUS199

WA, 1659 posts
30 Mar 2015 11:42AM
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3rd Class5 Club Championship day.

Great days racing with a good fleet of class5 plus mini.
The wind held all day so we managed to complete all races, Ron set a fast course due to light wind conditions. Race positions varied as we tried to establish a bit of a handicap for the 26"wheel yachts. I think we managed to get the distance as all yachts were mixing it up in the last lap.(made for some great racing. Phil ended up winner at the end of the day. Thanks all for helping set up and packing up at the end of the day.
Next Sunday is an open day so anyone interested in land sailing come down and give it a try.

Race results Class5
1st Phil AUS31
2nd Vic AUS230
3rd Jay AUS103

5.6 Mini
1st Vic AUS230
2nd Merve AUS1
3rd Barry P AUS4

My mate Crazy Trav at Lake Lefroy a couple years ago (land yachts are not supposed to fly)

Phil pretty excited

Class5 Results

5.6 Results

Test pilot 1
WA, 1430 posts
30 Mar 2015 3:52PM
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My mate Crazy Trav at Lake Lefroy a couple years ago (land yachts are not supposed to fly)

Yeah Vic, it's amazing how liberating a bit of alcohol is, especially on a cold dark night when the soft cox have turned out the lights

WA, 1659 posts
7 Apr 2015 6:32PM
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Last Sunday the gropers had an open day, with quite a few visitors and the camera club coming down for a sail, I think everyone enjoyed themselves. A past member Peter Le Scelle supplied me some pics from a few years ago. I will post some. Next weekend is the last of the club championship days for this season.
Vic AUS230

WA, 1659 posts
16 Apr 2015 3:28PM
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Last Sunday was the last club championship day for the season. Strong gusty winds were the order of the day which made for some exciting races , a few capsizes and Jay breaking a back axle was the result .


1st Vic AUS230

2nd Don AUS5

3rd Phil AUS31


mini 5.6

days gone by

a day at lake lefroy

and some hot stuff

WA, 1659 posts
20 Apr 2015 10:06PM
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Club88 class5 handicap 19.04.1015

1st Howard AUS23

2nd Marl AUS32

3rd Jay AUS103

Season is fast drawing to a close with the last Class5/ 5.6 scratch race next weekend and the final handicap race the weekend after


on the line

nice sails

lefroy boys couple of years ago

WA, 1659 posts
7 May 2015 10:47PM
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Well a great season for the Sandgropers has finally come to an end. We had a very successful State championship in combination with the Blokart club. I don,t think there was a day during the season that we did not get all races completed . Thanks everyone from the club for there help during the season. We have the AGM to look foward to on the 12th June and our yearly visit to Lake Lefroy at the end of September. We are in the process of planing a great season for next year

5.6 Mini Results

Club88 Handycap

Class5 Scratch

Early Morning at Sandgropers venue (Lake Walyungup)

Last day of sailing

WA, 1659 posts
12 May 2015 10:49AM
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Yachts blasting around nth/east marker at Lake Waylungup, (not the best quality had the wrong setting on camera)

WA, 1659 posts
19 Jun 2015 12:59AM
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End of a great season. We had a great night at the Vernon Arms Tavern . Baldivis.

The office bearers where elected after the Agm.

Commodore, Vic AUS230
Vice Commodore , Adam. AUS12
Secretary Barry M. AUS16
Treasure Howard. AUS23

This was followed by several presentations for folks that helped through, (many thanks to them, much appreciated)

There where two special awards to long standing members.
Ron K for 20 years continuous membership to the club.
Merve S with 30 years continuous membership to the club. Well done guys, Dam long time.

Club Trophy Presentation

Mini 5.6
1st Barry P AUS4
2nd Vic AUS230

Club88/class5 Handicap
1st Jay AUS103
2nd Don AUS5
3rd James AUS27

Class5 Scratch
1st Vic. AUS230
2nd Barry P. AUS4
3rd Howard AUS23

Club Champion
Vic AUS230

Our next sailing day will be at Lake Lefroy at the end of September. Thanks for the help during the year everyone. Take care and see you all at the next club meeting at Falcon


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"Sandgropers 2014/15 season" started by aus230