Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

Sandgropers 2019-20 season

Created by aus230 > 9 months ago, 20 Nov 2019
WA, 1659 posts
20 Nov 2019 8:00PM
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The season started , not a lot of yachts attending the first scratch meeting, The winds were a bit on and off that made for interesting racing, all in all everyone enjoyed the day.

1st Vic aus230
2nd Jay aus103
3rd Howard aus12

5.6 mini
1st Vic aus230
2nd Ben aus19 Ben traveled from Kalgoorlie to attend the meeting, well done Ben
3rd Alex ? Alex is in his second season and is getting to be a very good competitive sailor

WA, 1659 posts
27 Nov 2019 9:40AM
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The first handy cap meeting was held last sunday, The wind was strong and so the sailing was fast.
1st Jay AUS103
2nd Don AUS5
2rd Ron AUS173

MINI 5.6
1st Ron AUS173
2nd Merv AUS1
3rd Alex AUS6

WA, 1659 posts
2 Dec 2019 7:50PM
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Great day sailing, The Fremantle Doctor slept in and didnt grace us till about 1.30.. Wind was not strong around 15-18kn so the big wheel class 5's were in there prime. 88's in those conditions didnt stand a chance. But as per discussion at the AGM they were held back 45sec at start. Some competitive racing was had with Jay Don and Adam with constant lead changes on there 88's
1st Jay AUS103
2nd Don AUS5
3rd Vic AUS230

5.6 Mini
1st Ron AUS103
2nd Vic AUS230
3rd Alex AUS6

WA, 261 posts
2 Dec 2019 9:07PM
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Was a great day sailing.

WA, 1659 posts
6 Dec 2019 9:19AM
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need to take paint off rims before bonding fiberglass.

WA, 700 posts
12 Jan 2020 9:57AM
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February 12 is Handicap race day, sea breeze due early so expect a few sails up before 12 for shakedown run

WA, 700 posts
24 Feb 2020 9:00PM
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Regatta to be held 29Feb/1March at Lake Walyungup. Class5, Club 88, mini and blokart all in event. Pilots meeting 11am both days

WA, 700 posts
5 Mar 2020 9:36AM
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some of the footage

WA, 700 posts
25 Mar 2020 9:10PM
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Season called off due to the pandemic. Have to hang out for November now


Forums > Land Yacht Sailing   Events & Competitions

"Sandgropers 2019-20 season" started by aus230